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35-vehicle VIP escort for Bilawal

The Chinese president visits the region , he goes to the three neighboring countries but not to his closest ally in the region?

He can come whenever he wants. They've already stated that. Government is busy dealing with internal politics, and it is best that they deal with the Chinese when the whole nation is for it.

Meanwhile, Chinese companies continue to invest and work in Pakistan. Life is normal. Visit of a head of state is just face value. The business can be done anytime. And when it comes to Pakistan-China, there is no problem whatsoever. The Chinese have always accommodated Pakistan's request. Pakistan has always accommodated China's request.

Not like the three neighbors.
What some people don't realize is the threat that these guys face. Of course people like IK and Maulana Fazlu need less security than the leader of PPP, which is spearheading a police operation against the TTP in Karachi. IK, on the other hand, publically mourns whenever some Talib commander gets killed in a drone attack. Lol at the IQ of some people here.

The lesson of 'security' was hard learned by Benazir Bhutto on 18 October 2007 and then finally on 27 December 2007! Compared to her threat-perception there are numerous pictures of both Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif 'mingling' with common Pakistanis in 2007 as if it was a walk in the park.

As I said in another thread--Imran Khan is probably the most protected leader of any 3rd world country: Even the most feared militants don't want to harm him. Besides, he is apparently doing Army's bidding, can threaten police officials to stop their actions, can even 'release' his workers from police vans on the road, can march along to the PM and PTV house with Lathi-bearing mobs (okay, he protected himself in the bunker himself against the tear gas..), can accuse the high judiciary and the media of all things, can make a call to send money via illegal Hundi channels...and he can still get away with it all.

Prince Bilawal, despite the much demonized security escort, is like a sitting duck compared to our Prince Imran Khan...
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