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35 ' punctures' in Elections 2013


Apr 27, 2010
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Telephone Call of Najam Sethi Nawaz Sharif Audio Surfaces

35 punctures during the elections, the assurance of Najam Sethi to Nawaz Sharif has rattled the whole country. The audiotape which has surfaced recently is online on the Internet, and the public is frantic about it. There is no doubt now about the rigging which was done on the 11th May to rob the nation of their rightful vote.

The then interim chief minister Najam Sethi was the core member of Nawaz Sharif team to do the rigging and to make sure that the PML-N wins by hook or by crook. Najam Sethi always have remained a controversial figure and everybody except PMLN objected on his nomination as everybody knew that he wont be fair and neutral.

Thats what happened. PTI lost the elections, when every poll was in favor of them, when they were the only party to enjoy the mass support in every province, especially in the Punjab. But the people like Sethi and the election commissioner and lower judiciary stole the mandate of the PTI, and Pakistan saw its worst rigging ever.

Now the nature has vindicated the Imran Khan and PTI, and have shown the world that PTI was right from the start. This audiotape of telephone call which has surfaced is the living proof that the fish is stinking, and this mandate of PMLN is fake one, and the real ruler is the PTI. Imran rules the heart.

Will Nawaz resign?

@Leader @pkuser2k12 @chauvunist @mafiya @mr42O @W.11 @Patriots @cb4 @Tameem @RAMPAGE
Thanks God Ik is not in Power .. his recent nomination for Taliban awards could be a biggest issue if he became PM of Pakistan lol

Our PM would have to be on Taliban Side of the table ...
I believe Audio will be leaked too. lets see.
Thanks God Ik is not in Power .. his recent nomination for Taliban awards could be a biggest issue if he became PM of Pakistan lol

Our PM would have to be on Taliban Side of the table ...

Our PM is on Taliban Side of te table ... ;)
Its an open secret that the elections were rigged, the question is what the **** are we going to do about them, I think nothing.....:angry:
Telephone Call of Najam Sethi Nawaz Sharif Audio Surfaces

35 punctures during the elections, the assurance of Najam Sethi to Nawaz Sharif has rattled the whole country. The audiotape which has surfaced recently is online on the Internet, and the public is frantic about it. There is no doubt now about the rigging which was done on the 11th May to rob the nation of their rightful vote.

The then interim chief minister Najam Sethi was the core member of Nawaz Sharif team to do the rigging and to make sure that the PML-N wins by hook or by crook. Najam Sethi always have remained a controversial figure and everybody except PMLN objected on his nomination as everybody knew that he wont be fair and neutral.

Thats what happened. PTI lost the elections, when every poll was in favor of them, when they were the only party to enjoy the mass support in every province, especially in the Punjab. But the people like Sethi and the election commissioner and lower judiciary stole the mandate of the PTI, and Pakistan saw its worst rigging ever.

Now the nature has vindicated the Imran Khan and PTI, and have shown the world that PTI was right from the start. This audiotape of telephone call which has surfaced is the living proof that the fish is stinking, and this mandate of PMLN is fake one, and the real ruler is the PTI. Imran rules the heart.

Will Nawaz resign?

@Leader @pkuser2k12 @chauvunist @mafiya @mr42O @W.11 @Patriots @cb4 @Tameem @RAMPAGE

Ok Thinking "critically". Election rigging is the best thing that happened to PTI or else if PTI were to handed Federal mandate. They would had screwed it badly. It's a good thing they started off from provincial level, mistakes they are doing, would do, would affect a single province and also they would learn through hard way how to do things in a honest and upright way.

PTI would had done so many compromises on their core stance if they were handed Federal mandate that everybody would lost hope in IK by then.
Ok Thinking "critically". Election rigging is the best thing that happened to PTI or else if PTI were to handed Federal mandate. They would had screwed it badly. It's a good thing they started off from provincial level, mistakes they are doing, would do, would affect a single province and also they would learn through hard way how to do things in a honest and upright way.

