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8000 Uzbek, Chechen and Arabs " shifted to Syria" TTP

MIRAMSHAH: As the government team prepares for another meeting with the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), many of the foreign militants based in and around North Waziristan feel they are facing an uncertain future and are not only seeking assurances from their hosts but are also weighing options for moving out to others places, like Afghanistan and Syria, to continue their ‘jihad’.

This emerged during a series of interviews conducted by this corespondent with scores of foreign militants, mainly around North Waziristan, on getting exclusive access to various groups and to some of the most wanted fugitives in the country.

“Most of us do not think that the talks would succeed. But if there is give and take from both sides then we fear the government would try to isolate us. Our hosts did take us into confidence before the talks started, but we feel the government would put them in a tight spot and their options may be limited,” said Azzaam, a senior member of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU).

But some of the foreign militants also see the developments as an opportunity.

“Jihad is not restricted to a single land. We have the flexibility to move around. At the moment most brothers realise that one of the noblest jihadi fronts is Syria,” said Sheikh Abdul Salam, a Saudi national based here.

“Iran is one of the belligerents in the blessed land of Syria and it is right next to Pakistan,” he said, while arguing about the “importance” of dragging Iran into a direct confrontation with Pakistan.

Another Arab fighter in Mir Ali Bazaar said he was interested in moving to Syria, but added that he had been unable to make arrangements to shift along with his large family.

“My mother’s condition makes it difficult for me to pursue the difficult land route. Perhaps as part of the talks, if the government of Pakistan provides us with a safe passage then a number of people in a situation similar to mine could fly out,” he said.

At the same time, a member of the TTP shura claimed that a large number of foreign fighters had already left. “I can tell you that 8,000 mujahideen, mostly Arabs, Chechens and Uzbeks, have shifted to Syria,” he said.

When cross-questioned about the big figure, he asserted that he was speaking with knowledge and authority. He pointed out that almost all of them had taken the land route while sneaking through Iran where a number of them have been arrested.

It’s difficult to verify this figure, and it is not clear how many more foreign militants are still holed up in North Waziristan and other parts of the tribal territory.

When asked about the issue of foreign fighters, TTP spokesman Shahidullah Shahid was reluctant to talk on the subject. “We are holding talks with the government with all sincerity and we hope for a positive outcome that is in the interest of Islam and Pakistan,” he said.

While Afghanistan would seem as the more convenient place to shift, many of the foreign fighters have their sight on Syria. “There are many sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) about the virtues of Syria, so naturally many of the mujahideen look that way,” said Khalid Saif al-Muhajir, TTP’s head of media.

But the Saudi national, Sheikh Abdul Salam, points out another aspect. “It is not about which land is easy for us to relocate to. You have to look at it strategically. The next big fight across many Muslim lands would be between us and the Rawafidh,” he said, using a pejorative term to describe Shias.

In the meantime, for those foreign fighters choosing to stay in Pakistan, there is help on offer from another front – the staunchly sectarian Lashkar-i-i-Jhangvi. “All these people have left their lands for jihad. We cannot betray them. If the government tries to make things difficult for these mujahideen then they will find us standing by them,” said a member of the Lashkar-i-Jhangvi who features on the list of most wanted militants in Pakistan.
not 8000 its a lie maan ...total TTP members strength is of 10000 u mean only 2 thousand are local Taliban??

TTP lying and exaggerating as usual
Syrian war front is a dead end, these foreign fighters will soon be coming back to Pakistan.

I dont get the peace talks? is it to make the TTP leave Pakistan alone and go fight somewhere else? that is kind of self centered hypocrisy.

Why provide safe santuary and training facilities so that the poison can be spread elsewhere in the neighborhood?
Syrian war front is a dead end, these foreign fighters will soon be coming back to Pakistan.

I dont get the peace talks? is it to make the TTP leave Pakistan alone and go fight somewhere else? that is kind of self centered hypocrisy.

