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5,000-km Agni-V missile ready for test firing: Antony

read the conversation in context or don't say anything. I clearly meant comments about nuking India.

Is our defence minister said anything about targeting China or GOI ? all you heard is from the news paper isn't it?

Whom here exceeding the limit is only China..
Way Back in 1978 even before Chinese started their economic liberalization Chinese had ICBM with range in excess of 10000km. And it is 2010 our ICBM program is in fancy,our leadership is still sleeping.

ICBM Systems - China Nuclear Forces

Dude, since 1978 , how many times have they used the 10000 km missile ? We have ours today , in the least it works as a deterrence. Ours is a different story, we are a democracy (peculiar one ) but all the same we are and we have to bear the nuances
Is our defence minister said anything about targeting China or GOI ? all you heard is from the news paper isn't it?

Whom here exceeding the limit is only China..

Holy fing hell do I have to explain myself to you too? I know most Indians don't want nuclear war but I was just responding to imbeciles like aj and Mogambo who seem to relish the death of millions of people and mutual destruction.

Please for the love of god, read the whole conversation.
Dude, since 1978 , how many times have they used the 10000 km missile ? We have ours today , in the least it works as a deterrence. Ours is a different story, we are a democracy (peculiar one ) but all the same we are and we have to bear the nuances

Missiles have nothing to do with your democracy. China is way ahead of you without any democrazy. Stick to topic.
Way Back in 1978 even before Chinese started their economic liberalization Chinese had ICBM with range in excess of 10000km. And it is 2010 our ICBM program is in fancy,our leadership is still sleeping.

ICBM Systems - China Nuclear Forces

China may have started their liberalization lately,but still they were a power,even before it,China is one of the nation inside security council,remember a position granted only to the big players then

and China developed ICBM's back then because even at that time they needed it,even before their economic liberalization,they have an enemy in U.S and Soviet

we still do not have such a scenario,we have no distant enemies,our only concern r our neighbours,we still dont need any long distant ICBM,all this weapons need a lot of money to develop them,why waste such an amount if it is not needed
The fact is we don't need missiles with tens of thousands kilm range..as we as strong space power, we are as capable of making it years ago..and we build according to threat perceptions, now with China posing real threat, it has become a need to have a strong deterrence ..

rafay321: Missiles have nothing to do with your democracy. China is way ahead of you without any democrazy. Stick to topic.
yes we are not caged people..even if a cage is made of gold..cage is a cage..
This is all we need ...............

A powerful detterance always wards off threat..AGIN V is just that..and it is china specific..we dnt have to come out with a 10,000km range missile to proove what we are capable of..ISRO has prooved and those who are having halucinations..time to come to reality
What i find is that most people begin trolling without even thinking
No country will induct a missile without conducting a full series of tests
now some of these test are successful while others might fail , even a failed test provide enough data to correct the reason for causing failure and to correct it in subsequent tests
That was the case with Agni 3 , this missile has undergone several test launches , 4 of them had been successful while 1-2 were not
Now the missile has been declared ready for induction after all the errors and loopholes have been ironed out
Missile was first tested in 2006 and has been declared ready for induction in 2010 , same will be the case with Agni 5 which will be first tested in 2011 and will be declared ready for induction around 2015

One thing that i find funny is that i have heard and ready about missile test failures in many countries be it US , Russia , France , UK , Germany , China and India , but i am yet to hear a missile test failure from pakistan
What it could actually mean is that either Pak scientist are far superior to American scientists ,which we all know that they are not , or they are getting support from other countries namely china and north korea , or they tend to hide a test failure from the glare of the media . Now this seams to be a glaring possibility , since in the past 2 years i have read several announcements about a missile test and which is followed by a media and military silence about whether a test actually happened.
A powerful detterance always wards off threat..AGIN V is just that..and it is china specific..we dnt have to come out with a 10,000km range missile to proove what we are capable of..ISRO has prooved and those who are having halucinations..time to come to reality

When Pakistan says the same Indians don't get it. :azn:
The chinese space program and missile program were not separate. where as we have separate programs for both Missiles and Space.
If we try to bring them together we can do a lot but then it harrases the civil space program. Thats why it took time for us. But doesn't matter we developed the technology.
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OK.... so you think it's a good idea to kill MILLIONS of innocent Chinese civilians, by "testing" the Agni-5 missile on the Three Gorges Dam, just to show that it is successful?

How disgusting.

(You should know that any attack on the Three Gorges Dam will be regarded as a nuclear strike).

What are you talking about man??? You are dropping your level too low. It is not an honorable act for a Yokozuna to fight with kids.

Remember; you wrote those golden words: Ignore them.

We both know what is in favor of our counties. And we also know that nothing silly like this going to happen. So chill out.:cheers:

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