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3rd Bangladesh Minister Cancels Visit Amid Tension Over Citizenship Law

What worry me is indian economy going to callapse in future. And bjp will become even more righwing to stay in power. Like it or not this will impact bd and all other south Asian countries.

Well like we discussed so far - have to make the border on all sides airtight and make sure we give them a painful lesson in case they try any adventurism...and take care of internal fifth columnists as well...
Lmao at the delusional Bangladeshis who still think that Assam and other states of NE are against NRC. If anything, the protests against CAA are a prelude to what's coming next after 1951 based(executive sanctioned) NRC. Everything political organization and pressure group here except the illegal miya ones are pro-NRC.
Infeior ahoms are no match for us
Is that why your kind in Assam cower in fear in front of us? So much so that they decided to change their Shonar Bangla mother tongue in favour of ours. Such shameless are your ilk, but it won't save them in any way. They will have to pack their bags and leave for your Shonar utopia very soon. Your ministers have already received the memo, you will too in due course of time.
Is that why your kind in Assam cower in fear in front of us? So much so that they decided to change their Shonar Bangla mother tongue in favour of ours. Such shameless are your ilk, but it won't save them in any way. They will have to pack their bags and leave for your Shonar utopia very soon. Your ministers have already received the memo, you will too in due course of time.
Assam tribals are irrelevant. Only bd hindus will decide what is best for assam. We need new land for our 20 million hindus and with help of BJP we will have it.
3rd Bangladesh Minister Cancels Visit Amid Tension Over Citizenship Law
Cancellations by Bangladesh come amid tension over citizenship law and NRC, as well as Amit Shah's allegations of minorities being targeted by Bangladesh government

All IndiaEdited by Chandrashekar SrinivasanUpdated: January 11, 2020 10:54 IST

Bangladesh Deputy Foreign Minister becomes third to cancel visit to India over citizenship act (File)

New Delhi:
Bangladesh Deputy Foreign Minister Shahriar Alam has cancelled his visit to India, sources said today. Mr Alam was expected in Delhi this week to participate in the Raisina Dialogue - an annual multilateral conference hosted by the Ministry of External Affairs. This is the fourth time Dhaka has called off high-level interactions with India in the span of 30 days; last month the Bangladesh Home and Foreign Ministers cancelled their respective visits and, a week later, talks over the sharing of river data were also cancelled.

The cancellations come amid tension between the two countries over the contentious citizenship law and NRC exercise (National Register of Citizens), as well as Union Home Minister Amit Shah's allegations of minorities being targeted by the Bangladeshi government.

The Indian government later clarified that Mr Shah's remarks were meant for "abuse took place during previous government and military rule".

Last month the Bangladesh Foreign Minister, AK Abdul Momen, delivered a cautious warning to India over the citizenship law. Speaking to reporters in Dhaka before his proposed visit to Delhi, Mr Momen said allegations of repression of minorities by his government were "untrue".
allegations of repression of minorities by his government were "untrue".

He also praised India for being a "historically tolerant country" but said that legacy of secularism could be "weakened". He added: "... naturally our people expect India won't do anything that could create anxiety among them".

Hours after he cancelled his visit his colleague, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan called off a visit to Meghalaya amid violent anti-CAA protests in the state.

The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, or CAA, which came into effect Friday night, is the first to make religion a test of citizenship. The government says it will benefit non-Muslim refugees fleeing religious persecution from one of three Muslim-dominated neighbouring countries (including Bangladesh), if they fled to India before 2015.

Critics say it discriminates against Muslims and violates Constitution's secular tenets.

