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40,000 Sunni Syrians at risk of starvation in Madaya

Syria was a Sh1thole...and only country which came first place over Syria was Iran..
Now Syria moved one spot upwards and became top Sh1thole displacing Iran to second position...

Whatsapp, facebook, twitter, skype everything banned in Iran...how do you even live???

The whole region is a mess. There is a very big question we need to address. Either God exists or he doesn't. Everyone besides Muslims have gotten past religion, dumped it and created man made laws/lifestyle. If God exists, then all that is happening is destined to happen. If God doesn't exist, Muslims have mental illness/huge misunderstanding of human existence which is contributing to this state they live in but will also possibly drag the world into this problem. Which is something nobody needs, it will be scary and dangerous for the world. We need to have a debate on this otherwise we will not ever escape our Islamic thought process/way of thinking. Our religion is outdated, we consider very common norms as taboos. Muslims therefore have socially incoherency. We don't understand the meaning of life, our lives are empty unless you live in underdeveloped third world country you may think everything is fine and progressing well. Once you see life elsewhere you begin to question everything.

I have a hard problem understanding God, if this is what he wants to happen what should we make out of it? If we go through this suffering and faith prevails in the end, will anything be any different? We will still have feelings of emptiness. We still won't be happy since the taboos in our religion are biological natures. If God knows that religion will be have no influence at one point(the one we're living through today) than what is his plan? Sometimes I really wonder about the point of our creation. In Hadith, it is said God will 'shame' the offspring of Adam on judgement day. He will relish why his creation didn't follow him even though he brought forth clear proofs. And mankind will not know what to do on that day.

At the same time, I wonder if God is just indeed thought in our head. Then we live in a unjust world where ideologies can't shape peoples personality/lifestyle and either have terrible impact or good impact. Imagine if God isn't real, all those who died in his cause in the past died for no reason. All those who followed religion strictly caught depression and didn't experience all the wonders of life. These are very confusing days we live in, I don't know what to make out of it. If God is out there please, the time has come for you to intervene and help us out. We can't wait any longer, we are losing hope.
The whole region is a mess. There is a very big question we need to address. Either God exists or he doesn't. Everyone besides Muslims have gotten past religion, dumped it and created man made laws/lifestyle. If God exists, then all that is happening is destined to happen. If God doesn't exist, Muslims have mental illness/huge misunderstanding of human existence which is contributing to this state they live in but will also possibly drag the world into this problem. Which is something nobody needs, it will be scary and dangerous for the world. We need to have a debate on this otherwise we will not ever escape our Islamic thought process/way of thinking. Our religion is outdated, we consider very common norms as taboos. Muslims therefore have socially incoherency. We don't understand the meaning of life, our lives are empty unless you live in underdeveloped third world country you may think everything is fine and progressing well. Once you see life elsewhere you begin to question everything.

I have a hard problem understanding God, if this is what he wants to happen what should we make out of it? If we go through this suffering and faith prevails in the end, will anything be any different? We will still have feelings of emptiness. We still won't be happy since the taboos in our religion are biological natures. If God knows that religion will be have no influence at one point(the one we're living through today) than what is his plan? Sometimes I really wonder about the point of our creation. In Hadith, it is said God will 'shame' the offspring of Adam on judgement day. He will relish why his creation didn't follow him even though he brought forth clear proofs. And mankind will not know what to do on that day.

At the same time, I wonder if God is just indeed thought in our head. Then we live in a unjust world where ideologies can't shape peoples personality/lifestyle and either have terrible impact or good impact. Imagine if God isn't real, all those who died in his cause in the past died for no reason. All those who followed religion strictly caught depression and didn't experience all the wonders of life. These are very confusing days we live in, I don't know what to make out of it. If God is out there please, the time has come for you to intervene and help us out. We can't wait any longer, we are losing hope.

ALLAH (swt) exists , period. The problem people have or some brother and sister in Islam have is they focus on worldly matters; what village politics there is, what sect one is in. Instead of focusing on the here after. After all we as Muslims are suppose to focus on is our daily struggle (jihad) against SIN. That is what Jihad means --- STRUGGLE against SIN. Spiritual purity before our LORD.

Muslims who focus on sectarian differences and village politics fail to grasp the MEANING of ISLAM. And it is the communion, submission to the Love of our LORD.

And HIS merciful Love.....

After all in the end ALLAH (swt) Is Love......
ALLAH (swt) exists , period. The problem people have or some brother and sister in Islam have is they focus on worldly matters; what village politics there is, what sect one is in. Instead of focusing on the here after. After all we as Muslims are suppose to focus on is our daily struggle (jihad) against SIN. That is what Jihad means --- STRUGGLE against SIN. Spiritual purity before our LORD.

