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348 armed forces personnel committed suicide since 2014

Not a single rat has come up with any published document to back their claim about there being suicides in Pakistan armed forces. On the other hand, the net if rich with published documents covering prevalent suicides in indian armed forces.
the same rag rag tribals defeated you in kashmir war. Just don't under estimate the tribals of Pakistan. They cann easily fight your army successfully for 1000 years. You don't know about their culture. Ask people who invaded afghanistan.
Tribals failed to advance at all after Indian Army moved into Kashmir whatever they got was when there were no Indian Army in Kashmir.
We fought battles against 1500 militants at a time in Kupwara.

We recaptured Sopore town from 1000 militants in 1994.
Kupwara massacre refers to an in incident that took place in Kupwara on January 27, 1994. The incident took place at 11 am on that day. The army was accused of killing 27 personnel and injuring 38 persons which mainly include civilians and some policeman by open firing randomly in all directions.

Tribals failed to advance at all after Indian Army moved into Kashmir whatever they got was when there were no Indian Army in Kashmir.
oh really. Indian army because of a fear of defeat begged UN for ceasefire. I thought you are some reasonable person who knew history but unfortunately it comes out to be a ZEE news fan.

We fought battles against 1500 militants at a time in Kupwara.

We recaptured Sopore town from 1000 militants in 1994.
When 30 People Were ‘Gunned’ Down By Army Personnel in Kupwara
Jan 27, 1994 Kupwara Massacre
Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on Google+Share via EmailJanuary 27, 2017, 12:53 AM
SRINAGAR: It was January 27 1994 when the forces of 31 Medium Regiment gunned down 27 civilians including three policemen in Kupwara district in the northern part of Kashmir for observing shutdown on the eve of “India’s Republic Day”.

Justice continues to elude the families of the victims even after 23 years. The First Information Report vide number 19/1994 under section 302, 307 lodged in Police Station Kupwara reads, “In a criminal assault, the soldiers of 31 Medium Regiment who were on road opening party duty led by field officer S Bakshi gunned down scores of people in indiscriminate firing in Kupwara market and its vicinity without any provocation.”

The victims who fell to the bullets were mostly traders. Three among them were policemen and one was a government employee. A local from the district said that they are all set to observe a complete shutdown on Wednesday to commemorate the anniversary of the massacre. The survivors allege that the massacre was carried out by the soldiers to punish the people for observing shutdown on January 26.

“A day before India’s Republic Day, Indian Army had warned the shopkeepers of dire consequences if they observe strike and didn’t celebrate the R-day,” said a local shopkeeper who survived the massacre adding that ignoring the warning people especially traders observed a complete shutdown in the district on January 26.

“As the shopkeepers opened their shops on January 27, the soldiers came and opened indiscriminate fire from all directions, killing 27 people and leaving scores wounded,” he said and added that after the gruesome massacre, the soldiers “asked us to assemble in the ground and undergo an identification parade.”

He said none was allowed to lift the bodies and carry the injured to hospital. “A boy died in front of his father, who begged before armed troopers to allow him to take his son to the hospital. But they didn’t give heed to his pleas,” the shopkeeper who survived during the blood bath said.

Locals alleged that killers were shielded and they are still roaming free. “We demand that case should be reopened and killers be punished. We are waiting for the day when killers would be punished,” they added. (CNS)

‘Nation Will Never Forget Martyrs’

Paying glowing tributes to martyrs of Kupwara massacres on their 23rd anniversary, Hurriyat Conference (G) chairperson, Syed Ali Geelani on Thursday said that the “nation will never forget the martyrs” of these heart-wrenching massacres. “They are our heros and we are committed to fulfill their mission,” the Hurriyat patriarch said in a statement.

He demanded impartial investigation into these massacres so that the involved persons are held strictly accountable and said, “armed forces are involved in serious war crimes and unless those accused are brought to book these gruesome events will continue to occur.”

Geelani said that the peaceful citizens in Kupwara were innocent and the example of such brutal massacres is hard to find. “They didn’t attend the republican day of the occupier and observed shutdown against brutal forces and their highhandedness and for this they had to pay in terms of their lives,” he added. “This was the reason and Indian forces in a bid to teach them lesson resorted to indiscriminate firing killing dozens of innocents.”

