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55 Thousand Indian soldiers lost to 2 thousand Rebels

Frankly, I think the title is misleading.

One cannot declare victory or defeat so long as both sides continue to remain in the conflict, in a capacity where they can have a significant impact on the dynamics in the region.

fair enough...lets not call it a victory...but then i guess the "GOALS" of the indian army and its write is not being established....and i also would like to ask what is victory....because i would want to know how will anyone ever claim victory against the grueilla tactics....

in my opinon victory is if a handful of men can keep a huge army bogged down....because you can't possibly imagine 2000 ever beating the entire indian army...
f7P0Z86-3tY[/media] - 55 Thousand Indian soldiers lost to 2 thousand Rebels

well i guess all those INDIANS who thought defeating the "TERRORISTS" is so easy and pakistan is not willing to defeat them this video is a good reply....

I don't know about Indian army or any other state police are trained to encounter these rebels, but here in the state of andhra pradesh naxals are been slaughtered (unofficially 5000-10000 in number) like mad dogs in the last 8 years by a force called 'greyhounds' (around 2000 in number) which was raised by AP government. From last year grayhounds have starting training other state police and CRPF, its just only time for these rebels to be shown the path of hell.
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Hey Paritosh or Satoshi Tomie. I dont know who you are. if you find things funny here then please refrain from being on the forum. If you are here you need to respect the opinion and especially of our countrymen. :pakistan::china:

read the forum rules mate...no personal attacks...some mod ought to be telling you this...i guess my nationality doesnt work in my favor here...

when you quote me next time...i expect a reply that points out to something relevant and has minimal usage of smilies and other cartoons...
funny how every BIG WIG of INDIA on this forum could come up with one liners against this videos.....and as for TALIBAN gaining ground i think you are forgetting that NAXAL corridor is getting larger as well as the fact that even during the elections the indian army was attacked....but PARITOSH you take away the cake for coming up with the line THEY SHOULD COME OUT IN THE OPEN AND FIGHT......hahahaha great one boy keep it up you want gruellia fighters that are outnumbered to fight "according to your rules".....come out of utopia...except reality and accept that indian army is helpless and losing to these people.....not because "INDIAN ARMY" is less manly or anything of that sort please i don't mean that they are well trained professionals...but you cannot defeat an enemy who follows no rules of engagement....i guess the british learnt it at the hands of the ZULUs and the world saw how the MONGOLS did it and the world was at their mercy and again in vietnam as well as the soviets....so the bottom line is that if pakistan is having a hard time beating taliban its not like the NATO,US or the indians doing a great job either be it against the taliban or the naxals or whoever....

dont misquote me 'boy'...the guy giving the interview said something like "we are obviously vary of fighting the indian army in the open"
i know what a guerrilla outfit is and how it functions..take a good second look at my display picture....
the title reads..."55000 Indian soldiers lost to 2000 rebels"
i did not hear the separatist guy say that..did you?...and i frankly dont need a lesson in history...
we are obviously vary of fighting the indian army in the open

ahem still not getting what your point is....ofcourse like duh he is vary of fighting the indian army out in the open...just the fact he is breathing i think is victory in itself for him.....and if you go up "BOY" and read what i wrote to agnostic muslim you might get your answer....define victory....i said holding down an army of 55,000 by 2000 people is victory for a guerrilla outfit...
In my opinion the Army made a smart move here, if the insurgents are not causing any serious problem why launch an operation and cause trouble for the local population?!! Because by doing it only means angering the locals and creating a tilt towards the militants in public opinion.

Btw these Manipuri militant groups are helped by some forces in Myanmar(a Chinese proxy) and they have created a pandemic of Heroin addiction and AIDS within their own people. They sell heroin coming from the Golden Triangle, to collect money for their weapons etc. The locals are getting more and more angry with them with each passing day. They will soon end up like the ULFA in Assam when their public support reach single digits.

I have seen this strategy working. Keep operations limited and vigilance tight.
In my opinion the Army made a smart move here, if the insurgents are not causing any serious problem why launch an operation and cause trouble for the local population?!! Because by doing it only means angering the locals and creating a tilt towards the militants in public opinion.

Btw these Manipuri militant groups are helped by some forces in Myanmar(a Chinese proxy) and they have created a pandemic of Heroin addiction and AIDS within their own people. They sell heroin coming from the Golden Triangle, to collect money for their weapons etc. The locals are getting more and more angry with them with each passing day. They will soon end up like the ULFA in Assam when their public support reach single digits.

I have seen this strategy working. Keep operations limited and vigilance tight.

YES GENRAL...we should put you in command of the penatgon and you might finally help the US win in afghanistan and IRAQ......
YES GENRAL...we should put you in command of the penatgon and you might finally help the US win in afghanistan and IRAQ......

Don't look that far, see what's happening in SWAT (Maulana Sufi Mohammad's last statement that operations will create more Talibans).

