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66% Pakistanis believe person killed in US raid was not Osama

I don't get it, if he is not Osama, then who was killed in that incident and how come Osamas wife and kids happen to be in the compound, I am sure that they were not commiting adultry with some one in that compound.
If the man killed is not Osama, who was killed a big banglow and Pak security forces have no clue on who lived there, is this the best explanation that can be given by the 66% people of Pakistan.
This 66% it self is a manipulated data, I am sure most Pakistanis belive it was Osama and no other guy who got killed
Whts your stat. on that. You prove and i accept. No emotional BS just a stat will do.

what I know right now is that indian occupied kashmir does not want to be part of india (majority of them) and neither do they want to be a part of Pakistan. They want to be independent...
USA said that they killed OBL in May 2 raid and everyone believed in this without any solid evidences .......... I knew Indians will support whatever US will feed them against Pakistan..
USA said that they killed OBL in May 2 raid and everyone believed in this without any solid evidences .......... I knew Indians will support whatever US will feed them against Pakistan..

Thank god man... atleast i found 1 guy from 66% polled.
i asked that soloman guy for proof. He seems uninterested. Hypocrisy at best , right mate.
USA said that they killed OBL in May 2 raid and everyone believed in this without any solid evidences .......... I knew Indians will support whatever US will feed them against Pakistan..

You really must stop believing that killing OBL was something against Pakistan.
USA said that they killed OBL in May 2 raid and everyone believed in this without any solid evidences .......... I knew Indians will support whatever US will feed them against Pakistan..
Brother, why did your government come up with a explanation in the international arena that it was not OBL.
how come OBL's wife and kids happen to be in that Banglow which was raided by the Seals.
Don't tell me that the US planted them when they landed and took off.
Brother, why did your government come up with a explanation in the international arena that it was not OBL.
how come OBL's wife and kids happen to be in that Banglow which was raided by the Seals.
Don't tell me that the US planted them when they landed and took off.
if you want to believe in everything whatever USA said then what i can say .... brother if you want to believe in rumors and talking not evidences then you have to consider what Iran said that OBL died long before and many other things like this by many people of different countries ................
If USA telling truth then why they did not show OBL body and why they did not arrested him alive and bring in media ?
you know well what they did with Sadam and Qaddafi then why OBL was exception ?
if you want to believe in everything whatever USA said then what i can say .... brother if you want to believe in rumors and talking not evidences then you have to consider what Iran said that OBL died long before and many other things like this by many people of different countries ................
If USA telling truth then why they did not show OBL body and why they did not arrested him alive and bring in media ?
you know well what they did with Sadam and Qaddafi then why OBL was exception ?
you compare Gadaffi and Sadam who were leaders of a nation to a terrorist who enjoyed blowing up people.
I am not a pro US guy and by reading most of the post you would have known it. I just question on what basis or evidance are you saying that OBL was not killed by the Seals?
Gadaffi and Sadam had regular fighting forces who will face the challenge of an enemy in a open battle field like men, but OBL is a a$$ hole who has terrorist who attack civilians. if OBL is captured alive some nutjub follower of OBL would have taken a few 100 hostage in Europe and would have demanded his release. US difinetly would have considered all options before killing that fool. A good Osama is a dead Osama
absolutely true
and to further validate this logic
i M posting some top secret stuff about surveys carried out by CIA/KGB/MI6/MOSSAD/RAW/ISI in pak. it was so secret
that none of those interviewed even remember it

Q. Do you believe that that osama was behind 9/11?
Yes-13% No-66% DKCS-21%
Q. Do you believe that 9/11 ever happened?
Yes-11% No-67% DKCS-22%
Q. Do you think that pakistan ever lost a war with India?
Yes-4% No-83% DKCS-13%
Q. Do you think that USA exists?
Yes-9% No-18% DKCS-73%
Q. Do you believe that Russia has been constantly reverse engineesring chineese technology
Yes-88% No-02% DKCS-10%Q.
Do you think that India was carved out of Pakistan by the martians?
Yes-91% No-0% DKCS-9%
[note: dont ask me for the source on this one i am getting in enough trouble for revealing it:angel: but let me tell you that these sources are beyond reproach:tup:]

Damn it .. its not a secret anymore.. Anyway well done mate to reveal the true colors of these organisations.:tup:
you compare Gadaffi and Sadam who were leaders of a nation to a terrorist who enjoyed blowing up people.
I am not a pro US guy and by reading most of the post you would have known it. I just question on what basis or evidance are you saying that OBL was not killed by the Seals?
Gadaffi and Sadam had regular fighting forces who will face the challenge of an enemy in a open battle field like men, but OBL is a a$$ hole who has terrorist who attack civilians. if OBL is captured alive some nutjub follower of OBL would have taken a few 100 hostage in Europe and would have demanded his release. US difinetly would have considered all options before killing that fool. A good Osama is a dead Osama
i hate Osama because he create more problems for muslims than USA
but my point is on the base of what evidences you are saying that they killed OBL on May 2 ?

