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$30bn deal: US to sell F-15s to Saudi Arabia

What's wrong with Syria? Did your government not shoot unarmed protestors in Bahrain? Syria has an armed insurgency going on.

Actually no it did not. That is called Iranian propaganda the few soldiers who were all Bahrainis who did are going to court because of it Syria got an Armed insurgency on itself. Alwaees are all like "Kill or be killed" so they are killing everyone. Bahrain even gave the UN complete freedom to investigate and they delivered a very harsh report which resulted in a government reshuffle.

Syrian regime is on a rampage killing everyone and everything.
Hey man all I know is even Bahraini Soccer players protested against their own government , may be they just want Democracy

Saudis are happy with their Kings and they should King Abdulla is a wonderful man he helped Pakistan in floods which of course we respect but may be Bahraini people just want democracy that's all

Its a bit hard for us to know what is happening in Syria just we don't hear the other side of story

Its just some of the stuff is not on media on our side of world perhaps , its a media thing
Saudia just needs to relax , and let other governments deal their own problem

I don't recall Saudia having problem with Syria

And certainly Pakistan will come to Saudia's aid no doubt but hopefully Saudia is not silly enough to get involved with Iran for who
USA ??? lol

You should go see how they treat Saudi's in American Airports ... and check points before you go to war for USA and call them your allies

Once you go into USA and turn on Republican TV channels you will see how exactly USA politicians feel about Saudia , you are nothing more then a pawn in their GAME ... just like in 70's Pakistan was against USSR ...

Read what I wrote again. Khameni and the rest of his black turbenian passe is not targeting Israel or the US. They are targeting us so they take the "leadership of the Muslim world" position that is what they are after. Israel and US is just for Muslim world consumption. Iranians hate Arabs not Jews. Iranians have a grudge against Arabs not Jews. in fact throughout their history they never gave a damn about Palestinians and they will never do.

We stayed poor and Armed Egypt what did we get?? Egypt signed peace with Israel. Then we armed Iraq because it had a very strong stance against Israel what did Saddam do?? Attack Iran and then us. We did all that and we stayed poor and underdeveloped for it. Why did we not make weapons already and stuff?? Because we went around everywhere for Islamic causes that we finally now are blamed for world terrorism. SO yeah to hell with the world no one is coming to our aid but us we need to develop ourselves and not ANY other country.

---------- Post added at 12:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 PM ----------

Hey man all I know is even Bahraini Soccer players protested against their own government , may be they just want Democracy

Saudis are happy with their Kings and they should King Abdulla is a wonderful man he helped Pakistan in floods which of course we respect but may be Bahraini people just want democracy that's all

Its a bit hard for us to know what is happening in Syria just we don't hear the other side of story

Its just some of the stuff is not on media on our side of world perhaps , its a media thing

I went to school with five syrian I know how it is in Syria. I hang out with them on the weekends usually.

---------- Post added at 12:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 PM ----------

You know After 91 the US imposed a very huge debt on us that our GDP was 15% of our debt. We still made it through and finally we are developing ourselves and not other countries we are building universities building an industry spending huuuuge amount on Education this deal is 29 Billion but this year we are spending 140 Billion on Education so you do the math.

---------- Post added at 12:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 PM ----------

Oh and I know very well how they treat Saudis in airports I never said I liked the USA I never did and I never will.

Don't forget that Saudia encouraged and funded (to the tune of $200 billion 1980s $) Iraq's invasion of Iran. Iran did not retaliate or even punish Saudia for being an accomplice to criminal Saddam.

Now, Saudia is participating behind the scenes with Israel and US on ways to destroy and weaken Iran. They promise to make up for the oil lost in case of embargo, happy to make more bucks out of Iran's misery. Now, would you expect any country to simply go along with a plan to destroy its revenue without hitting back at the revenues of someone in the other camp (USrael/Saudia) ?
Read what I wrote again. Khameni and the rest of his black turbenian passe is not targeting Israel or the US. They are targeting us so they take the "leadership of the Muslim world" position that is what they are after. Israel and US is just for Muslim world consumption. Iranians hate Arabs not Jews. Iranians have a grudge against Arabs not Jews. in fact throughout their history they never gave a damn about Palestinians and they will never do.

We stayed poor and Armed Egypt what did we get?? Egypt signed peace with Israel. Then we armed Iraq because it had a very strong stance against Israel what did Saddam do?? Attack Iran and then us. We did all that and we stayed poor and underdeveloped for it. Why did we not make weapons already and stuff?? Because we went around everywhere for Islamic causes that we finally now are blamed for world terrorism. SO yeah to hell with the world no one is coming to our aid but us we need to develop ourselves and not ANY other country.

---------- Post added at 12:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 PM ----------

I went to school with five syrian I know how it is in Syria. I hang out with them on the weekends usually.

---------- Post added at 12:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 PM ----------

You know After 91 the US imposed a very huge debt on us that our GDP was 15% of our debt. We still made it through and finally we are developing ourselves and not other countries we are building universities building an industry spending huuuuge amount on Education this deal is 29 Billion but this year we are spending 140 Billion on Education so you do the math.

