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40,000 Sunni Syrians at risk of starvation in Madaya

Apr 14, 2015
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40,000 Syrians at risk of starvation in Madaya, World Food Programme says


Syrian children call for the lifting of the siege off Madaya and Zabadani towns in Syria, in front of the U.N. headquarters in Lebanon Dec 26, 2015. (Reuters Photo)

Warnings of widespread starvation are growing as pro-government forces besiege an opposition-held town in Syria and winter bites, darkening the already bleak outlook for peace talks the United Nations hopes to convene this month.
The blockade of Madaya began about six months ago when the Syrian army and its Lebanese ally, Hezbollah, started a campaign to reestablish President Bashar al-Assad's control over areas at the Syrian-Lebanese border, including the town of Zabadani.

A source who is close to Damascus and familiar with the situation in Madaya denied civilians had been prevented from leaving, and said the number of people in the town had been exaggerated.

But the Britain-based Observatory says 15 people including children had been killed while trying to flee, either shot dead or killed by landmines planted to enforce the blockade imposed by government forces and Hezbollah fighters.
40,000 Syrians at risk of starvation in Madaya, World Food Programme says - Daily Sabah

Assad, Hezbollah and Iran are responsible for this cruelty. Where is the difference between Shia and Wahabi/Salafi extremism now? These two groups will destroy the entire Islamic world. :(

That's painful. Sunni, Shia, Wahbi, or whatever the sect they belong to, they are kid and human being first. Before we label their ethnicity, religion, sect etc. oh so they are the future of this Umah, future of the world.??? They don't deserve it and look few heartless people or states for their own benefits torturing the kids.
Why don't the Jihadists leave the town and come in open and fight like a MAN? Why they have to take shelter behind the civilians and use them as shield?
If the opposition is holding it, why aren't they taking care of the citizens? If a force takes over a land, why would they expect the other party to take care of the citizens?

If the Jihadists can't take care of the population of the land they have conquered, they should get the hell out and go back to their origin countries. Did they think a caliphate is just shouting Allah Akbar and raping girls? They didn't think about simple things as medical care, feeding the locals, education, plumbing, electricity?

In the past few years, whenever Assad would lose a city, he would continue providing energy to that city, paying the salaries of the government staff, etc, which shows he is a weak *** leader sometimes. You lose a land to the enemy, your number one priority is to get it back, not help the enemy take care of the citizens.

For this being a military forum, many if you don't seem to know jackshit about war.
40,000 Syrians at risk of starvation in Madaya, World Food Programme says


Syrian children call for the lifting of the siege off Madaya and Zabadani towns in Syria, in front of the U.N. headquarters in Lebanon Dec 26, 2015. (Reuters Photo)

Warnings of widespread starvation are growing as pro-government forces besiege an opposition-held town in Syria and winter bites, darkening the already bleak outlook for peace talks the United Nations hopes to convene this month.
The blockade of Madaya began about six months ago when the Syrian army and its Lebanese ally, Hezbollah, started a campaign to reestablish President Bashar al-Assad's control over areas at the Syrian-Lebanese border, including the town of Zabadani.

A source who is close to Damascus and familiar with the situation in Madaya denied civilians had been prevented from leaving, and said the number of people in the town had been exaggerated.

But the Britain-based Observatory says 15 people including children had been killed while trying to flee, either shot dead or killed by landmines planted to enforce the blockade imposed by government forces and Hezbollah fighters.
40,000 Syrians at risk of starvation in Madaya, World Food Programme says - Daily Sabah

Assad, Hezbollah and Iran are responsible for this cruelty. Where is the difference between Shia and Wahabi/Salafi extremism now? These two groups will destroy the entire Islamic world. :(
Try avoid fanning sectarianism ......Its biggest fitna on this earth. All are muslims, only follow different fiq, that's it . And stop others too.
If the opposition is holding it, why aren't they taking care of the citizens? If a force takes over a land, why would they expect the other party to take care of the citizens?
The other party has laid a seige.
I still don't understand why there are people (minus the Iranians) who still support this genocidal maniac ?
I still don't understand why there are people (minus the Iranians) who still support this genocidal maniac ?
Lack of tolerance and compromise. Ego.....
This whole Madaya Starvation hoax got popular all thanks to a trending hashtag.

First of all, it's no more than 3 months that a siege is laid on city.

For 10 month, 40,000 Shia civilians in Fuaa and Kafraya were being starved by terrorists, not even letting civilians out. After Hezbollah and SAA launched operation in Zabadani, Hundreds of terrorists got trapped in city center and only then they accepted a deal to let some civilians out from Fu'aa in exchange for terrorists getting out from Zabadani. Back then, none of these piss activists shed a single crocodile tear for Fu'aa and Kafraya.

Hundreds of fake pics from Madaya are being circulated while it's all bs. Food had already entered Madaya weeks ago and before the Twitter hashtag got trending, no one was starving there! SAA has already agreed to let more food in Madaya. The funny thing is, terrorists do not agree to leave the town and are getting all the food supplies in the town.

When Shias were actually being starved in Fu'aa and Kafraya, none of these crocodile tears existed.
There isn't a single evidence that even one person has died in Madaya because of starvation and they already killed 27 people in media.
What about Fua and Kefraya al-Zahra and neil?
This whole Madaya Starvation hoax got popular all thanks to a trending hashtag.

First of all, it's no more than 3 months that a siege is laid on city.

For 10 month, 40,000 Shia civilians in Fuaa and Kafraya were being starved by terrorists, not even letting civilians out. After Hezbollah and SAA launched operation in Zabadani, Hundreds of terrorists got trapped in city center and only then they accepted a deal to let some civilians out from Fu'aa in exchange for terrorists getting out from Zabadani. Back then, none of these piss activists shed a single crocodile tear for Fu'aa and Kafraya.

Hundreds of fake pics from Madaya are being circulated while it's all bs. Food had already entered Madaya weeks ago and before the Twitter hashtag got trending, no one was starving there! SAA has already agreed to let more food in Madaya. The funny thing is, terrorists do not agree to leave the town and are getting all the food supplies in the town.

When Shias were actually being starved in Fu'aa and Kafraya, none of these crocodile tears existed.
There isn't a single evidence that even one person has died in Madaya because of starvation and they already killed 27 people in media.

2 months ago enough foods for several months transferred into the city and has been in the hands of rebels ...... rebels have only themselves to blame if they don't wanna distribute it .
Sunnis and Shias are brothers and should unite against those forces that have made them fight against each other. I am neither Sunni nor Shia, but it pains me to see two brothers fighting each other over political differences. Syria, Yemen, Bahrain etc was a Muslim issue, if all the Muslims came together and sat down and talked over their differences, so many lives would have been saved.

I looked at the pictures from Madaya and Kefraya al-zahr. I couldn't tell who was Sunni and who was Shia from just pictures. Haven't the Muslims bled enough?:(
May Allah destroy enemies of Syrians :(
I still don't understand why there are people (minus the Iranians) who still support this genocidal maniac ?

Some of us remember how stable Syria was before Assad's enemies gave arms to a bunch of thugs and crazy jihadists from all around the world came to create a new caliphate. Some of us know how the west works. Anyone who is their enemy is labelled a maniac. We pray for Syria to go back to its pre-interference stability.
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