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4 countries that want ISRO to fail

India is already doing that, both countries are enemies

And NO, India cannot heal itself

The hatred within India is too toxic, too intense

And everyday, Indian Muslims.are getting a wake up call that JINNAH was right and only freedom and independence will protect them and their community
Bruh, you"re a pakistani living in pakistan who hasn't even seen india. How can you be so sure of your assumption being right ?

Indian Muslims are not a single ethinic group. We've got tamil, Gujrati Msulims, mallu muslims, Kashmiris, Bihari Muslims, Bengali Muslims, Assamese Muslims and the list just goes on... They're more attatched to their regional identities than they are to a collective one. Hell man , many South Indian Muslims even hate the urdu culture of north indian muslim groups
Bruh, you"re a pakistani living in pakistan who hasn't even seen india. How can you be so sure of your assumption being right ?

Indian Muslims are not a single ethinic group. We've got tamil, Gujrati Msulims, mallu muslims, Kashmiris, Bihari Muslims, Bengali Muslims, Assamese Muslims and the list just goes on... They're more attatched to their regional identities than they are to a collective one. Hell man , many South Indian Muslims even hate the urdu culture of north indian muslim groups

We have our hindutva weapon working on it
Gobar tech powered sanghis $hitting on Pakistan launching sounding rockets ought to know Indian space program began a year after Pakistan's and with what? That's right, American Nike Apache sounding rockets.

How long will some Pakistanis beat that dead horse?
Literally, Pakistan was not able to convert its first mover advantage, has military officers as SUPARCO's head rather than a proper scientist and has been left decades in the dust by India.
Gobar tech powered sanghis $hitting on Pakistan launching sounding rockets ought to know Indian space program began a year after Pakistan's and with what? That's right, American Nike Apache sounding rockets.

Ya'll literally launched the same rocket, while gobar tech managed to succeed to the moon pious pak pakistanis are unable to even launch imported sounding rockets.
Ya'll literally launched the same rocket, while gobar tech managed to succeed to the moon pious pak pakistanis are unable to even launch imported sounding rockets.
Yeh that's our short coming, we will be the first to admit we didn't sustain our ahead start, but to pretend you lot didn't benefit from American generosity is being highly disingenuous.
Yeh that's our short coming, we will be the first to admit we didn't sustain our ahead start, but to pretend you lot didn't benefit from American generosity is being highly disingenuous.
What generosity? They literally imposed sanctions on our space program. Selling sounding rockets decades ago isn't generosity.
Yeh that's our short coming, we will be the first to admit we didn't sustain our ahead start, but to pretend you lot didn't benefit from American generosity is being highly disingenuous.

You mean like the time CIA tried to cripple ISRO's cryogenic engine development in the 90s?
They actually did slow us down tremendously, otherwise the Chandrayaan program would have happened way sooner.

As if, launching simple sounding rockets and not your more advance multi staged rockets means as much as some people are implying. Sounding rockets are a first step, sure, but the real, more difficult tech is all ISRO's doing.

Otherwise, any nation that flew the Nike-Apaches would have had a mature space program like India's. Pakistan too flew a variant of the Nike-Apaches and so did Canada, Sweden, Brazil and a few others.
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