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66% Pakistanis believe person killed in US raid was not Osama

100% think so that he was not OBL. but juz an rehersal by US to attack Pakistan Assets... US Marine entered in our territory to judge the interception/counter attack by Pakistani FOrces and nothing else.
its not about blind patriotism ... allegations and soild evidences are two different things
no one saw OBL living their not even the residents of that areas and street ...........
and everyone knows that USA wants to portray Pakistan army and ISI as pro terrorism and they can go to any limit to prove it by any means ............
1st they said OBL was in wazirastan , then they said OBL living in somewhere in mountains and sometimes they claimed they killed him and last time they claimed they killed him in abbottabad
well they can just officially enlist pakistan as a state sponsor of terrorism
that would pretty much do the trick.
as far as claiming that they killed OBL in abbottabad, though i dont like how the americans did it:disagree:, its pure ignorance to say that such a thing did not happen:whistle:

[note through my earlier thread here wasn't targetting the people of pakistan and my sincrest apology if anyone gets that idea]:pakistan:
100% think so that he was not OBL. but juz an rehersal by US to attack Pakistan Assets... US Marine entered in our territory to judge the interception/counter attack by Pakistani FOrces and nothing else.
so they pressed the alarm button to let know the PA to tell them they came in and got out so the next time PA can be prepared.
I have to say that your Brain needs to be preserved for comming generations to examin and study how people can go stupid with imaginations going wild.
People believe what they want to believe.

I don't think such a figure is very far off from other countries (except India and highly politicized populations, which for all its bhai bhai stabs Pakistan in the back a lot). Probably also similar figures could be found in America

There always will be a substantial number of doubters because he was so metamorphized in the footage and noone saw the body.

Unlike Gaddafi.
There was no proof of Osama being there............No video clip ,no dead body pics or any proof that osama was there .

it was just a sequence of event that has to happen so that Obama get selected for the 2nd time .
Just like Saddam was hanged so that Mr bush get selected for the his 2nd tenure ..........

So as far as ISI dont have any information regarding OSAMA is true because there was not Osama living there so how can they have information about him..................

ps: Next time Americans plan to do a topi drama i would recommand plz hire some good script writer and director from hollywood coz this Osama drama was a total fail...............feel like CIA is not good at making dramas.
"66% Pakistanis believe person killed in US raid was not Osama"

The title should of been,"66% Pakistani's immune to lies," has a better ring to it. :) TBH, I'm actually quite surprised it's only 66% not believing in the OBL killing; usually majority of pakistani's don't believe a word coming from Americans; it's not entirely based on any factual reasoning(expect for...) or anything, mostly just 'gut instinct' and most of the time, it's the safest bet.

The 34% mustof been left in a mental turbalance given from the silent(pretty much) response from the pakistani side. I was expecting a 'big up' 100%! Bin-laden died time ago... ( also according to benazir bhutto).
Again, what about the 85% of Americans who thought Iraq had WMDs? What kind of nonsense hypocrisy is this?

Alot 'still' believe he had WMD's... strange but true, power to propaganda....
Not much wrong with majority of the Pakistanis believing it was not Osama.

The proof and details, on which the operation was justified, were provided to the ISI and the Army. None of those details and proofs was shared with the general public. Why should we expect the people to go beyond common sense?

However, simply because no proof was brought out to light we should not conclude it was not Osama.

The reactions of the Army, and the ISI, and the government, to the operation tell us that either the Pakistani establishment was complicit with the Americans in some sort of covert operation in Abbotabad, or indeed Osama was there and got killed.

Why would the ISI or the Army need to hold Osama's wife, or others (like that 'fake' polio doctor charged with treason) who helped the Americans in the operation? The Army and the ISI won't go that far if it were not Osama who was killed.

Finally, the US undertook such risky operation, which failed in part (owing to the stealth copter crashing) and brought the bilateral relations to the lowest level... to gain what? Anything less than Osama would defeat the purpose.

The relationship between the US and Pakistan appear more of enemies these days, so why does the Pakistani Army not bring forth and share with public the proof and all that was provided to them in the aftermath of the operation?

Either the Army is complicit (with the Americans), or indeed Osama was there.
bizarre that they showed picture of Uday and Qusay Husseins mangled, battered bodies (before and after the 'makeup session')

they showed Abu Mosab Al Zarqawi's bloodied face (after he was killed in 500lb JDAM airstrike)

doesnt it make sense --for the sake of 'closure' to show bin ladens picture, of him dead? I mean, don't tell me you are doing it out of 'sensitivities' and most certainly don't tell me you are trying not to make him look like martyr (like they did with Saddam Hussein, when they hanged him on Eid ul Adha)

So what have his wives in your custody told you? Come on, I know you guys are enigmatic and have lots of secrets and act unreasonably regarding providing or accepting proof, but this one time lets make an exception for the sake of those 66% + 34% Pakistanis and come out with the truth Mr Armyman? Or are we going down that Indian caught in Chaman thread way?

Not much wrong with majority of the Pakistanis believing it was not Osama.

The proof and details, on which the operation was justified, were provided to the ISI and the Army. None of those details and proofs was shared with the general public. Why should we expect the people to go beyond common sense?

However, simply because no proof was brought out to light we should not conclude it was not Osama.

The reactions of the Army, and the ISI, and the government, to the operation tell us that either the Pakistani establishment was complicit with the Americans in some sort of covert operation in Abbotabad, or indeed Osama was there and got killed.

Why would the ISI or the Army need to hold Osama's wife, or others (like that 'fake' polio doctor charged with treason) who helped the Americans in the operation? The Army and the ISI won't go that far if it were not Osama who was killed.

Finally, the US undertook such risky operation, which failed in part (owing to the stealth copter crashing) and brought the bilateral relations to the lowest level... to gain what? Anything less than Osama would defeat the purpose.

The relationship between the US and Pakistan appear more of enemies these days, so why does the Pakistani Army not bring forth and share with public the proof and all that was provided to them in the aftermath of the operation?

Either the Army is complicit (with the Americans), or indeed Osama was there.

Well said, I wish more Pakistanis were endowed with half that reasoning power, atleast comprehension would run a long way.
Having been the number one boogeyman of America, I would have expected no less of a death than Gaddafi. He was brutally tortured and murdered and then moved around from a truck to a freezer, to a shopping mall and the media had full coverage the entire time before his burial. To think that Osama was respected, treated any different and buried according to Islamic tradition sure is hard to belief.
if it was not osama then who was killed in the raid?
surely if it was someone else,someone out there should know it since he lived in mansion worth million dollar
even pakistan govt. didnt refute it much
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