The top pro-freedom leader while lamenting the Indian rulers said, “killers are roaming free and those involved were not prosecuted nor the incident was investigated by any independent agency. They are roaming free and assassins were accorded with medals and elevated to higher posts.”

Expressing his solidarity and sympathy with the families of martyrs, Geelani said, “the blood of these martyrs will not be allowed go waste. We stand with these families and will strive till the mission of martyrs is accomplished.”

Acknowledging the commitment of people of Kupwara, Geelani further said, “we pay our salute to them as they are front runners for ongoing movement. We appreciate their sacrifices and commitment and we know that the district is strictly under continuous vigil of countless armed men but despite all this their exemplary valour is praiseworthy and laudable.”
first i never wrote the article. It was indian newspaper.
Secondly indian army is not at war. So comparing your country suicide records with countries who are at war in afghanistan,middle east is accepting the fact that indian army soldiers are mentally weaker and would certainly do mass suicides in case of war.

It remains to be seen if indian army will do mass suicides in case of war, but which army will do mass surrender, we have already seen! Wink 90 000 wink
Kupwara massacre refers to an in incident that took place in Kupwara on January 27, 1994. The incident took place at 11 am on that day. The army was accused of killing 27 personnel and injuring 38 persons which mainly include civilians and some policeman by open firing randomly in all directions.

oh really. Indian army because of a fear of defeat begged UN for ceasefire. I thought you are some reasonable person who knew history but unfortunately it comes out to be a ZEE news fan.

When 30 People Were ‘Gunned’ Down By Army Personnel in Kupwara
Jan 27, 1994 Kupwara Massacre
Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on Google+Share via EmailJanuary 27, 2017, 12:53 AM
SRINAGAR: It was January 27 1994 when the forces of 31 Medium Regiment gunned down 27 civilians including three policemen in Kupwara district in the northern part of Kashmir for observing shutdown on the eve of “India’s Republic Day”.

Justice continues to elude the families of the victims even after 23 years. The First Information Report vide number 19/1994 under section 302, 307 lodged in Police Station Kupwara reads, “In a criminal assault, the soldiers of 31 Medium Regiment who were on road opening party duty led by field officer S Bakshi gunned down scores of people in indiscriminate firing in Kupwara market and its vicinity without any provocation.”

The victims who fell to the bullets were mostly traders. Three among them were policemen and one was a government employee. A local from the district said that they are all set to observe a complete shutdown on Wednesday to commemorate the anniversary of the massacre. The survivors allege that the massacre was carried out by the soldiers to punish the people for observing shutdown on January 26.

“A day before India’s Republic Day, Indian Army had warned the shopkeepers of dire consequences if they observe strike and didn’t celebrate the R-day,” said a local shopkeeper who survived the massacre adding that ignoring the warning people especially traders observed a complete shutdown in the district on January 26.

“As the shopkeepers opened their shops on January 27, the soldiers came and opened indiscriminate fire from all directions, killing 27 people and leaving scores wounded,” he said and added that after the gruesome massacre, the soldiers “asked us to assemble in the ground and undergo an identification parade.”

He said none was allowed to lift the bodies and carry the injured to hospital. “A boy died in front of his father, who begged before armed troopers to allow him to take his son to the hospital. But they didn’t give heed to his pleas,” the shopkeeper who survived during the blood bath said.

Locals alleged that killers were shielded and they are still roaming free. “We demand that case should be reopened and killers be punished. We are waiting for the day when killers would be punished,” they added. (CNS)

‘Nation Will Never Forget Martyrs’

Paying glowing tributes to martyrs of Kupwara massacres on their 23rd anniversary, Hurriyat Conference (G) chairperson, Syed Ali Geelani on Thursday said that the “nation will never forget the martyrs” of these heart-wrenching massacres. “They are our heros and we are committed to fulfill their mission,” the Hurriyat patriarch said in a statement.

He demanded impartial investigation into these massacres so that the involved persons are held strictly accountable and said, “armed forces are involved in serious war crimes and unless those accused are brought to book these gruesome events will continue to occur.”

Geelani said that the peaceful citizens in Kupwara were innocent and the example of such brutal massacres is hard to find. “They didn’t attend the republican day of the occupier and observed shutdown against brutal forces and their highhandedness and for this they had to pay in terms of their lives,” he added. “This was the reason and Indian forces in a bid to teach them lesson resorted to indiscriminate firing killing dozens of innocents.”

