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5 Muslim nations call for end to fighting



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May 11, 2006
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KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Five Muslim countries denounced Israel's offensive in Lebanon on Friday, calling for an immediate halt to the hostilities.

The foreign ministers of Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Pakistan held hastily called talks on the sidelines of a regional security meeting in Kuala Lumpur to discuss "their grave concern over the deteriorating situation and unabated violence" in Lebanon and occupied Palestinian territories, according to a joint statement.

"The ministers strongly condemned Israel's military actions and indiscriminate and excessive use of force," the statement said. The countries "called for an immediate and unconditional cease-fire."

The talks were arranged after Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki arrived in Malaysia at Kuala Lumpur's invitation.

"We are all very concerned about what is happening in the Middle East. There is no other issue more important right now," Seyed Abbas Araghchi, Iran's deputy foreign minister for legal and international affairs, told The Associated Press.

Protests against Israel's onslaught also broke out in several Muslim countries Friday.

Hundreds of protesters broke through a police cordon and marched to the convention center in Kuala Lumpur where U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was meeting with other foreign ministers. They raised their fists and chanted slogans against Washington's refusal to condemn Israel's bombardment of Lebanon.

In Indonesia, thousands of people protested in several cities, waving banners and calling Israeli and U.S. leaders "the real terrorists."

"It's ironic that America shouts about peace and democracy, and then supports Israel when it kills innocent Muslims," said Arief Trisarjono, who led some 100 protesters in front of the U.S. embassy in the capital, Jakarta. "How can they stop terrorism against the West if they always make Muslims angry?"

About 2,500 Muslims marched through Bangladesh's capital, burning Israeli and American flags and effigies of President Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Malaysia earlier this week proposed an emergency summit of the 56-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference, the world's largest Islamic political grouping, to discuss the Mideast crisis.

Araghchi said it was unclear if Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would attend the summit next week. "Obviously Iran will take part on the highest level possible," he said.

Iran and Syria are major patrons of Hezbollah, the Lebanese guerrilla group whose July 12 capture of two Israeli soldiers provoked Israel's onslaught.

Iran also helps funds Hamas, the ruling Palestinian militant group. Militants linked to Hamas crossed into Israel on June 25 and also seized an Israeli soldier, provoking an Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip.


Associated Press writers Julhas Alam in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Niniek Karmini in Jakarta, Indonesia, contributed to this story
any updates on those soldiers? have they been returned back to Israel yet? Man, what a chaos - I hope things get settled soon.
JSK said:
any updates on those soldiers? have they been returned back to Israel yet? Man, what a chaos - I hope things get settled soon.

They won't be returned alive.

Yesterday I saw a very revealing report on the local TV that Israel has been kidnapping and abducting civilians from Gaza and West Bank for years but the practice got intensified and since November last year some 55 civilians have been missing.
Kidnapping of these two soldiers was the retalliation from Hesbollah.

Any news on those 55 guys?
Neo said:
They won't be returned alive.

Yesterday I saw a very revealing report on the local TV that Israel has been kidnapping and abducting civilians from Gaza and West Bank for years but the practice got intensified and since November last year some 55 civilians have been missing.
Kidnapping of these two soldiers was the retalliation from Hesbollah.

Any news on those 55 guys?

Neo - i was just curious, wasnt trying to justify anything if htat's the message you got ;)

At first, I did agree and was siding with Israel for the actions they had taken...but I do believe that they've taken it wayyy too far and need to be stopped.

Maybe its the reports/news that's provided to us here in the US that's Biased, but we never get these kinds of reports that you mentioned above!!

Internet is a great tool to get information from both sides, but it also isnt the most reliable...

you only believe what you see, or rather wanna believe in the end..i guess
JSK said:
Neo - i was just curious, wasnt trying to justify anything if htat's the message you got ;)
Neither was my reply...I just wanted to tell about the report I saw yesterday. :angel:

At first, I did agree and was siding with Israel for the actions they had taken...but I do believe that they've taken it wayyy too far and need to be stopped.
Same here...I used to sympethise with those soldiers but lost it as the conflict developped in massacre of 600+ inocent civilians.

Maybe its the reports/news that's provided to us here in the US that's Biased, but we never get these kinds of reports that you mentioned above!!
Well we often critisize Al-Jazeera but CNN isn't much better...
I go for the independant local stations...I receive over 1.800 channels here in Amsterdam via satellite..and I go for media which provides most visual proves.