---------- Post added at 12:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 PM ----------

Oh and I know very well how they treat Saudis in airports I never said I liked the USA I never did and I never will.

Interesting views no doubt

Don't forget that Saudia encouraged and funded (to the tune of $200 billion 1980s $) Iraq's invasion of Iran. Iran did not retaliate or even punish Saudia for being an accomplice to criminal Saddam.

Now, Saudia is participating behind the scenes with Israel and US on ways to destroy and weaken Iran. They promise to make up for the oil lost in case of embargo, happy to make more bucks out of Iran's misery. Now, would you expect any country to simply go along with a plan to destroy its revenue without hitting back at the revenues of someone in the other camp (USrael/Saudia) ?

We armed Saddam against Israel after Egypt betrayed us and made peace with them. Saddam invaded Iran something we were against hardly but we needed to protect our investment. And don't tell me Iran never retilated that is Bull$hit Iran started sinking our civilian boats and oil tankers until we shot down your aircrafts that used to do that. Then youmlearned your lesson and left our civilians alone.
By Paul West

December 29, 2011, 11:20 a.m.
Reporting from Perry, Iowa—
Defending himself against charges of isolationism, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul told voters in Iowa on Thursday that western sanctions against Iran are "acts of war" that are likely to lead to an actual war in the Middle East.

Paul, one of the leading contenders to win next week's Iowa caucuses, said Iran would be justified in responding to the sanctions by blocking the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz. He compared the western sanctions to a hypothetical move by China to block the Gulf of Mexico, which Americans would consider an act of war.
We armed Saddam against Israel after Egypt betrayed us and made peace with them. Saddam invaded Iran something we were against hardly but we needed to protect our investment. And don't tell me Iran never retilated that is Bull$hit Iran started sinking our civilian boats and oil tankers until we shot down your aircrafts that used to do that. Then youmlearned your lesson and left our civilians alone.

In 1980, Iraq's Saddam Hussein was suddenly a bigtime international 'player,' invited to the gaudy palaces of the Saudi Arabian monarchy. But there was an ulterior motive behind the flattering invitation: Saddam's army was the new protector of the petro-rich against the Iranian hordes.

Saudi Prince Fahd claimed to have a message, too, from the President of the United States. It was a missive that might have changed the course of history, another installment from the October Surprise

October Surprise X-Files (Part 5): Saddam's 'Green Light'

By Robert Parry

WASHINGTON -- In summer 1980, Iraq's wily president Saddam Hussein saw opportunities in the chaos sweeping the Persian Gulf. Iran's Islamic revolution had terrified the Saudi princes and other Arab royalty who feared uprisings against their own corrupt life styles. Saddam's help was sought, too, by CIA-backed Iranian exiles who wanted a base to challenge the fundamentalist regime of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. And as always, the Western powers were worried about the Middle East oil fields.

So because of geography and his formidable Soviet-supplied army, Saddam was suddenly a popular fellow.

On Aug. 5, 1980, the Saudi rulers welcomed Saddam to Riyadh for his first state visit to Saudi Arabia, the first for any Iraqi president. The Saudis, of course, wanted something. At those fateful meetings, amid the luxury of the ornate palaces, the Saudis would encourage Saddam to invade Iran. The Saudis also would claim to pass on a secret message about President Carter's geo-political desires.

A 'Private Channel'
Within minutes of President Reagan's Inauguration on Jan. 20, 1981, the hostages finally were freed. In the following weeks, the new administration put in place discreet channels to Middle East powers, as Haig flew to the region for a round of high-level consultations. The trim silver-haired former four-star general met with Iraq's chief allies, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and with Israel, which was continuing to support Iran as a counter-weight to Iraq and the Arab states.

On April 8, 1981, Haig ended his first round of meetings in Riyadh and issued a diplomatic statement lauding Saudi Arabia's "dedication to building a better world and the wisdom of your leaders." More to the point, he announced that "the foundation has been laid during this trip for the strengthening of U.S.-Saudi relations."

After Haig's return to Washington, his top secret Talking Points fleshed out for President Reagan the actual agreements that were reached at the private sessions in Saudi Arabia, as well as at other meetings in Egypt and Israel.

"As we discussed before my Middle East trip," Haig explained to President Reagan, "I proposed to President Sadat, [Israel's] Prime Minister [Menachem] Begin and Crown Prince Fahd that we establish a private channel for the consideration of particularly sensitive matters of concern to you. Each of the three picked up on the proposal and asked for early meetings."

Haig wrote that on his return, he immediately dispatched his counselor, Robert "Bud" McFarlane, to Cairo and Riyadh to formalize those channels. "He held extremely useful meetings with both Sadat and Fahd," Haig boasted. "In fact, Sadat kept Ed Muskie [President Carter's secretary of state] waiting for an hour and a half while he [Sadat] extended the meeting."

