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8 killed, 12 injured as Karachi violence continues

Political violence in Karachi kills 43

KARACHI - At least 43 people have been killed in political violence in Pakistan's southern port city of Karachi during the last 18 days, officials said as they announced the arrest of 11 suspects.
"We can confirm that as many as 43 people had been the victims of targeted killings in Karachi during the last 18 days," interior minister Rehman Malik told in a press conference.
"We have arrested 11 men suspected of involvement in the targeted killings."
"There is a conspiracy going on against Pakistan to destabilise it, but I can't share the evidence at the moment," Malik added.
"Criminal elements could be almost present in all political parties and action will be taken across the board against them."
The unrest comes amid heightened tensions between the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), which represents Urdu-speakers originally from India, and the Awami National Party (ANP), backed by Pashto-speakers from Pakistan's northwest.
The MQM and the ANP are partners in the Pakistan People's Party-led coalition that rules the southern province of Sindh, of which Karachi is the capital.
Sindh Chief minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah confirmed the number of victims and said they included members of different political groups.
"Some 43 innocent people have been gunned down since March 10, which included the activists of various political parties," said Shah.
Political violence in Karachi reached its highest level for years in 2010, with 85 people killed after a lawmaker was shot dead in August and more than 70 killed in October on the eve of the vote to elect the MP's successor.
Another 17 people were shot dead in Karachi, Pakistan's largest city and commercial capital, in January this year.
The city is also plagued by ethnic and sectarian killings, crime and kidnappings.

Political violence in Karachi kills 43 | Pakistan Today | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia
Fighting for areas like dogs do .... Innocent civilians are getting killed like ants . sometime i really want to leave the city ... :sick:
I dont know whether GOI will entertain pakistan or not... but they have done great job in Mumbai to counter gangsters.

sorry for the inconvenience... but this are all latest news in the month of january to june.. however u can check the link

I read the newspaper daily. The violence in Karachi is getting out of control from Police. Few parties asked for 'army operation' as well, but criticized the army's intervention.
I read the newspaper daily. The violence in Karachi is getting out of control from Police. Few parties asked for 'army operation' as well, but criticized the army's intervention.

Rangers claim they can stop target killings in one month

As the authorities struggle to contain the frequent outbreaks of target killings in Karachi, paramilitary forces have made a strong-worded offer to the government: Give us one new helicopter, 800 bulletproof jackets and a free hand in the city, and we will eliminate the phenomenon within one month.
The Pakistan Rangers Sindh is said to have been long denied by the government the required resources to combat the alarming violence in Karachi –– which has meant that the paramilitary force’s success in controlling target killings in Karachi has been minimal.
The force is facing financial troubles and requires close to half a billion rupees and a new helicopter to replace its old one, which was grounded last month.
Official documents available with The Express Tribune reveal that this offer was made by the brass of the Pakistan Rangers during a closed-door briefing given to a parliamentary body which had visited Karachi. The meeting was said to have been called to discuss the issue of target killing, and deputy director-general (DDG) of the Rangers briefed the parliamentary panel on the overall law and order situation.
“If the government of Sindh gives us free hand, we can stop the situation of targeted killing within one month,” a determined DDG Rangers was said to have claimed in the meeting, adding that the force was facing serious shortage of required resources and equipment.
The parliamentary committee has now brought this offer into the notice of interior ministry which is the controlling authority at the federal level.
“For us, this is not an impossible mission to pull off,” the parliamentarians were told.
According to sources, the government had long ignored requests by the paramilitary force for equipment and funding to combat target killings as well as the several mafias operating in the city. In addition, law-enforcers have also complained about political expediencies playing havoc with efforts to control the city’s law and order situation.
Now, the sources said, the Rangers authorities had now formally told the government that it could eliminate targeted killings if it were given what it needs – most importantly a ‘free hand’.
However, the sources said, there was little hope that interior ministry would give a free hand to the force keeping political interests in view. One source, who was present in the meeting, said that not a single member of the parliamentary body seemed to be too enthusiastic about the Rangers’ offer.
Published in The Express Tribune, April 20th, 2011.

Political violence in Karachi kills 43 | Pakistan Today | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia
But they are not given with full powers.

what do u think.. where is the weaknesses or loopholes...why they are not giving them full support and power ?? because a city like karachi cannot be keep hostages to such insane violence.
what do u think.. where is the weaknesses or loopholes...why they are not giving them full support and power ?? because a city like karachi cannot be keep hostages to such insane violence.

I am telling you a secret for karachi violence. Our mullah says that keep reproducing children, being Gift from allah, and our population is increasing drastically. Therefore, ministry of population requested Rehman Malik not to take serious note of Karachi killing. Now I am going to sleep see you tomorrow.

I never claimed Delhi is safe and plus also Delhi is not all there is to India. I said the part of India where I AM FROM women are safe! Even if she just shouts 'help help' there will 100s people ready to be her brothers. :)

I like how the news is 'Is the city safe for women?' but thread became 'Are Indian cities safe for women?' lool :)
I am telling you a secret for karachi violence. Our mullah says that keep reproducing children, being Gift from allah, and our population is increasing drastically. Therefore, ministry of population requested Rehman Malik not to take serious note of Karachi killing. Now I am going to sleep see you tomorrow.

yaa bye..be safe and take a good sleep... sorry for any reason if I have offended you..
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