---------- Post added at 10:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 PM ----------

absolutely true
and to further validate this logic
i M posting some top secret stuff about surveys carried out by CIA/KGB/MI6/MOSSAD/RAW/ISI in pak. it was so secret
that none of those interviewed even remember it

Q. Do you believe that that osama was behind 9/11?
Yes-13% No-66% DKCS-21%
Q. Do you believe that 9/11 ever happened?
Yes-11% No-67% DKCS-22%
Q. Do you think that pakistan ever lost a war with India?
Yes-4% No-83% DKCS-13%
Q. Do you think that USA exists?
Yes-9% No-18% DKCS-73%
Q. Do you believe that Russia has been constantly reverse engineesring chineese technology
Yes-88% No-02% DKCS-10%Q.
Do you think that India was carved out of Pakistan by the martians?
Yes-91% No-0% DKCS-9%
[note: dont ask me for the source on this one i am getting in enough trouble for revealing it:angel: but let me tell you that these sources are beyond reproach:tup:]
well but i have to report you ...... BTW this survey is done on Mars
your intellectual level is far beyond normal
i hate Osama because he create more problems for muslims than USA
but my point is on the base of what evidences you are saying that they killed OBL on May 2 ?
There are a few points
1) The presence of OBL's family in the compound that was raided by the US seals
2) The scilense of the Pakistani Government on who lived there in the compound.
3) After all why would US risk the lives of regular soldiers to infiltrate into a friendly ally under the cover of darkness, did they plan to have coffee at the compound to create some hype.

The problem that i see by evaluating your mentality in consistantly denying OBL;'s killing is that you are not ready to let down your Countries dignity by accepting that OBL was killed in your soil.
Kindly see my signature, Patriotism can not let you do some thing that is against the interest of the general public
There are a few points
1) The presence of OBL's family in the compound that was raided by the US seals
2) The scilense of the Pakistani Government on who lived there in the compound.
3) After all why would US risk the lives of regular soldiers to infiltrate into a friendly ally under the cover of darkness, did they plan to have coffee at the compound to create some hype.

The problem that i see by evaluating your mentality in consistantly denying OBL;'s killing is that you are not ready to let down your Countries dignity by accepting that OBL was killed in your soil.
Kindly see my signature, Patriotism can not let you do some thing that is against the interest of the general public
its not about blind patriotism ... allegations and soild evidences are two different things
no one saw OBL living their not even the residents of that areas and street ...........
and everyone knows that USA wants to portray Pakistan army and ISI as pro terrorism and they can go to any limit to prove it by any means ............
1st they said OBL was in wazirastan , then they said OBL living in somewhere in mountains and sometimes they claimed they killed him and last time they claimed they killed him in abbottabad
bizarre that they showed picture of Uday and Qusay Husseins mangled, battered bodies (before and after the 'makeup session')

they showed Abu Mosab Al Zarqawi's bloodied face (after he was killed in 500lb JDAM airstrike)

doesnt it make sense --for the sake of 'closure' to show bin ladens picture, of him dead? I mean, don't tell me you are doing it out of 'sensitivities' and most certainly don't tell me you are trying not to make him look like martyr (like they did with Saddam Hussein, when they hanged him on Eid ul Adha)
its not about blind patriotism ... allegations and soild evidences are two different things
no one saw OBL living their not even the residents of that areas and street ...........
and everyone knows that USA wants to portray Pakistan army and ISI as pro terrorism and they can go to any limit to prove it by any means ............
1st they said OBL was in wazirastan , then they said OBL living in somewhere in mountains and sometimes they claimed they killed him and last time they claimed they killed him in abbottabad
i can not reason with your conspiracy, every news that we all read every morning is manipulated so you belive what you belive and the rest of the world belive what they want to.
SO as per your argument the Pakistani Government is not aware of who lieved in the compound. if your government cares less to know who lives in a big compound next to a Garison city, I must say ISI sucked big time in this issue to be a inteligence agency not knowing who lives net to its military nighbourhood
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