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45 women commandos trained by NSG in last 10 years: Govt

I don;t see a problem with training but it comes down to an issue of deployment. In a society where maltreatment of women is well documneted, the end result will remain to be seen. The issue is to how to deploy them for operations. This is where out of the box thinking and creativity comes into play. Use them to nip sex trafficking, use them as honey traps, intel, spying, etc. There is so much that can be done with the right women in place!
Compete and utter waste of time and resources for the NSG. Not a SINGLE female NSG commando has ever been deployed, they are solely part of SRG so, yes you guessed it, their sole responsibility is VVIP protection and not a single female Z+ protectee has taken up the offer to have female commandos so the NSG has wasted its time and resources and these women have unfortunately walked into a dead end job with almost zero prospects moving foreward. Basically these women are sitting in some barracks somewhere twiddling their thumbs and the NSG has no idea what to do with them all while they continue to drain NSG funds as they have to be paid, housed, fed,watered, equipped and trained.

Even after 26/11 this kind of BS is still being played out with the NSG because of a-holes like Mayawati and her ilk.

Mayawati agrees to women Black Cats - Times Of India
Actually US Military Special Force personnel sometime do have VIP protection duty attached. I don't really know how Indian SOF operate, so I cannot literally comment on anything :)

These women are NOT part of any SOF unit- the NSG aren't an SF outfit, they are CT operators purely (SAG that is). These women are part of the SRG (Special Ranger Group) that is primarily focused on BG/VIP protection roles with a secondary CT role that is almost non-existent. The SAG (Special Action Group) of the NSG are the "shooters" who are 100% oriented to CT/HR roles and can be compared to the FBI's HRT, GSG-9 etc there are no females in the SAG.
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