PTI would had done so many compromises on their core stance if they were handed Federal mandate that everybody would lost hope in IK by then.

you assume too much, PTI has been on the same stance which they had before elections, except of holding LG election in 90 days

if PTI had federal, we would probably have taken a flight to progress rather than to continue to fall in the pit Zardari-Nawaz wants Pakistan to hit.
you assume too much, PTI has been on the same stance which they had before elections, except of holding LG election in 90 days

if PTI had federal, we would probably have taken a flight to progress rather than to continue to fall in the pit Zardari-Nawaz wants Pakistan to hit.

Ok let's start on bold claim. What flight of progress given the circumstances? PTI would took the same road PML(N) is taking. Taking loans from IMF and clearing circular debt with printing more currency. They would have isolated pakistan from world arena with their drone stance and would been on path of confrontation with Army by now with their TTP appeasement stance.

You could point out if PTI would have acted in different if they were in power? Judging from their KPK governance, their performance is still an average on a scale of 1-10
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there is no secret that elections on 11th may 2013 were the fakest of elections ever held in pakistan, but it still couldnt be proven that, those elections could hve won by PTI?
instead it was told byTUQ.
but follwing his foolish dreams, IK has made this nation slave for another god knows till when! just slaves to the NOORAs croupt family?
its been told in many languages, the lesson?
that a wuse enemy, is far more better then a foolish friend ?
in IMRAN,s case, its 10000% proven!
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there is nothing clear what sort of rigging this 35 puncture means and at what level
Even if you give all these 35 seats to PTI still PMLN could make a gov in NA along with others ...

Also if all these 35 puncture given to PTI in Punjab still PMLN lead is huge , so i think PTI members need to think and use their brain if any
there is nothing clear what sort of rigging this 35 puncture means and at what level
Even if you give all these 35 seats to PTI still PMLN could make a gov in NA along with others ...

Also if all these 35 puncture given to PTI in Punjab still PMLN lead is huge , so i think PTI members need to think and use their brain if any

Every seat counts. Yes, PTI won't be able to form govt by winning these 35 seats, but PMLN also wouldn't be able to enjoy the sweeping majority in parliament which they are enjoying right now. They would be sitting in a coalition govt with their hands tied on their backs. A hell of a difference would have been made as PTI would have been emerged as single largest opposition party and would have played its part in every parliamentary session.

I've given you a hint, now use your brain to think the rest (if you have any).
Every seat counts. Yes, PTI won't be able to form govt by winning these 35 seats, but PMLN also wouldn't be able to enjoy the sweeping majority in parliament which they are enjoying right now. They would be sitting in a coalition govt with their hands tied on their backs. A hell of a difference would have been made as PTI would have been emerged as single largest opposition party and would have played its part in every parliamentary session.

I've given you a hint, now use your brain to think the rest (if you have any).
lol , its good for PTI as well, reason simple which your brain cant get, In Pakistan coalition govt formula was always failed as no one is in position to fully implement anything, hint for you Zardari Gov, PPP, MQM, etc. PPP all 5 years only tried to safe guard their gov. with the help of MQM and PMLQ

At-least this time time PMLN have full control to Deliver and if not then PTI will get most seats , PMLN is not doing that bad as far as power generation projects are concerned or with TTP , these discussions either make peace in the country (.1 % chance) or Make whole nation against TTP and operation on some groups of TTP (positive and 99% chance of it)

PTI followers want everything to be done by PTI and they cant see or appropriate if anyone else taking good steps ...

There is a reason for this 35 puncture issue being raised on this very important time frame in Pakistan history . think can you?
lol , its good for PTI as well, reason simple which your brain cant get, In Pakistan coalition govt formula was always failed as no one is in position to fully implement anything, hint for you Zardari Gov, PPP, MQM, etc. PPP all 5 years only tried to safe guard their gov. with the help of MQM and PMLQ

At-least this time time PMLN have full control to Deliver and if not then PTI will get most seats , PMLN is not doing that bad as far as power generation projects are concerned or with TTP , these discussions either make peace in the country (.1 % chance) or Make whole nation against TTP and operation on some groups of TTP (positive and 99% chance of it)

PTI followers want everything to be done by PTI and they cant see or appropriate if anyone else taking good steps ...

There is a reason for this 35 puncture issue being raised on this very important time frame in Pakistan history . think can you?

Stop justifying election rigging, what is wrong is wrong no matter what you or anyone else will say. I never said simple majority is bad thing, I just explained you what would happen because of these 35 seats. I am stopping to argue with you more on this.
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