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33 Demonetisation Deaths In 7 Days: Hospital Casualties, Suicides, Heart Attacks And Even A Murder

hohoho, they grab your money by demonetization and your don't care. Your brain must have been dead.

Grab my money??? I can deposit and withdraw the said money whenever I want. Only people with hoards of cash are stuck not commoners like me
Yes it's painfull and sad but thousands have already died due to corruption and thousands more will die if necessary steps are not taken.

And U really think that this move ll eliminate big wigs of corruption? Do U really think that there are all angels in BJP and Modi didnt turn against his own party and allies through this move and they were also caught unaware?
And U really think that this move ll eliminate big wigs of corruption? Do U really think that there are all angels in BJP and Modi didnt turn against his own party and allies through this move and they were also caught unaware?
No may be big fish have a better escape route but I know the current situation, people are nervous the elite class has never thought this will happen.
May be modi is not angle and even if modi will not go against his own party, but understand the bigger context here, this open a new avenues for indian politics, a politics where people will demand for end of corruption and when other political party will suffer what do you think they will do when they will come to power, they will make bjp corrupt people suffer and ultimately this will benefit the common man.
This step is just the beginning there are 3 more major step which must be taken to weed out corruption.
1. End of benami properties and linking to aadhar cards, so all properties, legal or illegal which must be tracked down .
2. All money donated to political parties must be linked to aadhar and pan, and also such donation must come under the ambit of rti. This will end money and muscle politics to a very great extent.
3. Declaration of gold by individual on yearly basis. And gold purchase linked to aadhar and pan. So that black money is not converted to gold . As people gold can't be tracked and even when income tax knows abt it, people get away by declaring it their ancestral property.

Many steps are needed but this is just the beginning and we must applaud it.
Everyone is facing difficulties in their day to day activities but I've not seen anyone here at my place complaining. Most of them are willing to struggle for the greater good of this country. Time will tell what's about to happen. Until then we can only play our part, sit back and wait for the result.
And U really think that this move ll eliminate big wigs of corruption? Do U really think that there are all angels in BJP and Modi didnt turn against his own party and allies through this move and they were also caught unaware?

Nobody here or in the government is delusional enough to think that this alone will put an to all forms of corruption.

But this is a major step in that direction. Even before this, Modi had already initiated smaller but significant reforms - like one time amnesty scheme. As per his own words, he has a few more "projects" like this to continue his fight against black money and corruption.

Even if we discount the rhetorics of a career politician, what he has done so far has already exceeded what many of his predecessors put together, could to do. Let us give him some more time and see what he can come up with.
Just like...
Vemula was a Dalit
Burhan was misguided
Afzal was innocent
Yakub was Kejri's bro
Ishrat was Secular sister

Any dearth of last week MUST be attributed to this current act of Hindu govt and MUST be blamed. If you don't agree with me, you are a fascist..;)
India has a federal structure. Before taking such a step as banning highest denominations of currencies, All state finance ministers could have been called to discuss. The dictatorial regime is showing it's true color. Blind Sanghi retards with their Hindutva dreams still justifying whatever way possible.
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