And btw our goal should not be to kill more enemies, but to win the final war. Army's only goal is to finish the insurgency, not to kill more militants. This is something the Pakistani army (and some like you) seem not to understand...no wonder you named this thread "Thousand Indian soldiers lost to 2 thousand Rebels"....when the militants themselves said (in the vid) that they are not fighting as they can't take on the Indian Army. Then how could someone lose, when the enemy is not even fighting him?? I sure not understand how's it possible :confused:
we are obviously vary of fighting the indian army in the open

ahem still not getting what your point is....ofcourse like duh he is vary of fighting the indian army out in the open...just the fact he is breathing i think is victory in itself for him.....and if you go up "BOY" and read what i wrote to agnostic muslim you might get your answer....define victory....i said holding down an army of 55,000 by 2000 people is victory for a guerrilla outfit...

dude...please explain how the 2000 have been able to hold up the 55000...is it just because he was able to give that interview?
or have they formed a parallel functioning govt...?
dude...please explain how the 2000 have been able to hold up the 55000...is it just because he was able to give that interview?
or have they formed a parallel functioning govt...?

May I try to answer this...

They are hiding in jungles in Myanmar under a tacit understanding with the ruling military junta...but the Army can't cross the international border to launch an operation, there were formal pleas from the GoI too, but Myanmar wasn't receptive
we are obviously vary of fighting the indian army in the open

ahem still not getting what your point is....ofcourse like duh he is vary of fighting the indian army out in the open...just the fact he is breathing i think is victory in itself for him.....and if you go up "BOY" and read what i wrote to agnostic muslim you might get your answer....define victory....i said holding down an army of 55,000 by 2000 people is victory for a guerrilla outfit...

How many guerilla outfits have you commanded? Killing civilians everyday, is that victory? I really dont understand the kiddish mindset of celebrating a small seperatist groups' comments in the media, in a jungle 5000km away from where you start these silly posts.

ULFA cadres are being killed daily, the outfit that took Assam hostage in 1991 has been reduced to bunch of munchos who appear on TV with their best make-up on, and you seem to enjoy every moment of their prime time viewing. They are nothing but a handful of pea-brained maniacs who blow themselves up before they are ment to.

Cut the BS, dont make me praise BLA and Taliban for killing Pakistani civilians/soldiers and taking over 45% of your country.

And as far as 55,000 soldiers are concerned, let this remain a figment of your imagination, go on to MoHF website and count away the numbers involved to those you posted.
How many guerilla outfits have you commanded? Killing civilians everyday, is that victory? I really dont understand the kiddish mindset of celebrating a small seperatist groups' comments in the media, in a jungle 5000km away from where you start these silly posts.

ULFA cadres are being killed daily, the outfit that took Assam hostage in 1991 has been reduced to bunch of munchos who appear on TV with their best make-up on, and you seem to enjoy every moment of their prime time viewing. They are nothing but a handful of pea-brained maniacs who blow themselves up before they are ment to.

Cut the BS, dont make me praise BLA and Taliban for killing Pakistani civilians/soldiers and taking over 45% of your country.

And as far as 55,000 soldiers are concerned, let this remain a figment of your imagination, go on to MoHF website and count away the numbers involved to those you posted.

Well ur media should stop filming them.
If you want to praise BLA, and Taliban there are other fourms you can go to, no need to derail this one.

As for the numbers, it was reported by your media, so either they are bunch of morons, who like to spice everything, or either you are for believing them, im guess thats where you got the 45%.:cheers:
May I try to answer this...

They are hiding in jungles in Myanmar under a tacit understanding with the ruling military junta...but the Army can't cross the international border to launch an operation, there were formal pleas from the GoI too, but Myanmar wasn't receptive

the Indian army does move into the Myanmari border...my brother is a major with the 2 Assam regiment...i have seen his pics which he took in Myanmar...i guess the Indian govt has some pact with the junta...as the indian army is allowed to conduct operation along the border areas of Myanmar
we are obviously vary of fighting the indian army in the open

ahem still not getting what your point is....ofcourse like duh he is vary of fighting the indian army out in the open...just the fact he is breathing i think is victory in itself for him.....and if you go up "BOY" and read what i wrote to agnostic muslim you might get your answer....define victory....i said holding down an army of 55,000 by 2000 people is victory for a guerrilla outfit...

No you are completely wrong .Clearly they are terrorists and its victory is all about how much they can damage the public safety. Even if 1 million soldiers killed against 1 naxal what matters is can they establish any parallel civil administration against the government of India ? They cannot , If they try to do so they will be wiped out.

If 55,000 soldiers killed we have another 55,000 patriotic Indians to join the security forces to fight them and we do have people to countinously monitor and improve the standards of troops to reduce the casualty.

These militants do get support outside India, But things will definitely change.May be one day Pakistan becomes a close ally to India and terrorism ends in Kashmir ! Anything can happen.
in a jungle 5000km away from where you start these silly posts.

EXACTLY my point when it comes to SWAT....
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