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4 Indian Soldiers among 5 killed in Kashmir fighting. .

The soldiers weren't killed by the Kashmiri resistance, they were killed by the hegemonic designs of the Indian state which seek to enslave Muslims under forceful occupation of a Hindu country.
Muslims really, what about those kashmiri hindus and sikhs. Muslims are all that caught your attention here. What about the muslim terrorists which are running a mock of your armed forces by targeting them and there children. If that's what you call oppression then taste it I bet it tastes good.

History is its own witness and Muslims now enslave there own muslin under the fist of their occupation forces. So shall I be free to call your armed forces to be occupating forces oppressing the league of muslims.
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The soldiers weren't killed by the Kashmiri resistance, they were killed by the hegemonic designs of the Indian state which seek to enslave Muslims under forceful occupation of a Hindu country.
But they were just protecting the land . They have families and children too. Even God is not happy from Jihadis and they can't do anything instead of killing soldiers.
First of all, why is your name Stephen Cohen? Never heard of an Indian with that name. With regards to the part in bold, isn't that admission that Indian administration of Kashmir is a product of force and not willingness? I believe the situation should remain as it is, with three nations administration certain parts. But allow Kashmiri's the independence they seek. And let them have relations with China, Pakistan and India. Afterwards they can form a government and decide further steps. Like integration with India or Pakistan. And if they prefer being independent than that is long term solution to this conflict or it will remain unstable from time to time.
Why is this choice not given to shias and Sunnis in Pakistan Iraq Iran etc. Let's have a plebiscite in all these countries whether shias or Sunnis will have a Sunnis Iraq or shia administered Iraqi region etc. This will stop shia sunni internal conflicts. Right?
The soldiers weren't killed by the Kashmiri resistance, they were killed by the hegemonic designs of the Indian state which seek to enslave Muslims under forceful occupation of a Hindu country.

How cool, can i speak in cheap slogans as well?

These soldiers were not killed by the Kashmiri resistance, they were killed by foreign Muslim fundamentalists trying to impose claustrophobic Islam and an utterly hypocritical, medieval and perverted view of the world on to the rest of us.
Shaheed ki jo maut hai.. Woh Qaum ki hayaat hai. Allah pak kashmir ko apne hifz o aman mai rakhe

Your blood will be avenged soon InshaAllah.
lmao.....fucking clown.

But they were just protecting the land . They have families and children too. Even God is not happy from Jihadis and they can't do anything instead of killing soldiers.
what do these soldiers do to kashmiri families?? have forgotten that??
this is why left wingers need to be tried for treason

How cool, can i speak in cheap slogans as well?

These soldiers were not killed by the Kashmiri resistance, they were killed by foreign Muslim fundamentalists trying to impose claustrophobic Islam and an utterly hypocritical, medieval and perverted view of the world on to the rest of us.
or maybe they were killed by people who couldnt see their sisters getting raped and their brothers getting killed by these indian pigs?
lmao.....fucking clown.

what do these soldiers do to kashmiri families?? have forgotten that??
this is why left wingers need to be tried for treason

or maybe they were killed by people who couldnt see their sisters getting raped and their brothers getting killed by these indian pigs?

Terrorists from pakistan engage in such behavior.
or maybe they were killed by people who couldnt see their sisters getting raped and their brothers getting killed by these indian pigs?

'Indian Pigs' ...your hatred and racism define you. Hard therefore to take your arguments seriously.

On the flip side, I encourage you to think how you would react if someone in the US called you a Pakistani pig or a Muslim pig in the middle of a debate. Not very cool, nor impressive.
RIP to the soldier and the innocent civilian my prayers to the family. Terrorist to hunt down terrorists doesn't sound that bad.

RIP to the soldier and the innocent civilian my prayers to the family. Terrorist to hunt down terrorists doesn't sound that bad.

Yes, the game has become very dirty now. There is nothing in this game which is unfair. Use all the resources to your discretion to minimize the collateral damage and simultaneously ensure maximum damage to enemy.
False flagger, non muslim trying to pass as a muslim.

Internet Mullah passing judgement...not very different from real life mullahs in your part of the world branding Ahmadiyas etc as non muslim...
At least your kind is consistent with their bigotry...I'll give you that!
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