The top pro-freedom leader while lamenting the Indian rulers said, “killers are roaming free and those involved were not prosecuted nor the incident was investigated by any independent agency. They are roaming free and assassins were accorded with medals and elevated to higher posts.”

Expressing his solidarity and sympathy with the families of martyrs, Geelani said, “the blood of these martyrs will not be allowed go waste. We stand with these families and will strive till the mission of martyrs is accomplished.”

Acknowledging the commitment of people of Kupwara, Geelani further said, “we pay our salute to them as they are front runners for ongoing movement. We appreciate their sacrifices and commitment and we know that the district is strictly under continuous vigil of countless armed men but despite all this their exemplary valour is praiseworthy and laudable.”
Epic Fail.
Kupwara battles took place in 1999-2001.

It is Pakistan who approached and the British and begged them to approach the UN for a ceasefcease-fire in Kashmir.
The tribals could not even hold on to Baramulla
Epic Fail.
Kupwara battles took place in 1999-2001.

It is Pakistan who approached and the British and begged them to approach the UN for a ceasefcease-fire in Kashmir.
The tribals could not even hold on to Baramulla
so by fighting 1 small battle indian army have fought most wars and insurgencies.

It was india who went to UN. Go and ask the ndead body of nehru. I think US was really a colony of India from the past. Now it's confirmed that this historic fact will get known to the world very soon. I trust in you.


Indians are you are just liars. You even change the history, create a false history to prove your points.
so by fighting 1 small battle indian army have fought most wars and insurgencies.

It was india who went to UN. Go and ask the ndead body of nehru. I think US was really a colony of India from the past. Now it's confirmed that this historic fact will get known to the world very soon. I trust in you.


Indians are you are just liars. You even change the history, create a false history to prove your points.
Kupwara is just one of many battles we fought.
Pakistan cannot even fight weak trivals without relying on jets, gunships & artillery.

It was Pakistan who approached the British for a ceasefire as its forces failed to hold even Baramulla.
Kupwara is just one of many battles we fought.
Pakistan cannot even fight weak trivals without relying on jets, gunships & artillery.

It was Pakistan who approached the British for a ceasefire as its forces failed to hold even Baramulla.
Indian army was not attacked in kupwara but the mjahideen captured area in kupwara exposing your army and inelligence agencies. Imagine thousands just attacking single post.
About tribals. We never fought tribals. Tribals are supporting us in war and we only defeated terrorists after tribals help. But i can see your frustration over the deaths of your assets.
By the way we defeated people who cannot be defeated by soviets or US led coalitions. Even now they control more than half of afghanistan. Isn't US killing tribals too??? remember we are fighting a same war.
Indian army was not attacked in kupwara but the mjahideen captured area in kupwara exposing your army and inelligence agencies. Imagine thousands just attacking single post.
About tribals. We never fought tribals. Tribals are supporting us in war and we only defeated terrorists after tribals help. But i can see your frustration over the deaths of your assets.
By the way we defeated people who cannot be defeated by soviets or US led coalitions. Even now they control more than half of afghanistan. Isn't US killing tribals too??? remember we are fighting a same war.
We fought hundreds of them in Kupwara and completely drove them off and eliminated them.

Meanwhile TTP soldiers captured entire areas in FATA.
We fought hundreds of them in Kupwara and completely drove them off and eliminated them.

Meanwhile TTP soldiers captured entire areas in FATA.
you defeated 1000 men. we drove 50k terrorists out. killing almost 35000+ of them.

And i am really sorry. I never knew your consistent behaviour and your great history knowledge. I am now forced to accept that no indian sodier ever did suicide. All of them are actually on a secret mission.
I also accept that Pakistan fought only 1000 men in 16 years. India defeated 50k terrorists trained by alqaeda. My apologies for my ignorance.
Do you know how many pakistanis commited suicide in the same periode? serious question, cos if you think about it, the numbers are not that alarming. i mean india has about 1.4 mill armed personell right, and in 3-4 years 348 commited sucide. In norway, one of the best countries to live in, on a average 550 commit suicide every year, and we have a population of less then 5 mill.

So the number are, considering how challenging it must be to be a solidar, quit low
Compare it with our armed forces not public. In that you would still be ahead but here the question is about Armed Forces and our is close to zero.
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