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73 killed as Maoists ambush CRPF team

I am a vigorous supporter of them !!!
Do never give up your guns and fight for the poor and believe you guys will have a good future!!

farmers and workers in india are poor
and they are squeezed by riches , bad landlords, and unfair caste system in India

Poor farmers have no choice but to kill these cruel polices and running dogs

they don't attack ordinary people unless you support the bad goverment which only help the riches and big landowners

They are not evil or cruel in fact if bad guys don't tyrannize them.

They wiill win in india like in Nepal if they comply the rule of "encircling the cities from the rural areas and uniting the farmers in county and workers in city" .

Sleep time is over kid. Wake up and smell coffee. They have zero support base in Workers and Farmers. This will ensure there downfall.
My reputation? and what pray would a newbie know of my reputation?

Why? Can't I read? Anyway, have it your way. I don't know anything about your reputation and now wonder what on earth was I was thinking.

Quote me exactly where i said that..

Not my contention that you used the same words but anyone reading your posts can't possibly come away with any other opinion as to where you stand.

No, the majority of Indian members here have a different opinion than me. The reason is not that you're "on the take" but because subconsciously, members are being brainwashed by the media which is presenting a one-sided view of the conflict, without giving us all the facts.

The assumption you are making is that the "majority" are not intellectually capable of sifting through and making up their minds but you have that quality in abundance. A bit condescending, what? Does it never occur to you that you may be the one brainwashed?

Do you wish to know another fact? All media houses and human rights activist's are banned from entering dantewada without prior permission. Are we living in a democratic society? On what basis can the government issue such a ban? What do they have to hide?
So what? Happens all the time in conflict zones. I for one wouldn't want our visual media anywhere after the way they behaved during 26/11.

The Media is not "on the take" but definitely is being pressured to ignore operation greenhunt. Why is this a surprise to you? Media channels and newspapers run on advertising. Just turn on any media channel and see the number of ads. This is their revenue stream. And who owns the ads? "Blood sucking capitalists"

Yeah! That's how the economy works. Do you now want to ban the media altogether?

It should be front page news, instead the last few months we have been bombarded by bs news every single day - IPL, Sania Mirza, etc etc. The only time now that the media talks of the naxals is when there is maoist attack. and even then we have to listen to the same old commentary of "Red terror" .Where is the coverage on the tribals? why aren't we being shown the opposite point of view? Why isnt the media talking about the reasons the tribals are taking up arms against the state? Why isnt there an introspection of the kind of economic policies that we have followed in these areas in the last decade which has resulted in greater impoverishment? Why isnt the Media equally critical of state violence against the tribals? The media is supposed to be fair and balanced. Is this really a fair and balanced coverage?

Depends on the perspective you are approaching it with. I, for one am not willing to put an elected government on par with militants seeking violent overthrow of the system. This has been going on from the 60's. What mining company was on the scene then? I am not in the least suggesting that some of their demands are not worth looking into but a barrel of a gun cannot and should not be a bargaining chip in a democracy.

Wait, politicians on the take is news to you? We are talking of Indian politicians here. They are routinely caught on camera taking bribes - former BJP president Bangaru Laxman an example. As recently as last year MPs were accused of selling their vote in crores to vote in favour of the nuclear deal. The entire cabinet and the opposition may not be on the payroll, but there is not doubt about the fact our dear PM and home minister want to make sure the dormant mining deals become active before their term ends. As to why, you can make up your own minds.

No doubt in your minds. Plenty of doubt in mine.

Name calling? I have backed up all assertions with arguments. What name calling are you talking of?

I see only assertions that you have no doubt that this or the other wants to make sure this or that happens. Not seen one argument of why everyone in different parties want to help them. You call everyone agents of this MNC or the other and don't think that as name calling?

Open another thread if you wish. Doesnt really matter on which thread we debate this.

Empty rhetoric. Stop trumpeting some pseudo-nationalistic sentiment. This is a thread on the internet. There is no reason to hold candle light vigils here.

Pseudo nationalism to you, not to me. In any case i am not here to post maoist propaganda, i'll leave that to you. To each our own !

