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40 Trillion Cubic Feet of Shale Gas Reserves in Pakistan

Pakistan is a under invested country.We will have attract investment especially local investors.OGDCL has the resources and human capital to do good job for us but Zardari's personal friend is destroying it by corruption.similar is the case of PPL.
It's great that Pakistan found this huge reserve but I want them be careful about production of shale gas which can cause a lot of environmental damage. There's a very good documentary called GasLand read the Wikipedia page (sorry i can't post the link).

Although it does burn much cleaner than coal and oil, the process of extraction of shale gas in Pakistan, or anywhere else, is not without risks, particularly risks to the environment. In the United States, there have been many reports of ground water contamination from chemicals used to fracture rocks, as well as high levels of methane in water wells. In the absence of tight regulations and close monitoring, such pollution of ground water could spell disaster for humans and agriculture.

Given Pakistan's heavy dependence on natural gas for energy and as feedstock for industries such as fertilizer, fiber and plastics, it's important to pursue shale gas fields development under reasonably tight environmental regulations to minimize risks to the ground water resources.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan's Vast Shale Gas Deposits
Although it does burn much cleaner than coal and oil, the process of extraction of shale gas in Pakistan, or anywhere else, is not without risks, particularly risks to the environment. In the United States, there have been many reports of ground water contamination from chemicals used to fracture rocks, as well as high levels of methane in water wells. In the absence of tight regulations and close monitoring, such pollution of ground water could spell disaster for humans and agriculture.

Given Pakistan's heavy dependence on natural gas for energy and as feedstock for industries such as fertilizer, fiber and plastics, it's important to pursue shale gas fields development under reasonably tight environmental regulations to minimize risks to the ground water resources.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan's Vast Shale Gas Deposits

We do not have useable water in the areas where this gas exists.
I am nt buying the fact regarding environmental concerns...every extraction is accompanied by environmental concerns!! Shale gas must be utilised & we can welcome the efforts of multi-national companies in this field.
I must mention here that a giant company like Gazprom is strictly against shale gas...
Shale Gas from Hero to Zero says Gazprom
Let us not get carried away with 40 TCF gas reserves that are trapped in rock (Shale). The situation is similar to Lakhra Lignite Coal deposits. On paper huge, but would take a very long time before Pakistan can take any benefit from this source
Let us not get carried away with 40 TCF gas reserves that are trapped in rock (Shale). The situation is similar to Lakhra Lignite Coal deposits. On paper huge, but would take a very long time before Pakistan can take any benefit from this source

need money, technology transfer and time to take advantage of this natural reserves of gas - remember where there is gas, there is oil (generally)
I am nt buying the fact regarding environmental concerns...every extraction is accompanied by environmental concerns!! Shale gas must be utilised & we can welcome the efforts of multi-national companies in this field.
I must mention here that a giant company like Gazprom is strictly against shale gas...
Shale Gas from Hero to Zero says Gazprom

It's not surprising that Russians are not happy with the plummeting gas prices since shale gas production caused a gas glut in the United States.

It's not just the Russians, the Iranians and Qataris are not happy about it either.
Let us not get carried away with 40 TCF gas reserves that are trapped in rock (Shale). The situation is similar to Lakhra Lignite Coal deposits. On paper huge, but would take a very long time before Pakistan can take any benefit from this source

To encourage investment in developing domestic shale gas, Pakistan has approved a new exploration policy with improved incentives as compared with its 2009 policy, a petroleum ministry official said recently. Pakistan Petroleum is now inviting fresh bids to auction licenses to explore and develop several blocks in Dera Ismail Khan (KPK), Badin (Sind), Naushero Firoz (Sind) and Jungshahi (Sind), according to Oil Voice.

Under the new policy, exploration companies will be offered 40-50% higher prices for the extracted gas compared with the $4.26/Btu price announced in Exploration and Production Policy 2009. Companies which succeed in recovering gas from tight fields within two years will get 50% hike over the 2009 price and if it takes more time they will get only a 40% hike on the 2009 price. As an added incentive, the leases for the fields will now be for 40 years instead of 30 in the 2009 policy, the official said.

Even with the higher prices for the tight gas offered to the exploration companies, it is estimated that Pakistan will have to pay a maximum of $6.50/Btu for the gas compared with $12.30/Btu for gas imports, according to a report by Platts.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan's Vast Shale Gas Deposits
need money, technology transfer and time to take advantage of this natural reserves of gas - remember where there is gas, there is oil (generally)

Let us not get carried away with 40 TCF gas reserves that are trapped in rock (Shale). The situation is similar to Lakhra Lignite Coal deposits. On paper huge, but would take a very long time before Pakistan can take any benefit from this source

Pakistan can have partnership with India in this field.

Our private sectro is very active and have very advance technology in this field.