Why provide safe santuary and training facilities so that the poison can be spread elsewhere in the neighborhood?
So whats wrong with it every country do these things for its national interest .. like saudis Intelligence do the same they send the hardcore to different place to do whatever they want to as long as they are not doing bad stuff inside saudia similarly with India they use to send hardcore Tamil terrorist into srilanka in order to keep its turf save from them
Negotiations are happening now. But these fighters are having their presence from a long time. Isnt it the responsibility of the intel agencies to counter it or atleast inform the government so that the government would ask the respective countries to keep their house in order?

Government has been told repeatedly about foreign involvement in Baluchistan and elsewhere but it is another thing that both the previous government of Zardari and now Nawaz have displayed a treacherous silence over the issue.
So whats wrong with it every country do these things for its national interest .. like saudis Intelligence do the same they send the hardcore to different place to do whatever they want to as long as they are not doing bad stuff inside saudia similarly with India they use to send hardcore Tamil terrorist into srilanka in order to keep its turf save from them
because actions have reactions and it comes back to bite, dont expect the victim countries to blame the ttp - they will blame pakistan.

just like how iran, afghanistan, china, india and US is telling pakistan to control its jihadi elements and prevent them from crossing into other countries.

It is construed as an act of war or a state sponsor of terrorism when terrorists use one country as a base to go fight in other countries.

what pakistan should do is convince the ttp to give up arms unilaterally and go back to their own countries and not to spread its own poison all over the neighborhood.

withdraw all govt, PA and ISI support to all factions of the taliban, haqqanis, the sectarian terrorists, the kashmiri jihadis - and not be selective about it.

LTTE had no business in India, While the saudis are funding terrorist groups all over the world, doesnt mean that u also should follow the saudi model.
Government has been told repeatedly about foreign involvement in Baluchistan and elsewhere but it is another thing that both the previous government of Zardari and now Nawaz have displayed a treacherous silence over the issue.

Why? Any reason according to you?
because actions have reactions and it comes back to bite, dont expect the victim countries to blame the ttp - they will blame pakistan.

just like how iran, afghanistan, china, india and US is telling pakistan to control its jihadi elements and prevent them from crossing into other countries.

It is construed as an act of war or a state sponsor of terrorism when terrorists use one country as a base to go fight in other countries.

what pakistan should do is convince the ttp to give up arms unilaterally and go back to their own countries and not to spread its own poison all over the neighborhood.

withdraw all govt, PA and ISI support to all factions of the taliban, haqqanis, the sectarian terrorists, the kashmiri jihadis - and not be selective about it.
so in that case will india stop supporting Nothern Aliance terrorists?? or Baloch Terrorists ?? where are the proof that ISI or PA support Haqqani talibs or Kashmiri freedom fighters as far as i know Haqqanis are in paktia and Paktika and khost in Afghanistan not in Pakistan and from the past 2 monts 60 something freedom fighters who embrased shahadat are local Kashmiris from sopore or other parts of indian held kashmir nothing to do with Pakistan. and as far as blaming other countries from where the jehadis come to Pakistan should Pakistan starts blaming Uzbekistan or Russia coz in chechnia russians are in power why are they not stoping Chechen fighters who are arriving in NWA
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Govt. has already entrusted the matter of TTP to APC committee, this means every single Pakistani is represented, via one or other party.
I don't see reason to blame govt. alone, on this issue, any more.
As far army is concerned, actions are not dependent on over night decisions of politicians.
There has to be credible information of TTP location, and to get this info. it require years of intelligence..... this is why Indians and sect. of 35% are not happy with ISI, all the time.

