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67th anniversary Hiroshima bombings


Jul 16, 2012
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Prayers for peace: Japanese light hundreds of lanterns to mark the 67th anniversary of those killed in Hiroshima bombings | Mail Online


The whole world will remember when
the Japanese city of Hiroshima was
bombed at the end of the Second
World War. And today thousands of Japanese
people are starting to commemorate
the 140,000 people who lost their

People across the country have started
to light lanterns of peace and express
their sorrow in preparation for
tomorrow's anniversary.

Others, including Buddhist monks and
children, took part in a parade holding
'lanterns for peace' at the Atomic
Bomb Dome in Hiroshima.

Sixty seven years ago an atomic bomb
was dropped on the city by the United
States by the orders of then President
Harry Truman. The bomb contained the equivalent of
between 12 and 15,000 tons of TNT
and devastated an area of five square
miles and more than 60 per cent of the
buildings in the city were destroyed. More than 140,000 people were killed
out of the city's population of 350,000
including military personell and those
who later died from radiation.
Many have also suffered long-term
sickness and disability. Another atomic
blast in Nagasaki three days later
killed 70,000 more.

The grandson of ex U.S President
Harry Truman has also chosen to take
part in the memorial services and
attended a service for victims. Clifton Truman Daniel visited the
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park on
Saturday and laid a wreath to show his

'I think this cenotaph says it all - to
honor the dead to not forget and to
make sure that we never let this
happen again,' Daniel said after
offering a silent prayer. Daniel, 55, is in Japan to attend
ceremonies next week in Hiroshima
and Nagasaki and his visit is the first
by a member of the Truman family.

Daniel, a former journalist said in a
statement that he decided to visit
Hiroshima and Nagasaki because he
needed to know the consequences of
his grandfather's decision as part of
his own efforts to help achieve a nuclear-free world.
He said he hoped to hear stories from
survivors about how they overcame
their adversity. Daniel will also meet
with the mayors of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki and participate in
discussions with students.

Susumu Miura, a 78-year-old
Hiroshima native, wrote in the
newspaper Tokyo Shimbun that he
was enraged when he learned that
many Americans still support the
decision to drop the atomic bombs.

'But when I heard on the news that
former President Truman's grandson
is visiting Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I
felt as if I lost some weight from my
Miura wrote in an op-ed article. The peace group also invited the
grandson of a radar operator who
was on both of the planes that
dropped the atomic bombs.


Ari Beser's grandfather, Jacob Beser,
was only person who directly took
part in both the Hiroshima and
Nagasaki bombings. 'I hope we can bring a true
reconciliation to atomic bombing
survivors, many of them still caught in
animosity toward the United States, as
well as other survivors of war and
their families, and help instill a strong sense of peace among young people,'

Sasaki said in a statement. The U.S. government sent a
representative - the American
ambassador - to the annual
commemoration of the atomic
bombings for the first time two years
ago. Ambassador John Roos also is to attend the Hiroshima ceremony on
shame to those who made these mankind disasters. they will be remembered and finally revenged.
Its one of many crimes against humanity committed by US, not even among the biggest ones. Still its extremely pathetic to drop nuclear bombs on the civilian districts.
Yeah...The atrocities committed by Imperial Japan on Asia have no factor in the decision to use nuclear weapons. None whatsoever.
Yeah...The atrocities committed by Imperial Japan on Asia have no factor in the decision to use nuclear weapons. None whatsoever.

Gambit, what your nation did was wrong.

You cannot defend it in another thousand years.

For multiple reasons.

Not once but TWICE - days apart.

When Japan was already on her knees and desperate for a face saving surrender.

Not to mention the Russians on the verge of getting there and how that did not fit into your scheme of things.

Don't want to get into a lengthy debate on this. have said my piece for the record on this forum.

Gambit, what your nation did was wrong.

You cannot defend it in another thousand years.

For multiple reasons.

Not once but TWICE - days apart.

When Japan was already on her knees and desperate for a face saving surrender.

Not to mention the Russians on the verge of getting there and how that did not fit into your scheme of things.

Don't want to get into a lengthy debate on this. have said my piece for the record on this forum.

You mean you want to get your cheap shot against US in. Do you really think that your criticism speaks for all of Asia? How convenient that you forget what Imperial Japan did to Indians. Two wrongs may not make a right but war is often wrong and the methods are morally atrocious no matter who did them in order to get the world back into some semblance of order, if not right. Spare me your crocodile tears for Japan.
Having recently began studying military history for my work I learned that far more people had died in Japan from the traditional bombing campaigns of Tokyo, etc. than from the atomic blasts. This is truly sad either way. The Japanese government held out on surrender far longer than they should. Otherwise this would have probably been averted. Agree or not we can't change history but we can learn from it.
You mean you want to get your cheap shot against US in. Do you really think that your criticism speaks for all of Asia? How convenient that you forget what Imperial Japan did to Indians. Two wrongs may not make a right but war is often wrong and the methods are morally atrocious no matter who did them in order to get the world back into some semblance of order, if not right. Spare me your crocodile tears for Japan.

BS, and you can smell it 8000 miles away.
No crocodile tears Gambit.

And don't play the "oh see how bad they were to chinese/burmans/indians" routine man - you nuking them twice had nothing to do with helping ANY Asian.

You guys understandably get defensive about this.

What the US did was wrong. No two ways about it.

I doubt the US would EVER have nuked Germany.

Go figure.

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