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41-yr-old man held for photographing Devlali Air Force station

yup yasin bhatkal is

1)raw agent
2)mosaad spy
3)cia double agent
5)hindu baniya
6)chanakya follower

any other excuses??:omghaha:

Instead of showing your studipity think about what im saying.
We also had some ISI guys who were hanged like Kasab, Afzal ... soon this pig bhatkal & tunda will follow same faith

Sure made them martyrs.. specially Afzal Guru.

These basters politician can sell their family for vote bank...
Still he is not a official person from GoI.

hahaha what a reply.
It is a federal crime in most countries to photograph defence structures.
It is a federal crime in most countries to photograph defence structures.

Not really, meanwhile I been close to cobra before.
Not really, meanwhile I been close to cobra before.


So those who killed Pakistani people also martyrs when they died ???

Then so many soon to be martyr roaming in Pakistan :lol::lol:

Do you see something like this for a talib terrorist or a day observed for his death aniv:

Shaheed e Watan Afzal Guru:


You quoting a politician even that was a congressi b@stard ... what else you expecting?

Tum karo tou chamkar .. hum karien tou balatkar? haha

Your question will take you to the forest of question...let me know if you want to...?

None of my concern.
Do you see something like this for a talib terrorist or a day observed for his death aniv:

Shaheed e Watan Afzal Guru:



Indian army is on hunt to kill scum like afzal guru .. so many got killed.

Separatist got 10 times more support in Baluchistan compare to kashmir ... Your recent election proves that.
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