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53% Indian households defecate in open: World Bank says on World Toilet Day

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Yeah right they brought civilization to India anything else they brought?
our economy led the world before british came and when they left it was .01% of world economy i wonder what precious things they gave us that we had to give up our market economy and become poorest when they left.
That's just your delusion,Industrial revolution changes everything and british brought it to you indians.
Prevalence of undernourishment in India ( the percentage of the population whose food intake is insufficient to meet dietary energy requirements continuously) is 17.5 % and in Pakistan it is 19.9 % .. India has improved a lot and performed better than Pakistan as in 1991 , the stats were 26.9 % for India and 26.4% for Pakistan

On the Index of "Improved sanitation facilities" , Pakistan has performed better .. in 1990 , the percent of population who had access to improved sanitation facilities was 27 % which increased to 48 % in 2010 ......... India was at 18 % in 1990 and it increased to 34 % in 2010 .....

Over all both countries have performed quite poorly
care to post the data of latest census of both the nations sir ...hope you wont mind that 
That's just your delusion,Industrial revolution changes everything and british brought it to you indians.
lolzzz one more so called "thundering typhoon sky rocketting IQ holder":rofl::rofl:
India is the only one lagging behind :suicide2: We will see slow progress because most of the people don't see it as something disgusting.Travelled to a lot small towns in Punjab,you will see children shitting in open drains in front of their houses (with toilets facilities) :bad:

Try travelling to areas closer to Delhi and UP in the morning you will see armies of people shitting in fields,railway tracks and roads.


That's just your delusion,Industrial revolution changes everything and british brought it to you indians.
Right right, it changed what? let 3 million+ indians die due to man made famine in ww2 , cos british people should be fed and indians shouldn't be.What else did they change?It is not delusion it was a proven fact India was top1 economy of the world before British came, its there in Angus maddison report of World Economies 1000 year reports,

Home Maddison
Read there and get your delusions cleared.
That's just your delusion,Industrial revolution changes everything and british brought it to you indians.

Industrial revolution reduced India as the dumping ground for goods made in British factories and exploiting India's natural resources.
care to post the data of latest census of both the nations sir ...hope you wont mind that

Sanitation facility access:

urban: 72% of population
rural: 29% of population
total: 45% of population


urban: 28% of population
rural: 71% of population
total: 55% of population

Definition: This entry provides information about access to improved or unimproved sanitation facilities available to segments of the population of a country. improved sanitation - use of any of the following facilities: flush or pour-flush to a piped sewer system, septic tank or pit latrine; ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrine; pit latrine with slab; or a composting toilet. Unimproved sanitation - use of any of the following facilities: flush or pour-flush not piped to a sewer system, septic tank or pit latrine; pit latrine without a slab or open pit; bucket; hanging toilet or hanging latrine; shared facilities of any type; no facilities; or bush or field.

Source: CIA World Factbook - Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of February 21, 2013

Sanitation facility access:

urban: 54% of population
rural: 21% of population
total: 31% of population


urban: 46% of population
rural: 79% of population
total: 69% of population

Source: CIA World Factbook - Unless otherwise noted, information in this page is accurate as of February 21, 2013
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rightly said about EU/West/US conditions back then.

What do you think is the aim/reasons for "bias" reporting by their agencies about Indian conditions?

what is their gain?

These are the guys who do all their experiments in food, seeds etc on most densely populated regions in Asia. They will also sound alarms to scare us, physiological games and at the same time demoralize the rising powers.
@WebMaster; so we again descend into the Lowest Common Denominator; into the toilet bowl of PDF-------another Toilet Thread !

Thanks to our efficient Resident Scavengers (aka Bhangees)here. The Thread Starter here displayed a certain fondness for Tatti in another thread which was totally unrelated to even toilets in any way.
Of course there is a psychological term for that: Coprolagnia - cop·ro·lag·ni·a (k
) (n)
meaning- A form of sexual perversion in which pleasure is obtained from the thought, sight, or touching of excrement.

Since study of Strategy involves study of Psycholo or study of Human Nature; maybe we ought not to ignore that.

Webby, so why don't you start a "Scavengers Sub-Forum" on PDF ??
@WebMaster; so we again descend into the Lowest Common Denominator; into the toilet bowl of PDF-------another Toilet Thread !

Thanks to our efficient Resident Scavengers (aka Bhangees)here. The Thread Starter here displayed a certain fondness for Tatti in another thread which was totally unrelated to even toilets in any way.
Of course there is a psychological term for that: Coprolagnia - cop·ro·lag·ni·a (k
) (n)
meaning- A form of sexual perversion in which pleasure is obtained from the thought, sight, or touching of excrement.

Since study of Strategy involves study of Psycholo or study of Human Nature; maybe we ought not to ignore that.

Webby, so why don't you start a "Scavengers Sub-Forum" on PDF ??

my dear its a World Toilet day and India is not the only one who was mentioned
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That is the truth and nothing to be ashamed of, considering these western countries are the ones which made India like this through their colonialism.
Blaming colonialism :lol:
my dear its a World Toilet day and India is not the only one who was mentioned
but why did you mention india in the first place what has toilets in india got to to with pakistan defence forum and related issues

is it your unending indian obsession or Ehsaas E kamtari or confused national identity and national priorities :azn:
These are the guys who do all their experiments in food, seeds etc on most densely populated regions in Asia. They will also sound alarms to scare us, physiological games and at the same time demoralize the rising powers.
There is a huge market for such things in Asia ,Mosanto is one MNC who wants to capture asian market by using GM crops so that they can maintain monopoly.
Till recently they were doing clinical drugs research in India untill the court order was passed that in order to do clincal drug research the company is liable to pay for the medical expenses of that volunteer.

Also Novartis wants to sell Indian government vaccine for Cervical cancer which was not tested.
Like these there are many who want to enter the Indian market, these publications and showing Asian countries in bad light is one way of saying, hey let us in, we can improve your conditions.

All Western Pharma companies are pissed off at Indian drug companies and they leave no stone unturned to show indian generic drugs as cheap, hazardous to health by publishing scientific reports in media.
Sure its not 53%. Extrapolation(the method used) can work only in homogeneous populations. But that said I am sure it is more than 33%. Shocking thing is this - even households having perfectly fine toilets sometimes go out into the jhaary ke peeche! This is more prominent in the summers.
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