Secondly, the only people dishonoring those who have fallen are you lot. By calling for "blood", revenge, etc, you people are essentially saying that it doesnt matter how many more die but the naxals need to be annihilated now. Do you want more coffins? more grieving families? more suffering? Do you people not get that you can't defeat the Naxals through violence? That bringing in more forces will result in greater alienation and hence greater support for them? What will you do then, call for the annihilation of the Tribals?
I would rather have that then risk a khymer rouge type of situation with millions of deaths. The Maoist are welcome to talk, just not with a gun to our heads. I am not willing to surrender even if you are asking me and everyone else to just do that.

I want all kinds of violence in these areas to end. The only way that can happen is by ending operation greenhunt, pulling out troops and holding talks with the Naxals. Both sides need to abjure violence, not just one. The government should also look into the demands the Naxals have made for talks to commence, not all of them are really that unreasonable.

Operation Green Hunt is underway because the maoists refuse to give up violence and whatever you may think, I am not willing to morally equate lawfully elected governments with a bunch of extortionists who don't have the guts to back up their claims of mass support by fighting an election.

:lol: My exams are going badly because i spend more time on the net than studying my texts. And no, i'm not pursuing a political science degree. Trust me, someone doing a M.A in pol science would be able to explain the situation better than a literature student who uses rhetoric.

I trust you and I now have a better explanation and understanding for your rhetoric..
I am a vigorous supporter of them !!!
Do never give up your guns and fight for the poor and believe you guys will have a good future!!

farmers and workers in india are poor
and they are squeezed by riches , bad landlords, and unfair caste system in India

Poor farmers have no choice but to kill these cruel polices and running dogs

they don't attack ordinary people unless you support the bad goverment which only help the riches and big landowners

They are not evil or cruel in fact if bad guys don't tyrannize them.

They wiill win in india like in Nepal if they comply the rule of "encircling the cities from the rural areas and uniting the farmers in county and workers in city" .

wow, naxals got Internet connetion:cheesy:
All those supporting maoists, they are supporting use of the gun when they shamelessly also claim popular support.

If you have popular support, you can win elections and address the problems, but thats 'difficult' eh? easier to instead blame everything on capitalism while worshipping china every morning.

We see through you.
Indeed, every one should take care of their business, but as for the rude awakening, wouldn't you agree, it was the other way around.

"Rude awakening" being that the Naxals are armed and dangerous and our PM and HM have had issued warnings about their threat levels?.....I think we're well aware...Thank you very much....

My dear Peshwa, all along i have been lead to belive that at least Naxalite wasn't a freedom struggle, but here you have other suggestions. ???

WindJammer...I still dont see what I have said that would imply that the Naxal menace is a freedom struggle.....But then again....Hasnt the difference in perception always been the breaking point between Indos and Pakistanis?

I read a beautiful sentiment somewhere, "when you crack an egg from outside, you kill the life inside", but when the internal life is ready to kill...............

Sometimes minor infections spread beyond their means.....Nothing that cant be cured....overreacting only gives one an added headache....
Besides when did the foundation of India become as brittle as an egg?...last I checked, since 47, we have been able to add more land to our mass.....

You mean the likes of Ajmal Kasab, who has made more "U" turns than a poor farmer's tractor or the fool proof witnesses who have after a year or so been buried into oblivion.

Or Headley....

Well we seem to have a bad reputation for having four, and i can see you too have a few on your hands, how many can you null avoid

As long as one has a strong case......the outcome will be positive....
With the recent incident with the Naxals....I think they have effectively legitimized this Anullment.....
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Why They attacked the poll parties? There was no green hunt at that time. Instead of bullet they would have chosen ballot. If they are in 150 dist, they could have easily got 50 seats and pursuaded the govt to tow there line.

The naxals fight elections? Do you have any idea what you're talking about? Why would they fight elections? Their entire ideology is based on fighting a parliamentary system of government. Why would they go against their own ideology? It's like me suggesting that those goose stepping RSS fascists should become Communist. Is that really going happen?

