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494 Jammu and Kashmir Youth Joins The Ranks Of The Indian Army

Kashmir's self appointed guardians across the border are always crying :cray:. I wanted to show mirror to wanna be :cuckoo: that Pebliscite cannot happen anymore, if Punjab and Bengal were divided and we are OK with it, lets just declare the LOC as border and call it quits, Militarily pakistan wont get an Inch from India and diplomatically India wont give and inch of land. India doesn't have the will or the interest to invade pakistan for kashmir. STATUS QUO :coffee: :big_boss:

Absolutely! I think that's the best solution for peace and Kashmir, LOC should be made International border. I think it's high time both sides should understand. Great thoughts @Parul!!
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Hello Sir...who the heck told you that Jammu and Leh Ladakh Muslims want independence??


Militarily and Diplomatically they can never take Kashmir.Even their experts say that militarily and diplomatically Kashmir cannot be won.

It is a lost battle for most of the sane Pakistanis.The rest are only promoting it for de-stabilising India.

oh sir then who told u they want to remain with india .during 2010 7 month long protests there were protests in leh and muslim majority districts of jammu also.
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oh sir then who told u they want to remain with india .during 2010 7 month long protests there were protests in leh and muslim majority districts of jammu also.

Oh sir ji...I am from Jammu and i was also involved in the Amarnath protests.

I swear on God i never saw any Muslim brother from my region protest for Azaadie.

I would love to see any pic/video etc you have of Jammu muslims protesting for freedom.
oh sir then who told u they want to remain with india .during 2010 7 month long protests there were protests in leh and muslim majority districts of jammu also.
@Ilyas naik I've already shared an Article in this thread that Plebiscite cannot be possible. PERIOD :closed: READ POST # 51:cuckoo:

I fail to understand why Pakistani and Indian Kashmiri Freedom Fighter don't raise there voice against AKASI Chin, is it not the legitimate part if KASHMIR ? What are your thoughts on it.???:coffee:
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What you are implying is that it is an Islamic movement. About that you are partly correct. But that is not a majority opinion. '7 months' - do you know in that case the people would simply have starved to death? I can give a simple answer to you regarding Jammu and Kashmir. If you want Kashmir out of India you have to take it from the frozen lifeless fingers of India.
oh sir then who told u they want to remain with india .during 2010 7 month long protests there were protests in leh and muslim majority districts of jammu also.

No use bro. The romantic aspirations of a mythical 'ummah' and the idea of pan Islamic brotherhood and Indophobia drilled into young minds since childhood has got mixed together. Even if truth stares down at their face they can't accept any alternative.
Oh sir ji...I am from Jammu and i was also involved in the Amarnath protests.

I swear on God i never saw any Muslim brother from my region protest for Azaadie.

I would love to see any pic/video etc you have of Jammu muslims protesting for freedom.
@COLDHEARTED AVIATOR yaar,if india is able to take back P-O-K ,we will have a border with afghanistan,and if we have a friendly relations with them,we can get access to CAR'S and we can cut the pak-china link,the status quo doesn't appeal to me much,though yes,it is the practical solution
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Oh sir ji...I am from Jammu and i was also involved in the Amarnath protests.

I swear on God i never saw any Muslim brother from my region protest for Azaadie.

I would love to see any pic/video etc you have of Jammu muslims protesting for freedom.

i am not talking about jammu city .i am talking about whole jammu division
@COLDHEARTED AVIATOR yaar,if india is able to take back P-O-K ,we will have a border with afghanistan,and if we have a friendly relations with them,we can get access to CAR'S and we can cut the pak-china link,the status quo doesn't appeal to me much,though yes,it is the practical solution

Bro,Stratergically who wont like to have it.Only thing is that we dont have the capacity now to indulge in this.The situation is very de-stabilising in our neighbourhood..Lets see what the future brings for us.
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i am not talking about jammu city .i am talking about whole jammu division

I am also talking about whole jammu region which starts from Lakhanpur all the way to Poonch in the west and Doda in the north...kindly share a few links of Muslims in these region protesting for freedom if you can...and yeah Leh Ladakh also incuded.
@Ilyas naik @Danish_Mir can you please reply to Post # 64 :pop:

@Ilyas naik I've already shared an Article in this thread that Plebiscite cannot be possible. PERIOD :closed: READ POST # 51:cuckoo:

I fail to understand why Pakistani and Indian Kashmiri Freedom Fighter don't raise there voice against AKASI Chin, is it not the legitimate part if KASHMIR ? What are your thoughts on it.???:coffee:

A very very simple answer......................Hippocrates.

They don't care about or give a crap to Kashmir its just the land, water and other resources they are interested in.

The biggest reason is their hate towards India they just need a point to rant and hate. :coffee:
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A very very simple answer......................Hippocrates.

They don't care about or give a crap to Kashmir its just the land, water and other resources they are interested in.

The biggest reason is their hate towards India they just need a point to rant and hate. :coffee:
Mate, I agree with you and know the moot reason is Water ;). However, want to hear from there mouth, why they don't cry river for akasi chin and why Lunatics don't shell their blood for it :sarcastic:
A very very simple answer......................Hippocrates.

They don't care about or give a crap to Kashmir its just the land, water and other resources they are interested in.

The biggest reason is their hate towards India they just need a point to rant and hate. :coffee:

I think you mean hypocrites.

Hippocrates was a greek physician par excellence of the ancient western world, who revolutionized the practice (and understanding) of medicine in the western hemisphere. He elevated the diagnosis and understanding of ailments to the rigour of what we today call science. He is to the western hemisphere, what Sushruta is to the Indian civilization. Well, almost.
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