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31 killed as militants attack Pakistan army checkpost

Kill all Pakistan army....

No...apologize for any & all collateral damage, disengage from the War On Terror & leave the Tribal Areas. Instead empower the local people, their Maliks & their Tribal Militias to fight the threat in a manner & place of their own choosing aided but not hampered by the Pakistan Army.
No...apologize for any & all collateral damage, disengage from the War On Terror & leave the Tribal Areas. Instead empower the local people, their Maliks & their Tribal Militias to fight the threat in a manner & place of their own choosing aided but not hampered by the Pakistan Army.

In other words..Leave them to Americans and let the Americans drone the hell out of them..
I agree..
@Safriz I can understand your anger but you are generalizing too much.

Same thing Nazis did when they blamed Jews for their misfortune after WW 1.

Same thing you hate about West when they act paranoid when they hear word Muslim.
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Dude, what's your beef with tribals, I am trying very hard not to bash Karachiites at the moment. I was there during the operations in 90's, I saw what was going-on in every sector, I know what certain people are capable of..... you seriously don't want to **** with me. You sitting there in UK passing judgments on 35 million Pashtuns, it would be best that you keep to yourself.

@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Oscar et al. Someone reign him in. He is highly emotional and unstable. It does not matter to me one bit what he says, however, there might be others with yet-developing brains who may take it the wrong way. I am seriously disappointed by this kids behavior.

You cannot deny what i am saying...
Stop being delusional and admit simple facts....
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@Hyperion i will like to know your opinion...
I stand by what i said.
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In other words..Leave them to Americans and let the Americans drone the hell out of them..
I agree..

On the contrary - Own up to them as our own people & tell the Americans to stop the drone strikes, take out a few drones if they don't comply & then close the supply routes for them to take their equipment back from Afghanistan.
On the contrary - Own up to them as our own people & tell the Americans to stop the drone strikes, take out a few drones if they don't comply & then close the supply routes for them to take their equipment back from Afghanistan.

So basically you want PA to fight for the people who are killing them?

PA are also human beings i guess?
KS, you are one amazing troll. Whenever you smell an iota of discontent amongst us, you come in to finish the job. My hats off to you sir! India should be proud of you. If I were the President of India, I'd bestow Param Vir Chakra onto you for trolling.

You are reading too much into my motives because of your insecurity at seeing pakistanis with differing viewpoints arguing with each other. You cannot tell them to shut up, so basically the next Indian who posts in the thread becomes the RAW agent which is creating fitna amongst the Pakistanis. Whether the tribals remain with Pakistan or Afghanistan or independent has no bearing on India. Actually the tribals being with Pakistan is good for India in a sense.

The point I wanted to stress there was - all the tribals are not die-hard Pakistanis as some of you would like to believe nor all of them anti-Pakistan. They just go by their life how they have gone for like ever. Be independent and keep fighting. In 47 it was the danger to Islam and loot that motivated some of them rather any motherland calling as you like to believe. Anyway since you have already descended to the baniya level there is no point trying to reason with you..eh ?
On the contrary - Own up to them as our own people & tell the Americans to stop the drone strikes, take out a few drones if they don't comply & then close the supply routes for them to take their equipment back from Afghanistan.

Too aggresive, it would probably cause a hostile response. Shooting down drones alone would get the point across but if you cut off supply lines again it could mean total breakdown of relations.
KS, you are one amazing troll. Whenever you smell an iota of discontent amongst us, you come in to finish the job. My hats off to you sir! Indian should be proud of you. If I were the President of India, I'd bestow Param Vir Chakra onto you for trolling.

Yaar I am glad I am not the only one who sees him for what he is. This isn't the first thread where he morfs into the instigator it is just one of many. We were already discussing without his input but he wants to subtlely call in luffy so that it can turn into a full blown fight. Like I said typical behavior of a baniya. :lol:
So basically you want PA to fight for the people who are killing them?

PA are also human beings i guess?

Do you really see everything in black & white ?

I want the PA to fight for the people who are sandwiched between the PA on one hand, the TTP on the other & the Americans on the 3rd & to show a little faith in their own people (the Tribals).

Too aggresive, it would probably cause a hostile response. Shooting down drones alone would get the point across but if you cut off supply lines again it could mean total breakdown of relations.

Thats why its supposed to progress gradually !

Tell them to stop the drone strikes ! *not in the Zardari kinda way more like the foOk off kinda way*

Lock on to a drone a few times !

Shoot down a drone !

If it still ain't working; start imposing some restrictions on the supply lines & continue tightening it till a desirable response is elicited.
Yara, I don't like the word "banya", it's derogatory towards an entire faith. I would be much obliged that people don't use it on this forum. I can understand that not everyone would listen, however, I'd be very pleased that you don't use it at-least.

Yaar I am glad I am not the only one who sees him for what he is. This isn't the first thread where he morfs into the instigator it is just one of many. We were already discussing without his input but he wants to subtlely call in luffy so that it can turn into a full blown fight. Like I said typical behavior of a baniya. :lol:
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