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44 more Indian fishermen held in bay

Hey BONGO Bandhu , free our fisher men or else we will open all dams this Monsoon.:yay::yay::yay:
The Indian fishermen are not having a good day, aren't they. First got sunk by their own navy. Now got arrested.

Isn't the Indian navy/coast guard/fishery supposed to protect their waters after spending billions on flashy boats?

HA HA HA good point Bro we are just learning from our big Panda neighbor. hope the Christmas lesson they learnt today from chines navy express course will be forgotten tomorrow .:lol::yahoo:
open the dams and gutters once for ever :confused:

we will do this only if you promise to help us in this quest, help us to remove the gutter cover(they are too heavy to lift), and we will open the dam gates. Both have to be done simultaneously to achieve max. output flow speed.:lol::lol::cheers:
To follow indian practice Bangladesh should skin these indians and hang them in boder fence.

fishermen are poor humans they are not criminals

This human stand for poor people has gone forever from Bangladeshi people's mind when it's indian. Back in 98 I remember I passed my time in a border area on boat with indian fishermen inside our territory, there were many boats and all were indian. I boarded on their boat, exchanged my cigarette for their biri (patar biri)...they were very excited to have cigarettes. Asked them if there was any problem to catch fish in BD territory, they said, "no BDR is very soft to us".

That time I thought that these guys were poor, what's the point objecting them...now my stand is completely different...if any indian is illegally in our territory, our border troop should do anything they wish.
This human stand for poor people has gone forever from Bangladeshi people's mind when it's indian. Back in 98 I remember I passed my time in a border area on boat with indian fishermen inside our territory, there were many boats and all were indian. I boarded on their boat, exchanged my cigarette for their biri (patar biri)...they were very excited to have cigarettes. Asked them if there was any problem to catch fish in BD territory, they said, "no BDR is very soft to us".

That time I thought that these guys were poor, what's the point objecting them...now my stand is completely different...if any indian is illegally in our territory, our border troop should do anything they wish.

Water is not like land borders with fences where one can know for sure where he is. Bangladeshi fishermen also end up in our water, hence, both the countries should act prudently in such cases.

Regarding issues on our land borders, we are putting up fences, using non-lethal ammunitions to reduce unfortunate deaths of people trying to cross over here for a better future, Bangladesh should also cooperate with us instead of resisting the fencing and turning a blind eye to the illegal activities on the border. We cannot forever remain a dumping ground for excess population of Bangladesh.
Water is not like land borders with fences where one can know for sure where he is. Bangladeshi fishermen also end up in our water, hence, both the countries should act prudently in such cases.

Regarding issues on our land borders, we are putting up fences, using non-lethal ammunitions to reduce unfortunate deaths of people trying to cross over here for a better future, Bangladesh should also cooperate with us instead of resisting the fencing and turning a blind eye to the illegal activities on the border. We cannot forever remain a dumping ground for excess population of Bangladesh.

Well, they are just poor cattle traders who cross the border to get those cheap Indian cows, not to settle there. When they refuse to bribe those BSF jawans they get killed, it's a known fact. However, there are numerous illegal Indians constantly intruding into Bangladesh in search for better lives, your own government acknowledges the fact that Bangladesh hosts one of the largest Non-resident Indian populations, moreover the remittance figures which the illegal Indians are sending to India clearly proves it. The fact is people here don't care if the Indians illegally stay in Bangladesh or not, hell we don't even have any official figure while the number of illegal Indians must be in millions, neither the media ever took this situation seriously. But I guess both the government and the media should now get serious in this issue.
Well, they are just poor cattle traders who cross the border to get those cheap Indian cows, not to settle there. When they refuse to bribe those BSF jawans they get killed, it's a known fact. However, there are numerous illegal Indians constantly intruding into Bangladesh in search for better lives, your own government acknowledges the fact that Bangladesh hosts one of the largest Non-resident Indian populations, moreover the remittance figures which the illegal Indians are sending to India clearly proves it. The fact is people here don't care if the Indians illegally stay in Bangladesh or not, hell we don't even have any official figure while the number of illegal Indians must be in millions, neither the media ever took this situation seriously. But I guess both the government and the media should now get serious in this issue.

Please send back all illegal Indians, and take all illegal Bangladeshis here. However, do also post some credible links (Not any Jamati blog please) substantiating your claim of millions of illegal Indians in Bangladesh.

And please cooperate with us in improving security in border areas and help us setting up fences instead of opposing it, this will also solve that alleged illegal Indian problem in your country.
Please send back all illegal Indians, and take all illegal Bangladeshis here. However, do also post some credible links (Not any Jamati blog please) substantiating your claim of millions of illegal Indians in Bangladesh.

Already posted those links thousand times, check this thread for details, :coffee:
Bangladesh a better place to live than India, survey says

And please cooperate with us in improving security in border areas and help us setting up fences instead of opposing it, this will also solve that alleged illegal Indian problem in your country.

There is no objection to cooperate, the protest has been there only when India tried to set up fence in the disputed territories.
Already posted those links thousand times, check this thread for details, :coffee:
Bangladesh a better place to live than India, survey says

Awww!!! Some obscure journal has measured "joy of everyday life" and ranked BD at 103 out of 142 countries, and India is not very far at 106. So, what is "joy of everyday life" when per-capita income of BD is the lowest in South Asia!

And the article says nothing about presence of millions of illegal Indians in BD. Do you have any credible link claiming that? Something like this, a UN report?

Bangla migration to India largest in developing world - Times Of India
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