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5 reasons Why India will never become America??

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now we have two troll 'B's in the forum.. lol.......dont know whats with the letter B though .....some form of gay cult or something....
I am yet to find any Indian who says, i did what I wanted to do. what my heart said but what i instead hear is I could not hurt my this and that so i suppressed my desire. Get a life people. you are wasting a huge fertile land. we dont want this kind of culturally backward people to ruin that piece of land. have guts and be brave in real world

You are an idiotic, stupid, suicide troll who doesnt have have a life. You are a fucked up a creature....

But then again this is also my "Personal Opinion" when you can have opionion for 1/5 of humanity damn it why i cant have for one person.....
Hey Poeple. My thread might have upset you but it was meant to be an intellectual debate but i guess i was wrong. anyways, time to leave and i am glad that in the end we have total of '69' likes...that's super cool :D
My God...whats the standard now of this forum..already 10th page.

Mods are enjoying this I think though they show like they are disagreeing with the points mentioned by the Tomato
Hey Poeple. My thread might have upset you but it was meant to be an intellectual debate but i guess i was wrong. anyways, time to leave and i am glad that in the end we have total of '69' likes...that's super cool :D

For the debate to be intellectual the person in front is gotta be intellectual not a idiotic, stupid, suicide troll who doesnt have have a life(Again as per the "personal opinion" which i can still have on the levarage of one person having it for 1/5 of humanitiy)

So anyone tell what level of intellect are we dealing with....
u talking about this thread??...if not....which one which one which one??....pls temme?? *cute innocent puppy-like face* :)

Just pick an Avatar, they are free...... no need to describe your self. :D
5 Reasons why India can never become a country like United states.

United states is a highly reputed country whose citizens enjoy freedom, luxury, pleasure that no one can match.

reasons why India can never become a country like US are:-

1) people are really backward. this also includes so called educated, rich people. Indians are backward in terms of many things. they stick to their age old belief and consider themselves to be saint which they are not. we have one word for people like them, that is, backwards.

2)Indians are scared creatures. they are afraid of changes even if it means happiness. they are so much involved with their nonsense beliefs that its difficult for them to accept anything different. we have one word for people like them, that is, cowards

3)They are different people inside and different outside. they preach something, show something, behave something but from inside they are something else. they keep trying to impress others who don't give a damn and disregard those who give them lots of respect. they run for something which they can't have and in the name of morality suppress , kill and murder many individual's desire including their own. we have one word for people like them, hypocrites.

4)They take pride in trivial things and a small victory give them super confidence. modesty is something which they lack terribly. they don't know when to say what and do not at all care about others feelings they hurt knowingly and unknowingly. Pathetic humor that they have irritates more than it amuses. they try to be frank but in the process they forget that either they are boasting about themselves or they are making other feel small. it doesn't make them 'true friend' to a person but rather show how misbehaved and insensitive Indians are. we have one word for people like them, ill mannered.

5)anything different is shameless for them. They think entire world is shameless in doing things that their moral instinct says is against their principles despite knowing that those shameless people enjoy a better, happy and satisfying life than they ever will be able to live. we have one word for people like them, Jealous.

for Mods and others
this thread is not intended to make fun of Indians. whatever i have written is my observations and is cent percent correct. i hope this forum is not just mere copy and paste news but also sharing our own thoughts and ideas. so mods please consider my intention before reviewing this thread.

i couldn't agree more-
you have summed it all up-
Why would anybody want to be like the americans?
Hey Poeple. My thread might have upset you but it was meant to be an intellectual debate but i guess i was wrong. anyways, time to leave and i am glad that in the end we have total of '69' likes...that's super cool :D

bye ....bye.....troll...:wave::wave:
Tomato B, i appreciate your honesty- :tup:-
Tomato B- Hope you live long-

I know....
its not hard to find intellectually challenged people these days...

But- Tomato B has found a billion- interesting-
Yeah,i do agree to the fact that US is no role model,
there is something gud in each country which u also want to have
for ex-u want to as powerful as US or technologically advanced as japan
but that doesnt mean u want to be another US
but the question is why is he targetting India?

may be his Indian girlfriend dumped him....:cry:
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