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57 Hindus forced to convert to Islam in 10 days

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No one is saying that this should happen more and more....

This happens everywhere, America, Britain, India, Israel etc etc >> There are people who don't like Muslims thus don't recruit them for jobs. You cannot blame them.
This doesn't mean that they are wrong, they only don't like them...peroid
So if a person is disguising as Muslim only for job, then this cannot be blamed on whole society. It was the right of employer so exercised.

In that blasphemous content related thread you was saying that it was their right and freedom of speech..>>>
Apply that logic here. It is the right of employer to employ people according to his own liking (although i am against this discrimination but fact is fact).

Problem arise when few super liberals start maligning their own country and religion.

as i said before it is not related to what happens in India, US etc
this thing happened in Pakistan & the source is authentic

why are just turning blind eye by giving a logic that 'this happens in all countries so there's nothing special', I just posted a news, whats the fuss about my personality :lol:
An oxymoron is a Pakistani Hindu..living the impure life in the land of the pure. Pity the Hindus there that they didnt have the wherewithal or the foresight to migrate in 1947, no wonder a large number of Pakistani Hindus are now in Rajasthan, asking for refuge. If anyone is interested in the state of Hindus in Pakistan google Maloy K Dhar and read the article he wrote on his blog a few weeks back about their status.
It's their good fortune or else they would've been turned into a Dalit and an untouchable in India.

These conversions are not legal. Plus 57 blokes out of about 10million does not a trend make warranting anyone to leave their nation.
well as you can see in this ad.............this trys to show that Jesus, Abrahim etc ( full respect) were part of Islam............which is surely hurting feelings of Christians , jews etc..

well JESUS,ABRAHIM,SOLOMEN were all our prophets too! so what we deny our basic religion because it "hurts" others feelings??? great in this manner no religion should exsist because jews "hurt" our sentiments! christians "mock" our prophet!
It's their good fortune or else they would've been turned into a Dalit and an untouchable in India.

These conversions are not legal. Plus 57 blokes out of about 10million does not a trend make warranting anyone to leave their nation.

The good thing of the social evil in India is that you cannot be converted to Dalit or to lower caste from top caste. They will remain what they are. they cant be converted.:D
as i said before it is not related to what happens in India, US etc
this thing happened in Pakistan & the source is authentic

why are just turning blind eye by giving a logic that 'this happens in all countries so there's nothing special', I just posted a news, whats the fuss about my personality :lol:

Ok just forget about any other country but just answer this.....

There are people who don't like Muslims thus don't recruit them for jobs. You cannot blame them. This is their right, this doesn't mean that they are wrong, they only don't like them...peroid
So if a person is disguising as Muslim only for job, then this cannot be blamed on whole society. It was the right of employer so exercised.

In that blasphemous content related thread you was saying that it was their right and freedom of speech..>>>
Apply that logic here. It is the right of employer to employ people according to his own liking (although i am against this discrimination but fact is fact).
The good thing of the social evil in India is that you cannot be converted to Dalit or to lower caste from top caste. They will remain what they are. they cant be converted.:D
n this is height of religious freedom!!
thnx for telling us..
If you want to go back to history, let me take you to 1947 when Pakistan just bron. The disturbuted military between Pakistan and India was on its way when, Hindus burn alive Soilders trains going in Pakistan from India. Thousands of Muslims are cutted in to pecies when they were moving to Pakistan from India.
And the reference of news, almost most of Pakistani news chanals supported and funded by non-muslim, to inject their culture in to Muslims,
Geo tv based on Jew tv, if you write it in Urdu the both worlds are same. Their duty to just put wrong news in screen like Ajmal khasab is Pakistan but he is shihk and Indian,
Ary group, Jang group and Express group taking billions of dollar for a year to do these dirtly jobs
n this is height of religious freedom!!
thnx for telling us..

Your welcome....

But as i said thats the evil in India. But that has nothing to do with original Hinduism which was based on the work you do rather than the family you are born in.
More like worst nightmare staying in Pakistan rather than good fortune! Some of the Hindus are leaving Pakistan and asking for refuge in India because of the discrimination they face in Pakistan.

5,000 Pakistani Hindus flee forced conversions, kidnappings, rape - Jihad Watch

Hindu Extremists want to 'Remove every Christian Trace' in Orissa, India - International News - Catholic Online

India: The story of Christian martyrs is told | Spero News

The Sikh Coalition

& let me not even start with attorcities on muslims in jammu,gujrat & even bombay!
If you want to go back to history, let me take you to 1947 when Pakistan just bron. The disturbuted military between Pakistan and India was on its way when, Hindus burn alive Soilders trains going in Pakistan from India. Thousands of Muslims are cutted in to pecies when they were moving to Pakistan from India.

And nothing happened to the Indians moving to this side. Those who were able to make it they are still called Mohajirs. what an Irony:sick:

People were dead on the both sides.

And the reference of news, almost most of Pakistani news chanals supported and funded by non-muslim, to inject their culture in to Muslims,
Geo tv based on Jew tv, if you write it in Urdu the both worlds are same.
So who is the elightened one. Zaid Hamid :lol:

Their duty to just put wrong news in screen like Ajmal khasab is Pakistan but he is shihk and Indian

I guess he is amar singh :lol: Your government also accepted that. Now what else you want for it. Oh sorry your larger than government Zaid Hamid said he is amar singh so he is amar singh,

Ary group, Jang group and Express group taking billions of dollar for a year to do these dirtly jobs

Dont know if they take or not but if you keep your nation on sale what can we do.
well JESUS,ABRAHIM,SOLOMEN were all our prophets too! so what we deny our basic religion because it "hurts" others feelings??? great in this manner no religion should exsist because jews "hurt" our sentiments! christians "mock" our prophet!

well I dont have knoweldge of other religions................but I know this that there exist only one god............you call it allah or Ram or Nanak

and about hurting sentiments...........Christsians follow Jesus.........and you said Jesus is your prophet too....................that you are same as Chritians ..............end of discusion
it was a practical choice they made...at the end of the day whatever god gets you your bread gets your vote...
to me they are all the same..
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