The company like Reliance owned huge shale gas reserves in USA and also acquired latest technology from USA.

Reliance Spends $1.36 Billion on Shale Gas Stake - WSJ.com

Reliance Drills Shale--at Home and Abroad - Forbes.com

Reliance Buys Carrizo Shale Stake for $392 Million - Businessweek

India’s Reliance Signs Another U.S. Shale Gas Deal | 2point6billion.com - Foreign Direct Investment in Asia

Khaitan & Co closes $1.7bn Reliance shale gas buy in Pennsylvania | Corporate / M&A | Legally India

Reliance of India Buys into US Shale Gas Assets
This is hardly a news. According to US Department of Energy, Pakistan has about 51 trillion cubic feet of shale gas reserves.


Full report: http://www.eia.doe.gov/analysis/studies/worldshalegas/pdf/fullreport.pdf

Why Don't You Study The Latest Report of 2013

Islamabad: Study conducted with help of US Agency for International Development (USAID) states that Pakistan has more than 10,000 trillion shale gas reserves.

Ministry of Petroleum stated that the United States (US) agency conducted surveys in different areas of Pakistan and compiled a comprehensive report. The report shows that Pakistan has more than 10,159 trillion cubic ft gas while 2,323 billion barrels of oil reserves.

Petroleum Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said that industries all over the world are venturing in shale gas projects. However, Pakistan is abundant in the reserves.

The federal minister said that Oil and Gas Development Company (OGDC) and Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) have been given directives to hunt for shale hydrocarbon reserves in the country. However, cost of the product would be determined after taking into account the cost government would bear for hunt.

It is worth mentioning here that the world powers spend at least ten percent on exploration of shale gas. Abbasi said that the study began in January 2014 and completed in November this year. He said that the technology Pakistan has for hydrocarbon exploration could also be used for shale gas reserves.
However, he mentioned that technology still needs to be updated.

Zaid Muzaffar, Adviser to Ministry of Petroleum said that OGDC is working on a gas reserve already and hopes to get hands on shale gas and oil.

It should be mentioned here that shale gas reserves outweigh conventional hydrocarbon resources in Pakistan. Pakistan has at least 20 trillion cubic ft gas and 385 million oil reserves besides the
latest shale discovery.

Earlier in October while addressing a gathering about governments policy towards Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Abbasi had shun media reports of not maintaining transparency in gas import from Qatar.
There was no wrongdoing involved in the deal, he added.

He lauded Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) for construction of LNG terminal at Karachi port.
Islamabad: Study conducted with help of US Agency for International Development (USAID) states that Pakistan has more than 10,000 trillion shale gas reserves.

Ministry of Petroleum stated that the United States (US) agency conducted surveys in different areas of Pakistan and compiled a comprehensive report. The report shows that Pakistan has more than 10,159 trillion cubic ft gas while 2,323 billion barrels of oil reserves.

Petroleum Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said that industries all over the world are venturing in shale gas projects. However, Pakistan is abundant in the reserves.

The federal minister said that Oil and Gas Development Company (OGDC) and Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) have been given directives to hunt for shale hydrocarbon reserves in the country. However, cost of the product would be determined after taking into account the cost government would bear for hunt.

It is worth mentioning here that the world powers spend at least ten percent on exploration of shale gas. Abbasi said that the study began in January 2014 and completed in November this year. He said that the technology Pakistan has for hydrocarbon exploration could also be used for shale gas reserves.
However, he mentioned that technology still needs to be updated.

Zaid Muzaffar, Adviser to Ministry of Petroleum said that OGDC is working on a gas reserve already and hopes to get hands on shale gas and oil.

It should be mentioned here that shale gas reserves outweigh conventional hydrocarbon resources in Pakistan. Pakistan has at least 20 trillion cubic ft gas and 385 million oil reserves besides the
latest shale discovery.

Earlier in October while addressing a gathering about governments policy towards Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Abbasi had shun media reports of not maintaining transparency in gas import from Qatar.
There was no wrongdoing involved in the deal, he added.

He lauded Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) for construction of LNG terminal at Karachi port.
Shale gas is useless now. US shale gas industries goes bankrupt.
Shale gas development has to be developed carefully, if you are going to frac and inject water you should not do so into naturally occurring faults.... By doing so you are triggering induced seismicity ("earthquakes")... or in other terms you are through an unnatural process relieving insitu stresses bt up in faults.

In laymens terms, The water injected into faults through hydraulic fracturing causes the fults to slip (thriugh increased pore pressures)

The other risk is contamination of the potable groundwater.

Someone here mentioned use of the water resources in frac jobs... actually that's not entirely true... newer tech for fracturing allows for saline water as your injection fluid....

Proper regulations are necessary...

By the way... pak Shale resources are still very small compared to other global reserves per country ...

I think exploration in the bolochistan basin or offshore holds more promise...
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