Internet is a great tool to get information from both sides, but it also isnt the most reliable...
you only believe what you see, or rather wanna believe in the end..i guess
western media specialy american using the israely language
today i was reding a report saying
hizbollah killing inocent israeli civilians by rocket attacks....
infact israelies are hitting civilians and civilian targets....

till yesterday israelies hitted 300 lebonians innocent civilians and 55 hizbollah persns while on the other hand
hizbollah shotted 35 or so israeli soldiers and jut 15 to 20 civilians....

now u can easily pick that who is hitting civilians.....

and even now wertern media blaiming hizbollah and saying them terriorists....
Neo said:
They won't be returned alive.

Yesterday I saw a very revealing report on the local TV that Israel has been kidnapping and abducting civilians from Gaza and West Bank for years but the practice got intensified and since November last year some 55 civilians have been missing.
Kidnapping of these two soldiers was the retalliation from Hesbollah.

Any news on those 55 guys?

How is kidnapping in gaza and west bank related to Hisbollah?
Bull said:
How is kidnapping in gaza and west bank related to Hisbollah?

Hesbollah is fighting Israel for the 'brotherhood' and will ratalliate any hostility against Palestinians.
Neo said:
Hesbollah is fighting Israel for the 'brotherhood' and will ratalliate any hostility against Palestinians.

And if thats a logic,then Israel also has the right to attack with the means they have.And thats exactly they are doing now.
Bull said:
And if thats a logic,then Israel also has the right to attack with the means they have.And thats exactly they are doing now.

Its not logic, I only made a point that Israel has been abducting civilians and more than 55 are missing since Novermber. These people have been kidnapped from Gaza, Westbank and Lebanon.

And yet two missing soldiers justify killing of 600+ civilians?

This logic is unparalelled in my universe...:blink:
Neo said:
Hesbollah is fighting Israel for the 'brotherhood' and will ratalliate any hostility against Palestinians.

And bringing misery to Lebanon.

Militarily speaking, they should go to Palestine and localise the "brotherhood's" fight as also increase the strength and not dissipate it. Concentration of Force.
Pak ready to provide any kind of assistance to Lebanon, says PM

Monday July 31, 2006

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz Sunday on behalf of Pakistani people and government has assured all kinds of assistance to his Lebanese counterpart Fouad Siniora.

The Prime Minister in telephonic conservation with Prime Minister of Lebanon Fouad Siniora said that people of Pakistan are along with their Lebanese brothers in this hour of crises adding that two Pakistani aeroplanes carrying relief goods have been departed to Lebanon.

The Prime Minister further said Pakistan would provide more assistance to war ravaged country Lebanon.

Reiterating his condemnation of Israeli aggression on Lebanon, the Prime Minister stressed the need of immediate cease-fire.
Meanwhile Fouad Siniora while expressing thanks to Pakistani people and government for its support hoped that Islamic countries would play their due role for stopping Israeli aggression.
Salim said:
And bringing misery to Lebanon.
Hesbollah is politicalised in Beirut, elected by the comon man.

Militarily speaking, they should go to Palestine and localise the "brotherhood's" fight as also increase the strength and not dissipate it. Concentration of Force.
Militarily speaking, Israel should invade Southern Lebanon only where the Hesbollah stronghold has manifested.
Attacking cities and civilians is against humanilty.
Neo said:
Hesbollah is politicalised in Beirut, elected by the common man.

I am aware that the Hizb is also a political party and has been democratically elected as a part of the govt in power. I was alluding to the military wing.

Militarily speaking, Israel should invade Southern Lebanon only where the Hesbollah stronghold has manifested.
Attacking cities and civilians is against humanilty.

The conflagration started because of the kidnapping of the Israeli soldiers.

Israel had withdrawn after the last conflagration from Southern Lebanon and therefore there should have been no reason to "activate" the front by the kidnapping.

In so far as the targets of bridges and infrastructure, possibly the Israeli plan is to bring great misery to the population so as to alienate the other communities from the Hizbs. Therefore, the political aim of the military strikes appear to make sense, even though morally it is reprehensible. But then I believe this is war. Read Clausewitz "On War".

In so far as building are concerned, they claim that the Hizb are using the area to rocket Israel.

All said and done, for the sake of humanity, the confalgration should stop.

Now, since South Lebanon was peaceful before this, would it not have been better for the military wing to show "brotherhood" with the Palestinians by going to Gaza and doing what they are doing now? Why open up a front that is "cool".

All they have achieved is bring misery to Lebanon.

Militarily, Israel has taken on lebanon and not only the Hizb because it is the duty of the democratically elected govt to administer its country and ensure that none puts the security of the country to jeopardy. The Lebanese govt has failed to exercise this duty by allowing the Hizb to chalk their own agenda that maybe contrary to the national agenda. Since the govt has done nothing to ensure that the Hizb not go against the govt's agenda, it is taken that the Hizb has the blessings of the Lebanese govt.
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