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73 killed as Maoists ambush CRPF team

well apart from the naxalites, groups like ULFA; Deccan/indian mujahideen and shiv sena are good examples of other terrorist groups in india

Care to provide some instances of Shiv Sena's terror activities?

I have no idea where this even came from.....
Too many Cooks spoil the Broth, let's hear it from the Horse's mouth.
To most people outside India the idea of South Asia’s economic juggernaut being hijacked by a ragtag band of Maoist rebels in the jungle might sound outlandish.

But Indians are increasingly aware that the Maoists represent an even greater threat to their country’s security and prosperity than the Islamist militants based over the border in Pakistan.

India consists of 28 states, divided into 626 administrative districts. In 2003, the Home Ministry said that fifty-five districts in nine states were affected by the Maoist insurgency. Last month it said that the rebels had a presence in 223 districts in 20 states.

Officials emphasise that the Naxalites do not control a third of the country and “consistent violence” is experienced in just 90 districts in 13 states. They are, however, deeply concerned at the speed with which the rebels are recruiting among those left behind by India’s economic boom.

India suffers bloodiest day of Maoist insurgency
India sets target to eliminate Maoist threat
They are conscious, too, of how Maoist rebels in neighbouring Nepal managed to overthrow the world’s last Hindu monarchy and negotiate their way into government within a decade.

Underpinning their concern is the knowledge that India’s boom has enriched a consumer class of 50-100 million people but largely failed to improve living standards for more than 800 million people living on less than $2 a day.

The latter are the Maoists’ primary recruits – poor farmers landless labourers, untouchables and tribal minorities in remote areas – although they also have long-standingenjoy support within India’s urban intellectual elite.

Experts have advised the Government to address the root causes of the problem — poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and the caste system — and to boost investment in local policing — but it appears determined to seek a military solution to the problem, throwing thousands of poorly trained paramilitary forces into unfamiliar territory to hunt down the rebels.

In the meantime, the Maoists are increasingly targeting railway lines and factories to try to cripple economic activity and extort as much as £200 million annually from businesses.

The big fear now is that the Maoists are planning to expand their activities into cities such as Mumbai and Calcutta, already teeming with tens of millions of poor, unemployed and disaffected


Hhmm..you are quite right and there is no harm in accepting the fact the enemy inside your home is 10 times dangerous than the outsiders..so if not controlled now they will pose a greater threat to the country.

see maoist do pose a threat but it should not be forgotten that the central Govt is not going full offensive against then considering they are our own citizen .Morover no. of maoist are surrendering every now and then thus the chances of bringing all of them back is never ruled out thus no major operation againsta them.You see India still is not ready to use army and air power againsta them.Unfortunately they have been taking advantage of these for killing the innocents.but dont worry it wont go as long as 2050....chill :disagree:
what happenned..................feelings hurt are they.....well when you decie to call people ZH fans, maybe you will think again as I too can go to that thug of a lunatic Bal Thakaray and Vajpayee facists

Sure you can! You have a right as you not living under fascist Bal Thakray of Vajpayee in pakistan! and posses a vibrant democracy of 32 yrs out of 63 yrs of existence!:rofl:

I apologize to you if you not a ZH fan! It could be hurting to be called one, if you are not and you belong to sane part of universe!:cheesy::cheesy:
First two Phrases are Ok...But according to the last one....Mey aapko kuch kar todina raha hun...that u say nahi karo nahi karo (nor I have any intentions too):rofl::rofl:!!:rofl::rofl:

lol i didn ask you for your orientation btw.. ba if you are interested in me why dun you publicly say who you are. i know its not ban in india ;)
The Centre on Wednesday announced ex-gratia payment of Rs 15 lakh for kin of each of the 75 Central Reserve Police Force men killed in the Naxal attack on Tuesday in Chattisgarh's Dantewada district.

"The kin of deceased personnel will receive funds of over Rs 38 lakh which includes Rs 15 lakh as ex-gratia from central government, 10 lakh from CRPF risk fund, Rs 3 lakh ex-gratia from state government, Rs 10 lakh from state government as part of a scheme for anti-Naxal operation and Rs 60000 from CRPF central fund," the Home Ministry said in a statement.

Liberalised Pensionary Award under EOFP Rules which is equivalent to the slain personnel's last drawn salary will also be provided to them, the statement said.

"In addition to the above, one eligible family member will be provided employment in CRPF on compassionate grounds as per rules," it said.