True however ultimately its the government who will make the final call whether to strike or continue with dialogue.
so in that case will india stop supporting Nothern Aliance terrorists?? or Baloch Terrorists ?? where are the proof that ISI or PA support Haqqani talibs or Kashmiri freedom fighters as far as i know Haqqanis are in paktia and Paktika and khost in Afghanistan not in Pakistan and from the past 2 monts 60 something freedom fighters who embrased shahadat are local Kashmiris from sopore or other parts of indian held kashmir nothing to do with Pakistan. and as far as blaming the other countries from where the jehadis come should Pakistan starts blaming Uzbekistan or Russia coz in chechnia russians are in power why are they not stoping Chechen fighters who are coming in NWA

stick to topic which is ttp, or foriegn fighters migrating out of pakistan.

sure, you can blame russia and chechnya and tell them to prevent their nationals from coming to pakistan. also the fighters come to pakistan for the training, they become terrorists in pakistan.

why is pakistan not doing it? why is pakistan trying to push the issue under the rug or act as if its unaware?

You are just being naive if u deny about haqqanis, or kashmiri jihadis or the taliban in pakistan.....there are thousands of articles on it, and I can throw a couple of hundred of them here if u want.

The basic point is, jihadis from pakistan are now going to fight in syria and they are citing the reason for that is the peace talks - so what are the peace talks all about? that makes thousands of jihadis to go fight somewhere else?

dont expect countries to not blame pakistan for it - just like what iran and afghanistan are doing.

It would be better to use the peace talks to end jihadi elements rather than push them somewhere else - because the countries who are being affected by it will push back and will be unforgiving.
because actions have reactions and it comes back to bite, dont expect the victim countries to blame the ttp - they will blame pakistan.

just like how iran, afghanistan, china, india and US is telling pakistan to control its jihadi elements and prevent them from crossing into other countries.

It is construed as an act of war or a state sponsor of terrorism when terrorists use one country as a base to go fight in other countries.

what pakistan should do is convince the ttp to give up arms unilaterally and go back to their own countries and not to spread its own poison all over the neighborhood.

withdraw all govt, PA and ISI support to all factions of the taliban, haqqanis, the sectarian terrorists, the kashmiri jihadis - and not be selective about it.

LTTE had no business in India, While the saudis are funding terrorist groups all over the world, doesnt mean that u also should follow the saudi model.
And secondly 18 training camps of LTTE in tamilnadu in early 80s and ur saying They had no business in india how ignorant of u Typical bhania mind set blame other when some blames u, u people starts crying thats not how brave nation act thay take it on a chin buddy
These fighters will come back, more motivated than ever, to kill Shiites inside Pakistan.
stick to topic which is ttp, or foriegn fighters migrating out of pakistan.

sure, you can blame russia and chechnya and tell them to prevent their nationals from coming to pakistan. also the fighters come to pakistan for the training, they become terrorists in pakistan.

why is pakistan not doing it? why is pakistan trying to push the issue under the rug or act as if its unaware?

You are just being naive if u deny about haqqanis, or kashmiri jihadis or the taliban in pakistan.....there are thousands of articles on it, and I can throw a couple of hundred of them here if u want.

The basic point is, jihadis from pakistan are now going to fight in syria and they are citing the reason for that is the peace talks - so what are the peace talks all about? that makes thousands of jihadis to go fight somewhere else?

dont expect countries to not blame pakistan for it - just like what iran and afghanistan are doing.

It would be better to use the peace talks to end jihadi elements rather than push them somewhere else - because the countries who are being affected by it will push back and will be unforgiving.
so in that case we have nothing to do with it syria should sue Uzbekistan and Checnia or some Arab countries coz its the citizen of these countries that are participating in syrian war ... name any mehsud or waziri pathan who are actively involved in syrian war?? if any pushtoon from waziristan is involved in syrian war then they should blame Pakistan otherwise we dont give a F**k who is fighting there and who is not .. stoping uzbek and chechen and arab fighters is not our JOB
And secondly 18 training camps of LTTE in tamilnadu in early 80s and ur saying They had no business in india how ignorant of u Typical bhania mind set blame other when some blames u, u people starts crying thats not how brave nation act thay take it on a chin buddy
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