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6 annoying things men do

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1- Talking incessantly about comic books and super heroes
How can anyone take flying men wearing capes and underwear on the outside seriously?

Why the heck would women care if we don't bother them about them watching ridiculous shows like Jersey Shore or Glee? If you can't accept the fact that your man is not conforming to today's expectations of what men must be like...effeminate, spray tanned, metrosexual loggerheads, you're probably fucked in the head.

2- Bragging
Get two men in the same room and they’ll instantly launch into a comparison war about their bank balances, people they know, cars they own, and mobile phones they carry.

Guys live to get recognized as the alpha male. Much like women ***** and complain about each other behind their backs trying to be the dominant one.

3- Obsessing over their mother
No matter how evil and conniving she may be, somehow they will only see her as Mother Teresa reincarnated.:agree:

Yes, to some of us our mothers are a step above God. Deal with it.

4- Not tipping well
When we start dating them, they smile at waiters and are overly generous with tips. But as soon as they know we’re hooked, the penny pinching starts to surface.:agree:

Not really. I've been with my significant other for a while, and while we don't go out on expensive dates that often, I never forget to tip anywhere between 15-20% of the bill total, coming from the same industry.

5- Obsessing over well-endowed celebs
They can BS all they like about Scarlett Johansson’s acting skills, but we know that the only reason their eyes are bulging throughout the film is due to her visible assets.

As if some idiots don't drool over sparkling vampires and spray tanned guidos with no comprehensive literary skills.

6 - The strange eating/drinking habits
It’s beyond our understanding how easily men can digest one-week old pizza and down a litre of flat Coke first thing in the morning.

Once again, if you're born to be complaining and nitpicking about everything you want us to do, Prince Harry is still unmarried. Leave us alone.

Haha looks like somebody's wife/girlfriend ticked them off pretty bad :lol:
Oh boy..We have a militant feminist on loose here...:lol:

They're called feminazis. :girl_wacko:

Haha looks like somebody's wife/girlfriend ticked them off pretty bad :lol:

Nein. My better half only ever ticks me off whenever she plays swedish house music. Then again I do the same to her when I play dubstep. Fair trade imo :tongue:. Point is we respect each other not to do anything that the article mentions.
For men nothing is self annoying but for women and my wife, probably following:

1. Watching sports all the day.
2. Scratching the b@lls.
3. keeping room untidy.
4. Boozing.
5. Flirting.
6. Snoring.
Thats express tribune blog..not my choice.two of them i agree with though.

Most annoying thing i find in my husband is that he keeps consenting/concurring with me even if i'm wrong.
he is a silent type man of few words.i hate the silence in the house.

They are annoying in the sense they compare wifes cooking with mother's and always say my mother cook gud food.Thats very irritating.

even if we do then also his attention will be towards the waitress and forget the wife.so i always request service from waiter not waitress if and when eating out.

yes .but y should we waste our money.its husband's job to pay for our needs.:tongue:

sorry , not convinced .

And yeah the bold part is the sense of entitlement of women that men hate .
sorry , not convinced .

And yeah the bold part is the sense of entitlement of women that men hate .
its not entitlement its husband's duty.Even we share husband burden in earning for the family but husband dont share our burden
its not entitlement its husband's duty.Even we share husband burden in earning for the family but husband dont share our burden

Okay , so it is a husbands duty to always pay for your needs including tips to waiters . Then what is your duty ? What part does a woman play in the marriage ?

Also what is your 'earning' worth if you are not going to pay for anything and the Husband pays for everything including your needs. What kind of independence is this ?
Okay , so it is a husbands duty to always pay for your needs including tips to waiters . Then what is your duty ? What part does a woman play in the marriage ?

The real answer to this is "nothing"

Modern feminism states that men and woman should have equal rights, but all the responsibilities belong to the man.
On one hand you talk about equality on the other its duty. Why a woman has to be dependent on a man for her need except the biological one. Is not this hypocrisy ?

Marriage has boiled down to nothing but institutionalized gold-digging in most cases . That is what makes me skeptical about the whole concept .
Marriage has boiled down to nothing but institutionalized gold-digging in most cases . That is what makes me skeptical about the whole concept .

It's even worse the west. Marriage is a death sentence for men here. A woman can at any time decide to divorce you and take all your belongings.

I have met many homeless men who got that way after a divorce where he lost everything.

Best advice for men living in western countries is to never get married.
Result out :
all women do is nothing , only complaining
they work hard to look beautiful and attractive to man ,when he gets attracted they again complain
they give all lecture about equality and demand money even for their sandals
they are the most intelligent,cunning humans lead their whole life emotionally blackmailing men with their reproduction ability ..they are biggest hypocrits on the earth
Gals can remember what all a man said wid dates even after two years,bt she cant remember table of 10. Lolz
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