But One Question From My side...dont these CRAP politicians have heart that never understand the value of a life and the situation of people who lost their loved once..Its a shame for indian govt,whose leaders dont have heart...Oh man!! Just think about the families of fallen soldiers... what govt is doing to stop these sad things.......Just giving money(taxpayers) to our shaheeds????? will this money cure the wounds of their families?????????? RIP TO SHAHEEDS.
All Pakistanis are wrong and India is right, OK. All Indians please ignore our feedback. Ignore RSS, VHP and BJP and you will learn in 10 years where India is headed. You will figure it out.
All Pakistanis are wrong and India is right, OK. All Indians please ignore our feedback. Ignore RSS, VHP and BJP and you will learn in 10 years where India is headed. You will figure it out.

Nahi yar you be happy be friendly neighborhood Taliban against bad pakistani taliban! yes we have seen BJP, RSS, VHP for past 63 yrs and we are perfectly headed towards development, but its you who has to figure it out where you headed? More and More dependence on AID since inception, won't do any harm to US but to pakistan! And talking on Forums wont change the basic fact of the difference between AID seeker and AID donor!!:cheesy::cheesy:

P.S: BJP, RSS, VHP are not conducting Suicide Bombings and war against the state!!
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Objectivity is the key sir objectivity is the key!:tup:

But what to do with all emotive rants of the fanboys from Pakistan, who are on this thread just to vent-out their frustration!:D

if you find a post offensive, report it; and it will be reviewed.

Objectivity is not bringing up taleban attacks in a thread about indian naxalites
All Pakistanis are wrong and India is right, OK. All Indians please ignore our feedback. Ignore RSS, VHP and BJP and you will learn in 10 years where India is headed. You will figure it out.

Constructive feedback is always welcome, name calling is not. Ever wondered how all conversations initially start with valid arguments and then go downhill to same old bickering?.. I am not just blaming pakistanis .. we are equally guilty.
Constructive feedback is always welcome, name calling is not. Ever wondered how all conversations initially start with valid arguments and then go downhill to same old bickering?.. I am not just blaming pakistanis .. we are equally guilty.

Guilty as Charged!:partay:
Indian Maoists Kill at Least 73 Officers


A policeman who was wounded in an attack by Maoist rebels was moved from an ambulance to a hospital in Jagdalpur, in the eastern Indian state of Chhattisgarh, on Tuesday.

NEW DELHI — India’s campaign against the country’s Maoist insurgency suffered a major setback on Tuesday when rebel fighters ambushed a paramilitary unit on patrol in an isolated forest region, killing at least 73 officers.

The authorities described a carefully executed surprise attack in which the Maoists opened fire as the patrol entered an area seeded with booby-trap bombs. When officers fell to the ground to take cover from gunfire, they detonated the explosives.

“Something has gone very wrong,” said Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram, according to the news agency Press Trust of India. “I am deeply shocked.”

He said the attack by the Maoist fighters showed the “brutality and the savagery they are capable of.”

The attack comes as the government is mobilizing security forces against the Maoists in a multistate campaign known as Operation Green Hunt. The Maoists, also known as Naxalites, have existed in India for four decades and claim to represent the interests of the rural dispossessed who have not shared in India’s economic progress. Once lightly regarded by the government, the Maoists have expanded across a large rural corridor and now exercise outright control over some isolated mountain regions. Maoist propaganda calls for overthrowing the Indian state.

The goal of the government operation is to push the Maoists out of more populated rural areas and isolate them in certain remote mountain regions. Maoist sympathizers have accused the government of brutalizing and killing innocent villagers as security forces sweep through rural areas to root out rebel fighters.

Officials say the Maoists are the ones who brutalize, having disrupted schools and hospitals and destroyed roads in many areas; the security campaign calls for clearing areas of rebels so that government services can be restored.

By some unofficial estimates, roughly 200 security officers have been killed by Maoists during the past 12 months. The operation involves multiple federal and state security agencies, and some analysts have questioned whether poor coordination and training is exposing officers to danger. On Sunday, Maoists detonated a land mine in the state of Orissa, killing 10 officers and wounding 16 others. And in February, about 100 Maoists on motorcycles stormed a police outpost in the state of West Bengal, killing 24 security officers.

The attack on Tuesday occurred in the Dantewada region in the state of Chhattisgarh, in an area known as Chintalnar, considered a major Maoist stronghold. The officers were members of the Central Reserve Police Force, a paramilitary unit, who entered the forest on Sunday night for a two-day mission related to the government operation.

T. J. Longkumar, the Chhattisgarh police inspector general for the larger region, said the officers were returning to camp after an early morning patrol when the Maoists struck around 6:30 a.m. Indian news outlets reported that as many as 1,000 Maoists were involved.

“They were blasted,” Officer Longkumar said. “Most of the casualties were from the explosives.”

He said the attack was probably a response to security forces pressing deeper into isolated areas once completely controlled by the Maoists. “They have regrouped,” he said. “They feel we are entering their core area.”

Saimah Khwaja contributed research.

Rebel Ambush Kills at Least 73 Indian Officers - NYTimes.com
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