Mining companies may not have been there before but that does not mean there wasnt oppression. You think the naxals have popular support only because of the mining deals signed by the government? Operation Greenhunt may be about Mining companies but the larger problem has to do with the complete and total neglect and the violence that these people have faced at the hands of the state.

If you have popular support, you can win elections and address the problems, but thats 'difficult' eh? easier to instead blame everything on capitalism while worshipping china every morning.

The Maoists don't support China. The original naxalite movement under Charu Majumdar may have, but right now China is a one party capitalist dictatorship that has rejected Maoist ideology and embraced capitalism. Why would a revolutionary peasant movement support it?

Think before you talk people.

The assumption you are making is that the "majority" are not intellectually capable of sifting through and making up their minds but you have that quality in abundance. A bit condescending, what?

That is indeed an assumption. But considering the chest thumping stupidity on display in this thread, not an incorrect one.

The truth is, the majority of us live in a bubble. We have all the comforts of the new India. The government more often than not works for us. We can't imagine a situation where a community would go against a government elected to represent them. There is a failure to understand the reasons for this conflict on all levels. Reading reports on poverty in these areas does not do it justice. It needs to be seen to be believed.

Just imagine a place where there are no schools, no hospitals, no development to speak of, a place where day to day existence is extremely difficult, a place where a government only exists on paper and the elected representatives only visit once a year during election time. A place where landlords, in connivance with the police, rule the roost and engage in random acts of violence against you or your family. The land that you till is the only hope of survival. Now, after years, nay, decades of neglect, the government comes and tells you that you need to sell of your land to make way for an industry, and if you try to protest the police beats you up or puts you behind bars for being a Maoist. In such a place, why the hell won't someone pick up a gun to fight the government?

You might think this is an extreme situation and that it's not really as bad as this. You're right, its not as bad as this. It's worse. We have all read our History books which praise people like Bhagat Singh who tried to use violence against the government, albeit a foreign one, why is it then so difficult to understand the Tribal populations motivation to pick up a gun?

By the way, Bhagat Singh was also a communist.

Does it never occur to you that you may be the one brainwashed?

No. Because when you break free from certain shackles placed on the mind in society, you are able to see through everything. This doesn't make me special, it is a result of the education that i have received.

So what? Happens all the time in conflict zones.

That is the reason that the government gives us. Any right thinking individual can see through it.

I for one wouldn't want our visual media anywhere after the way they behaved during 26/11.

I have been critical of the media's coverage of the terrorists attacks that resulted in casualties in the Taj in the past. However that does not mean i would disbar them from reporting on an issue.

Yeah! That's how the economy works.

Yes exactly. The media's dependence on corporates means that they cannot ever be critical of them. Fantastic, isnt it?

Do you now want to ban the media altogether?

I'm not the one advocating a ban on the media. You are. All i want is a media that is unbiased it's coverage. Is that too much?

No doubt in your minds. Plenty of doubt in mine.

We shall see five years down the line whose assessment was accurate.

Not seen one argument of why everyone in different parties want to help them. You call everyone agents of this MNC or the other and don't think that as name calling?

Do you not have the ability to read and think at the same time? I have been quite clear in putting forth my arguments.

Pseudo nationalism to you, not to me. In any case i am not here to post maoist propaganda, i'll leave that to you. To each our own !

Maoists propaganda? Hmmm, this is another major problem about this conflict. Every time someone is critical of the governments actions, he or she is called a Maoist sympathizer. The imprisonment of Dr Binayak Sen is an example of this.

To paraphrase a famous saying, "If i give money to the poor, they call me a saint. But if i ask why they are poor, they call me a Maoist"

Since you are new here, let me put it across to you simply. I am as critical of the Maoists as i am of the government. I believe that they have replaced the government as being an alternate power structure that is equally oppressive. I do not believe in their ideology of revolutionary violence. Any change for me must come through a democratic government that is accountable and not through violent mass movements that have a tendency to lead to autocratic oppressive states. This however does not mean that i cannot see thorough our governments BS, a government i helped elect i might add.

