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35 Turkish soldiers killed in battle for ISIS-held town


May 21, 2006
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AFP, Istanbul/ United Nations Thursday, 22 December 2016

Turkey's defense minister says a total of 35 Turkish soldiers killed in clashes with ISIS militants in Syria on Wednesday in the military’s highest single day toll of its four-month campaign inside the country.

The fighting came as Turkey and allied pro-Ankara Syria rebels faced increasing resistance from the extremists in a battle to take a key town ISIS-held town of Al-Bab, 25 kilometers from the Turkish border.

The toll, the heaviest single day loss for the Turkish army in its Syria operation that started in August, came in fighting with militants that included three suicide car bomb attacks, the army said in a statement quoted by Turkish media.

Also read: Russia, Iran & Turkey reach Syria peace deal

Four soldiers were killed in attacks earlier in the day, the army had previously announced. The other 10 were killed later Wednesday. Six of the 33 wounded were said to be in a serious condition.

The fierce fighting erupted as Turkish officials said the army was entering into a key phase in the fight for Al-Bab. The town has become the main target of the army’s campaign inside Syria, in support of the pro-Ankara Syrian rebels opposed both to the militants and President Bashar al-Assad, that started on August 24.

The army said the clashes erupted around a weapons depot that had been used by ISIS for the last two years. It said that 138 ISIS jihadists were killed in the fighting. The army’s toll for the extremists could not be verified independently.

Also read: Turkey to set up camp for 80,000 Aleppo evacuees

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan acknowledged there had been “martyrs” in the fighting, at an earlier news conference before the toll was announced, but expressed confidence that Al-Bab would be taken from ISIS.

“Al Bab has been completely besieged by the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and our soldiers,” he said. He expressed hope that the town “would fall entirely sooner or later”. ISIS claimed to have killed or injured at least 70 Turkish soldiers in three suicide bombings carried out by its fighters and in fighting on the ground.

France, Britain push for helicopter ban, sanctions
France and Britain are pushing the UN Security Council to ban the sale of helicopters to Syria and to impose the first sanctions over the use of chemical weapons in the five-year war. A draft resolution obtained by AFP on Wednesday calls for asset freezes and travel bans against four Syrian officials and 10 entities including a Syrian research center tied to chemical weapons development.

Diplomats however said the measure is certain to be vetoed by Russia, Syria's ally, which has blocked council action on Syria with six vetoes so far. A vote at the council is expected as early as next week.

Last Update: Thursday, 22 December 2016 KSA 15:15 - GMT 12:15








Pull the tanks back and use them for supportive fire.. dont use them for troop protection... use main gun as mobile artillary... use infantry to deal with infantry and move slow and secure heights to avoid ambushes
Pakistan should help Turkeye. Not saying Turkeye lacks training or anything but just cuz pakistan has tremendously crush that menace along the Af-Pak border and has expertise. Pakistan today is the only country that has seen massive decline in this menace.
Looks like a very tough day for TA. RIP to fallen ones.
Most of the casualties occured when ISIS fighters ambushed a Turkish armoured convoy.
They also seized several Leopard 2A4s and APCs abandoned by retreating Turkish troops
Turkey should not have entered this conflict militarily at present. It will now turn into a quagmire.

Hit two Turkish tanks by ISIS ATGM near albab

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They should do what we do. Wait till these bastards gather around the captured vehicle, then blow it up with airstrikes. It demoralizes them.
They should do what we do. Wait till these bastards gather around the captured vehicle, then blow it up with airstrikes. It demoralizes them.

That's not going to solve anything long term. There is clear negligence and incompetence that led up to this even. It appears the Turks just parked a bunch of military vehicles next to a wall and took a nap.

The "NATO standards" that so many like to boast about is nothing more then a fantasy and an ego boost for many. From my observation the Turkish soldiers did not have any recconesance units or forward observers to detect the VBIED before it reached the military garrison, perhaps what was hit with the VBIED was their forward observers but if that's the case they did not do there job.

Another point of concern is that Turkish tanks and IFVs keep getting nailed by ATGM out in the open. I understand that it's a war and this will happen and it's extremely difficult to prevent being hit with ATGMs but it makes me wounder how they are using infantry when, according to some, most of their armor has been hit. Are the so called "moderates" acting as a buffer/spearhead with armor moving in after they clear most areas in a supporting role?

Also who are these "moderates"? We have to be honest with ourselves and admit that many western backed rebels are just jihadists that have defected to ISIS and many have worked with ISIS, this is not something I would trust, it makes me wounder if some guys are passing on information to ISIS.
Well it was an ambush these things happen.
RIP to the soldiers.
Also dont they have access to better intel both technical as well as HUMINT?
Most of the casualties occured when ISIS fighters ambushed a Turkish armoured convoy.
They also seized several Leopard 2A4s and APCs abandoned by retreating Turkish troops

What you are saying is not true.

At 21 December 02:00 Turkish forces infiltrated to the State Hospital on Aqil mountain. Engaged with ISIS and managed to break them. Fighting continued between 03:00 - 06:00. The remaning ISIS members retreate.

With the dawn ISIS forces begin attacking, with all they got. Turkish forces still holding the Aqil mountain. However the initial infltration team was not a large force, and they had difficulty for holding the mountain. More soldiers didn't come to reinforce because of the continuos mortars of ISIS. It begin to snow and and visiblity droped to a few meters. After midday, fighting ceased. And our soldiers used this opportunity to eat something. While they are eating a SVBIED comes and explodes. Many dead and wounded. (Tank crews were outside of the tanks)...Remaining soldiers carry dead and wounded out of the area.

2 leopard tanks captured by ISIS.

Later with a counter attack one of the leopard tank re-captured. Other one blown off by a F-16 (you can find the pics on Turkish section)
What you are saying is not true.

At 21 December 02:00 Turkish forces infiltrated to the State Hospital on Aqil mountain. Engaged with ISIS and managed to break them. Fighting continued between 03:00 - 06:00. The remaning ISIS members retreate.

With the dawn ISIS forces begin attacking, with all they got. Turkish forces still holding the Aqil mountain. However the initial infltration team was not a large force, and they had difficulty for holding the mountain. More soldiers didn't come to reinforce because of the continuos mortars of ISIS. It begin to snow and and visiblity droped to a few meters. After midday, fighting ceased. And our soldiers used this opportunity to eat something. While they are eating a SVBIED comes and explodes. Many dead and wounded. (Tank crews were outside of the tanks)...Remaining soldiers carry dead and wounded out of the area.

2 leopard tanks captured by ISIS.

Later with a counter attack one of the leopard tank re-captured. Other one blown off by a F-16 (you can find the pics on Turkish section)
The truth is somewhere between the ISIS and Turkish versions.

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