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Wht Phew Research center did not take samples from Malysia and Bangladesh. They might had a startling revelation or they might already had and hid it.
Dear sir of Highest Honor , I was merely pointing you towards article . Not being Defensive . I would like you to comment on article . Otherwise one by one religious trolls would take over and the thread would become a troll fest rather than a meaningful discussion .

Apart from your weak attempts to moderate, what meaningful discussion have you brought to this thread.

The article is about the fickle-minded assumptions of some illiterate people, in what way am I not replying to it by dispelling the pre-concieved notions that they exhibit.
Wht Phew Research center did not take samples from Malysia and Bangladesh. They might had a startling revelation or they might already had and hid it.

They obviously dont have the time/resources to take it from all 50+ Muslim majority countries.

However, if the claim that you are trying to make is that they are trying to portray the Muslims as extremist, then you are wrong because they have liberal countries like Turkey/Lebanon in that list as well as moderate countries like Indonesia. I highly doubt the Bangladeshi or Malaysian public are more liberal and free-thinking than Turkey/Lebanon. At least Turkey and Lebanon are much more sane compared to the extremist views in Eqypt/Pakistan/Jordan.
...According to these people, if my parents happened to be Muslim and I was born into a Muslim family, but wanted to change religion or did not believe in Allah any more, than I should be killed. That is pretty extreme.
A sad fact that ignorance has become so widespread. This is a clear case of democracy afaik going against the shari3ah, except in specific cases. One more evidence that the dispensation of justice cannot be left to a government by the mob, oops the demos.

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