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50 Dalits in Uttar Pradesh announce conversion to Islam


Nov 1, 2010
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At least 50 Dalits in Uttar Pradesh have announced they were converting to Islam following a rise in atrocities against their community.


A group of Dalits in Moradabad took idols of Hindu deities to immerse in the nearby river.

One local resident told ABP News, “Barbers refused to cut our hair under pressure from the members of the upper caste. Our beard grew and we began to look like Muslims. It was then we decided to embrace Islam.”

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Hearing the news of Dalits converting to Islam, some Bajrang Dal members arrived at the spot and made desperate attempts to persuade them to not go ahead with their action. But, the Dalits refused to budge and reiterated their plans to embrace Islam.

The Dalits said that they had high hopes from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and newly appointed Uttar Pradesh chief minister, Yogi Adityanath, but both, according to them, had become ‘anti-Dalits.’

Hope they are treated a proper muslims and not as dalit muslims, hope they do not ask for seats under dalit quota.
Its the ignorance and superstitions carried over from our hindu forefathers

So many ills of our society are due to carrying over ignorant hindu/cultural beleifs

New muslims have an advantage they can choosh to dump the baggage

You do know how Arabs treat desi muslims - right?
That Islam does not have a caste system is the worst lie propagated around.
You may not have call it caste but you have a system that ranks muslims - Call is caste or class or what ever, makes no difference.

Arabs, Africans, Europeans they all dont matter

What matters is Allah and his will

And his will is clear that once you become a muslim you are equal before God and will equally answer for your wrongdoings
You do know how Arabs treat desi muslims - right?
That Islam does not have a caste system is the worst lie propagated around.
You may not have call it caste but you have a system that ranks muslims - Call is caste or class or what ever, makes no difference.
Who told you muslims are ranked in castes/classes? :lol:

It depends on weather and culture. People living in areas with hot climate are always somewhat harsh than the people living in areas with cold climate.
For example: People living in Medinah (having a tropical climate) are cool amd friendly than people living in Makkah (having hot desert climate).
Of course there are castes among Muslims. There are castes in every society. But there is not a caste system (key word: system). Unlike in Hinduism there is a caste system with Brahmins on top, followed by kashaitri, then Sudras at the bottom; and those not in the pyramid, i.e., dalits, are treated the worst as "untouchables". There is no such pyramid or hierarchy of castes among Muslims as far as I know. Certainly not according to the egalitarian teachings of Islam.

You are confusing class with caste. Class exists in every society, not caste. Class can change (both upwards and downwards), but caste is fixed and rooted in religion.

Which sect?

And good riddance. Bye bye, enjoy your life.

Any sect - at least they can choose.

If I want to convert to Hindusim, the only option is Dalit?

You do know how Arabs treat desi muslims - right?
That Islam does not have a caste system is the worst lie propagated around.
You may not have call it caste but you have a system that ranks muslims - Call is caste or class or what ever, makes no difference.

You know that Arabs got ruled by non-Arab Muslims (and non-Arab Caliph) for centuries, right? That would not be possible if there was a hierarchy mentioned in Quran- but there is none!
If the poor low caste Dalits in India could get a better life by conversion to a new religion, be it Islam, Christian or any others, why not? good move, here is another good example
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