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41-yr-old man held for photographing Devlali Air Force station


Indian army is on hunt to kill scum like afzal guru .. so many got killed.

More like killing innocent n raping women...

Separatist got 10 times more support in Baluchistan compare to kashmir ... Your recent election proves that.

ohhh ..poor kid doesnt know jack about my home province... last election people elected a nationalist govt .. and now Dr Abdul Malik a middle class root level politician is the new CM... Also i can sense your frustration trying to divert the topic... :lol:
Isnt tht how india created IM in the first place?

Not sure how home grown terrorists produce, RDX, HMX's Grenades with PoF markings, Detonators, etc.

I am in no way saying that certain sections of the society are indeed disgruntled by the government, but does that absolve Pakistan direct interference in Indian internal issues??

I am sure all senior members here have no illusions about the effectiveness of state sponsored terrorism.
Not sure how home grown terrorists produce, RDX, HMX's Grenades with PoF markings, Detonators, etc.

I am in no way saying that certain sections of the society are indeed disgruntled by the government, but does that absolve Pakistan direct interference in Indian internal issues??

I am sure all senior members here have no illusions about the effectiveness of state sponsored terrorism.

Pakistan might have supported armed struggles in the 90s.. but none after 9/11...
Pakistan might have supported armed struggles in the 90s.. but none after 9/11...

boss, Ak's rpg's rdx, money, logistic just doesn't grows on the trees... More than adequate proof is available with indian intelligence available to the leadership on need to know basis to know where these mujhideens originate from....

the only difference from the 90;s and now might be, that If pakitan wants to dish out this kind of conflict, be ready to digest some on the other flank as well...
Not really, meanwhile I been close to cobra before.

India takes security of military/defence establishments VERY seriously, maybe too strictly.

That is the view of these people:

One interesting turn of events for our Blog was a call that Neil took from the College, informing him that they had been reading the Blog and had requested all the military photographs be removed! Neil explained that all the photographs were of his own taking were unclassified in nature and available via open source on the internet. However, the Indian Military is very sensitive about such photos, so Neil complied with our hosts request and removed the photos and Blog entries,

From this blog:

Keeping Up with the Jones' in India: The Final Blog

The husband is a RAF bloke who went on a 1 year Indian military course.
Isnt tht how india created IM in the first place?

and............all hurt muslim wannabe terrorist runs to Pakistan for training in terrorist camps and where ISI finances them for a startup terrorist jihaadi group, also providing after start up support and boarding.

Pakistan is one of the premier destinations for all wannabe terrorists of the world - infact the best with all top terrorist leaders, training facilities and a premier intelligence ageency to guide them.
boss, Ak's rpg's rdx, money, logistic just doesn't grows on the trees... More than adequate proof is available with indian intelligence available to the leadership on need to know basis to know where these mujhideens originate from....

Boss, they you can grow them in your backyard if you have the money... also there is no proof of PoF manufactured used by IM etc... if ISI wanted they could just ship them with chinese or some third country made weapon n not Pakistani.

the only difference from the 90;s and now might be, that If pakitan wants to dish out this kind of conflict, be ready to digest some on the other flank as well...

And in the 90s they didnt?

and............all hurt muslim wannabe terrorist runs to Pakistan for training in terrorist camps and where ISI finances them for a startup terrorist jihaadi group, also providing after start up support and boarding.

Pakistan is one of the premier destinations for all wannabe terrorists of the world - infact the best with all top terrorist leaders, training facilities and a premier intelligence ageency to guide them.

Cool story..

lol, why do you think Pakistani in bound or out bound travellers are specifically checked for terrorism related activities? or why is Pakistan called the ground zero of terrorism? or why 90% of terrorists caught have had training stints in Pakistan?

lol, why do you think Pakistani in bound or out bound travellers are specifically checked for terrorism related activities? or why is Pakistan called the ground zero of terrorism? or why 90% of terrorists caught have had training stints in Pakistan?

Cause we are in a STATE OF WAR AND BORDER WORLDS MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRY... is tht too hard for a dimwit like you to comprehend? why is it tht it was Pakistan tht arrested many top al qaida leaders if it supports them?why is it fighting a war against those elements?why are we giving sacrificing so much blood if we support them?why are we facing terrorism if we support the terrorists? use tht tiny grey matter God has given you.
Cause we are in a STATE OF WAR AND BORDER WORLDS MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRY... is tht too hard for a dimwit like you to comprehend? why is it tht it was Pakistan tht arrested many top al qaida leaders if it supports them?why is it fighting a war against those elements?why are we giving sacrificing so much blood if we support them?why are we facing terrorism if we support the terrorists? use tht tiny grey matter God has given you.

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