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600 Afghan students to get free education in Pakistan

Sher is the type of person that dislikes every bad news about Pakistan, where he doesn't like this news. And he starts quoting what other countries have done. Hmmm...

Besides the 5 million illegal Afghan refugees we have here that are a burden on our economy, we have also donated $500 million for infrastructure development, educational institutes, hospitals etc in Afghanistan, & continue to donate even more:

Why is Pakistan government wasting money

Here , in India we charge Afghans ..
Many colleges are making lots of money thanks to Afghans :D
Why is Pakistan government wasting money

Here , in India we charge Afghans ..
Many colleges are making lots of money thanks to Afghans :D
I guess there are near to 10000 Afghans live in india.How much Contribution they really can do? :lol:
I guess that's also the total number of graduates they have.

they are all educated in Pakistan, not only after the Soviet Saga but even long before that. They get education here, they work here, they get food from here, they use our currency, use our airports to travel to US and when they get there they bad mouth us. Thats the Afghan way!!

show me an example of bigotry at this massive scale, show me one coutry who has done so much for another country just because they are our "Brothers"
Thers are around 20 afghanis in my college itself.
they are all educated in Pakistan, not only after the Soviet Saga but even long before that. They get education here, they work here, they get food from here, they use our currency, use our airports to travel to US and when they get there they bad mouth us. Thats the Afghan way!!

show me an example of bigotry at this massive scale, show me one coutry who has done so much for another country just because they are our "Brothers"

Great! First ruin them beyond repair and then tell them to be thankful that you're "aiding" them. Very nice.

If you geniuses had not supported Taliban with CIA, Afghanistan would never have come to today's state.
Afghanistan is our neighbour... we share similiar culture religion etc... and we cant change neighbours can we? So its a good step in the right direction... good luck our Afghan brothers... politics aside..

I also saw a pic of several afghan sisters taking written tests organised by the Pak Embassy in Kabul... :tup: As Quaid said give me educated mothers and il give you a successful nation..

God bless!
good to hear that all the neighbours od Afghanistan is helping them according to their ability but teaching hatred about India is not appreciated.
We helped a lot to Afghan's but they are not sincere with Pakistan. Need to watch them closely.
its good to hear that all the neighbour of Afghanistan is helping them according to their ability but spreading hatred about India is not appreciated.
Good initiative by Pakistan. Don't hate afghans even if some afghans hate you. Being muslims its every muslims duty to help a brother in need. Some Pakistanis are not realizing that these 600 afghan students will have very favorable view of Pakistan. Every muslims country should help
Afghans and palestanians with such programmes.:)
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