Muslims who focus on sectarian differences and village politics fail to grasp the MEANING of ISLAM. And it is the communion, submission to the Love of our LORD.

And HIS merciful Love.....

After all in the end ALLAH (swt) Is Love......
Are you a Muslim?
ALLAH (swt) exists , period. The problem people have or some brother and sister in Islam have is they focus on worldly matters; what village politics there is, what sect one is in. Instead of focusing on the here after. After all we as Muslims are suppose to focus on is our daily struggle (jihad) against SIN. That is what Jihad means --- STRUGGLE against SIN. Spiritual purity before our LORD.

Muslims who focus on sectarian differences and village politics fail to grasp the MEANING of ISLAM. And it is the communion, submission to the Love of our LORD.

And HIS merciful Love.....

After all in the end ALLAH (swt) Is Love......

I hear you converted to Islam. Believe it or not, I would recommend you not. It will make you miserable, dude. Keep doing what you're doing now, keep having relationships with opposite sex. :D

I understand your interest in philosophy/Islam but would suggest to take it a little slower.

I believe our problem is bigger than just sectarianism. It's outdated beliefs/forms of government as well. Most importantly our thought process is something out of this modern world. Islam fit in well back than, today, just like all other religions, it seems to be meaningless. Unless you prefer to be backwards. I have large attachment to my faith and follow it, even though my statements may shock some. However, simply I can easily recognize it is not compatible with modern lifestyle.
I hear you converted to Islam. Believe it or not, I would recommend you not. It will make you miserable, dude. Keep doing what you're doing now, keep having relationships with opposite sex. :D

I understand your interest in philosophy/Islam but would suggest to take it a little slower.

I believe our problem is bigger than just sectarianism. It's outdated beliefs/forms of government as well. Most importantly our thought process is something out of this modern world. Islam fit in well back than, today, just like all other religions, it seems to be meaningless. Unless you prefer to be backwards. I have large attachment to my faith and follow it, even though my statements may shock some. However, simply I can easily recognize it is not compatible with modern lifestyle.

I have been in spiritual study of Islam for close to 10 years actually. Raised as a Christian, Islam is a continuation of truths in Christianity.

In the end , we all pray to the same Lord.

Problems in the Middle East, my friend, is man made and politically driven. They are supposed to make us remember the finity of man and infinity of ALLAH(swt).

I hope and pray you are given strength in your own struggles. Remember that everything , too, shall pass .....Alhamdulillah....

Are you a convert or are your parents also Muslim?

In the name of Allah the most merciful, most compassionate, yes I am.

Can we know through whom? Which school of teachings? Because Im very skeptic about these. For last couple of years we have been seeing lots of atrocities by newly converted Muslims or people who has no idea what they are doing. Are you sure, what teachings you are taking are right?
Can you imagine the reaction of Ali, hussein and zaynab if someone told them that 1400 years later a group of people calling themselves muslims will starve the children of another set of muslims for you and your family.
The other party has laid a seige.

And the rebels are not allowing the people who want to leave the town to leave. They are holding the people hostage for their unachievable aims.

FACT: Iran (through its Assad and Nasrallah lapdogs) is the only country in the world which starves Muslims.

Source: 40,000 Sunni Syrians at risk of starvation in Madaya | Page 2

FACT: The sunni rebels are holding the population hostage as human shields and not allowing them to leave. Source above.
And the rebels are not allowing the people who want to leave the town to leave. They are holding the people hostage for their unachievable aims.

FACT: The sunni rebels are holding the population hostage as human shields and not allowing them to leave. Source above.
You are saying that Hezbollah foreign invaders are trying ethnically cleanse local Syrian population through starvation. Note even Hezbollah scum cant deny the fact that rebels in Madaya are local Syrians.

We are also the only country in the world who kills Muslims
At scale of hundreds of thousands u are the only one. No doubt.
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Starvation grips Madaya, Syria under siege by Bashar Assad forces residents reportedly eat leaves, dogs and cats - CBS News


bullshit sir, stop supporting terrorists!
Before? What about 7 (or more) massacres and repressive rule commited by his father?

List of massacres in Syria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Masha'Allah. Mabrookhs, good news. :)

None, during the reign of Assad the Younger until post-2011 when Syria and Iraq was to be converted to an Caliphate by Islamists all around the world.

Syria was a Sh1thole...and only country which came first place over Syria was Iran..
Now Syria moved one spot upwards and became top Sh1thole displacing Iran to second position...

Whatsapp, facebook, twitter, skype everything banned in Iran...how do you even live???

I'd didnt know you needed those applications to live. Who needs food, shelter, stability, and peace when you can have FACEBOOK!! The ultimate measure of happiness!

Anyway, out of those 4, only Facebook and twitter are banned, WhatsApp and Skype is open. And vpns are easy to download and use.
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