Powered through parliament last month by Amit Shah, the CAA has sparked furious nationwide protests, with more than 20 dead in Uttar Pradesh alone and lakhs taking to the streets across the country. The protests have also seen violent clashes at several places in UP, Delhi, the North East, and Bengal and in South India.
What about the brotherhood Bangladeshi guys had with India? Whatever Bangladeshis did to non Bengalis, and to their fellow Bengalis, I think Bengalis will pay a heavy price for that.
Haha delusional Monkey, If ahom is so great why you living in assam, why not get your own state. Is it because modi does not give a f**k about your race
As i have already said, ethnofascist pieces of smelly turds have no idea what it's like living in a multi-ethnic and multicultural country.
As indeed every bengalis have to pay 100 taka for their betrayal with india
And who will earn that 100 taka? The one who is working somewhere in Kolkata? Or may be one who is working on a busy streets of Madras?
indians from Punjabi to Malayali knows each other cultures and get along, but how many of them ever heard of a ethnic turd like ahom
I haven't done any survey regarding that but i know for sure that every Indian knows how Bir Lasit Borphukan of our Ahom dynasty broke the back of your invading forces and decimated you lot.
I wanted to tell you guys indirectly that I am a seer, but you guys ( of all nationality ) were not convinced . Now see everything is happening as I said ? He is the third BAL minister who cancelled India visit ? :D
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Well in real sense we in Bangladesh don't give a rat's A$$ what happens in Endeya.

Instead of making wild boasts, let's look at reality - NaMo is in backpedal mode because him and that idiot Motabhai aide of his, both 'mis-under-estimated' the protests that'd follow the passing of NRC in Parliament. It is the same type of Banana Republic idiocy that the previous demonetization move was. One fuckup after another.

Making smug boasts a bit too soon when reality looks like this.
  • 25 people in India are dead in protests.
  • Bihar, Assam and WB have all sworn they will not go along with NRC/CAB. Assam by the way has a BJP-led govt
  • Chaiwala swearing up and down that 'law is not anti-Muslim' - no one in India gives two hoots
  • Chaiwala is publicly contradicting Motabhai ""Since my government has come to power, since 2014 to now, I want to tell [1.3 billion] citizens, there has been no discussion on even the word NRC"
  • Mahathir Muhammad of Malaysia, which has loads of Hindu Tamils as citizens, said, "I am sorry to see that India, which claims to be a secular state now is taking action to deprive some Muslims of their citizenship," said the 94-year-old leader."If we do that here, I do not know what will happen. There will be chaos and instability, and everybody will suffer."
  • The United Nations has called the CAA "fundamentally discriminatory" while the United States' State Department has urged India to "protect the rights of its religious minorities". This is 2020, not 1820.
  • I foresee other countries taking advantage of newfound Indian racism by being racist to Indians themselves. Loads of Indians will be attacked in foreign countries and India will see a backlash seeing its own citizens as returnees as well as loss of remittances. Of course dumbfuck veg idiots sitting in Akhdas and Shakhas have no clue about racism repercussions when they are semi-educated themselves.
  • Toilet-less nations being racist is a laughable concept when your effed up country depends on other countries for remittance as well as tourism as large sources of income. Sanghis can't afford to be racists.
Thanks for sinking India and keeping it at Third World stage permanently. You yourselves did it, no bombs or Chinese ICBMs will be needed. :lol:

Then why you comment on the internal matters of India?
Whatever happens in India is none of your business.
Ensure that your pole vaulters should stay in your land .
We are already identifying the illegal bongs from BD and will kick them out .
If you dont want them then let UN takes care of them.

And we dont want anyones certificate to protect our national security .
More will be in pipline already.
Then why you comment on the internal matters of India?
Welcome to the age of Globalization caveman!
Whatever happens in India is none of your business.
Dont drag Bangladeshs name then.
Ensure that your pole vaulters should stay in your land .
Nobody wants to migrate to worlds bigger migrant producer. But, idol worshipers like will pole vault to their natural homeland anyway...
We are already identifying the illegal bongs from BD and will kick them out .
LOL. you folks produce lots of mouth farts. Let us know when you do it actually. Else please stop your chest thumping like a chimp.
If you dont want them then let UN takes care of them.
We dont want any snakes and people believed in those snakes. BTW, Snake=Indian Hindu...
And we dont want anyones certificate to protect our national security.
Nobody even cares about the cluster fuq nation called india...
More will be in pipline already
Action screams louder then birds...

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