I would rather have that then risk a khymer rouge type of situation with millions of deaths. The Maoist are welcome to talk, just not with a gun to our heads. I am not willing to surrender even if you are asking me and everyone else to just do that.

The Maoists are not holding a gun to your head. On the contrary, it is the government which is holding a gun on the head of the tribals. This is not about you or your unwillingness "to surrender". Who do you think you are? Do you think this conflict is about you personally? Once again stop talking in empty rhetoric.

Operation Green Hunt is underway because the maoists refuse to give up violence

No, it is under way because the government wants to activate dormant mining contracts.

and whatever you may think, I am not willing to morally equate lawfully elected governments with a bunch of extortionists who don't have the guts to back up their claims of mass support by fighting an election.

I have already answered on question the maoists and elections. See above.

I am not equating the Maoists and the Government. I havent even talked of Maoists. All my posts have been essentially about Tribals. About why they are supporting the Maoists. I do however equate Maoist violence and state violence.

As far as accountability goes, one of the reasons that i am critical of the government is because i elected it, it should be accountable to the questions people like me put to it.
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it is more complicated than it looks.
u cannot use air force everywhere, they have huge limitations in jungle warfare. choppers suit well, but then our choppers aren't designed for combat duty.

paramilitary forces are well armed. they are like ninja is to japan. highly trained and stealthy. the major problem comes in identifying a naxal.
if the army is called there shall be indiscriminated deaths. a decade back such a thing happened where the army was given a go. it was a total disaster.
moreover there are huge political measures which one must keep in mind. if u think the option of sending the army was never even discussed in the parliament, ur wrong. watever decisions are taken, are taken suc that there s minimum collateral damage.
if there s someone to blame it is the intellegence. they are highly underpaid and quite easy to bribe. ofcourse they wll not agree on this point, but unfortunately it s the truth. so blaming chiddu while sittin on ur couch isnt gonna solve anything... even he knows that the option of heavy fire exists. but the repercussions? who's gonna face 'em?
I am a vigorous supporter of them !!!
Do never give up your guns and fight for the poor and believe you guys will have a good future!!

farmers and workers in india are poor
and they are squeezed by riches , bad landlords, and unfair caste system in India

Poor farmers have no choice but to kill these cruel polices and running dogs

they don't attack ordinary people unless you support the bad goverment which only help the riches and big landowners

They are not evil or cruel in fact if bad guys don't tyrannize them.

They wiill win in india like in Nepal if they comply the rule of "encircling the cities from the rural areas and uniting the farmers in county and workers in city" .

Stop dreaming buddy !! you are no Che Guevara !! naxals are not fighting for the poor ! They want to gain sympathy of tribals and to get foot hold in jungles.Thier ultimate aim is to rule India and take india back to stone age. Samething is happening in nepal!
All these naxal "supporters" and pseudo intellectuals label Indian democracy as fake. How ironic, if the democracy was fake, they would have recieved bullets in their heads after passing such rants on national TV.

All those who wannabe Che Guevarra's have to decide, either they are with the country, or against it with the Maoists. Simple enough. Maoists must be declared as a terrorist outfit. Enough. Drill thir brains out with bullets. India is no Nepal!!

Its time the Maoist goverment in Nepal is give a strong warning not to support these traitors, or they will pay the consequenses.
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Enough is enough.....why dont we use air power? No need to bring in Army, just bring in Air Force.we can test LCH there.:angry:

I saw interview of Air Chief Marshal Pradeep Vasant Naik and he said that we cannot use Air Force against own nationals.
Our armed forces will follow any orders given to them. They have always been faithful to the democracy and our constitution.
We just need the political will!!

no doubt on that either...hre it should be noted that the comment made of air chief was his personal remarks as he says that in his opinion it wont be good to use air power againsta their own citizen.But I remember in an earlier interview he also said that if the GOI orders ..then the IAF will follow the orders as thats is its duty !!
that true..he did say this.

Well, once it has happened in Indian.
First ever country to use its own Air Force against own people.
But now, I think its the righ way what Air Chief Marshal Pradeep Vasant Naik said just some days ago.

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