These early contacts with Fahd, Sadat and Begin solidified their three countries as the cornerstones of the administration's clandestine foreign policy of the 1980s: the Saudis as the moneymen, the Israelis as the middlemen, and the Egyptians as a ready source for Soviet-made equipment .

Between September 1980 and spring 1982, Saudi Arabia - which was particularly fearful of an Iranian victory and the boost that it would give to Iran's ideological zeal - provided Iraq with $1 billion per month.

Saudi support for Iraq during the Iran–Iraq War consisted of $20 billion of funding between September 1980 and May 1982.

WASHINGTON, July 26 — During a high-level meeting in Riyadh in January, Saudi officials confronted a top American envoy with documents that seemed to suggest that Iraq’s prime minister could not be trusted.

One purported to be an early alert from the prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, to the radical Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr warning him to lie low during the coming American troop increase, which was aimed in part at Mr. Sadr’s militia. Another document purported to offer proof that Mr. Maliki was an agent of Iran.

The American envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad, immediately protested to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, contending that the documents were forged. But, said administration officials who provided an account of the exchange, the Saudis remained skeptical, adding to the deep rift between America’s most powerful Sunni Arab ally, Saudi Arabia, and its Shiite-run neighbor, Iraq.

Now, Bush administration officials are voicing increasing anger at what they say has been Saudi Arabia’s counterproductive role in the Iraq war. They say that beyond regarding Mr. Maliki as an Iranian agent, the Saudis have offered financial support to Sunni groups in Iraq. Of an estimated 60 to 80 foreign fighters who enter Iraq each month, American military and intelligence officials say that nearly half are coming from Saudi Arabia and that the Saudis have not done enough to stem the flow.

Dude at least have the brains to realize we are not all stupid or blind and cats out of bag cool it with your propaganda we all no who is what.
Actually no it did not. That is called Iranian propaganda the few soldiers who were all Bahrainis who did are going to court because of it Syria got an Armed insurgency on itself. Alwaees are all like "Kill or be killed" so they are killing everyone. Bahrain even gave the UN complete freedom to investigate and they delivered a very harsh report which resulted in a government reshuffle.

Syrian regime is on a rampage killing everyone and everything.

BAHRAIN: THERE WAS a defiant mood last night among Bahrain’s pro-democracy protesters who said they viewed the unprecedented intervention of between 2,000 and 6,000 Saudi-led troops as “an illegal occupation”.

Numbers at the protest encampment at Pearl Square in the capital, Manama, swelled well beyond the usual 50,000 to 100,000 that have been gathering every night for the past three weeks calling for the overthrow of the United States-backed monarchy.

The arrival yesterday of troops in convoys from Saudi Arabia came after a weekend of widespread chaos and violence by police and pro-government militias against largely peaceful protesters. “This is our right to demand democracy,” said Zainab, a young Bahraini woman working as a volunteer at the protest media centre. “This is an invasion of our country by a foreign army.”

Thousands of Saudi troops cross into Bahrain after weekend of violence - The Irish Times - Tue, Mar 15, 2011

Libya's model is being replicated in Syria. So far, it's short of war. For how long is uncertain. Expect it if current tactics fail. More on that below.
At issue is regime change, establishing another client state, and isolating Iran ahead of similar tactics there. It's part of America's Middle East project to redraw the region according to US/Israeli geopolitical aims.
Washington's dirty hands lie behind what's happening. Partners include Israel, Britain, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia,(ahhh why Muslims hate us so we support and finance terrorist in there countries thats no reason to hate us) Turkey, Lebanon's March 8 Alliance, Jordan, and other despotic Arab League states.

Washington has similar designs on Syria. War's perhaps planned. Pro-Western Arab League despots supported NATO's Libya war, mass slaughter and destruction. At the same time, they ignore ongoing atrocities in Bahrain, Yemen, Somalia, Palestine, elsewhere in the region, and internally.

Since March, they supported Western-backed anti-Syrian insurgents. War, occupation, and regional instability may follow.

On and off for months, half or more of League members attacked, killed, arrested, imprisoned, and/or brutalized their own people for protesting against political, economic and social injustice.

Expect them shortly to recognize the illegitimate Syrian National Council. It's similar to Libya's puppet Transitional National Council (TNC). They both abhor democracy. SNC hard-liners support Western military intervention.

Originally formed in 2005, it was revived on August 23, 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey. It represents Western-backed internal opposition elements against the rights and interests of most Syrians.

Iran's also being pressured. The road to Tehran runs through Damascus. With Arab League backing, general war's possible, no matter how potentially disastrous.

Everything's being orchestrated in Washingto. Its agenda includes ravaging the world one country at a time. Syria and Iran are targeted.

As a result, no one anywhere is safe, including Americans ruled by rogue leaders.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

clearly shows its Iran's that is Israels and Wests friend and no one else but please do continue to cry most civilized people no who the really anti Muslims are Millions to terrorist in Pakistan millions to terrorist in Iraq killing in Bahrain and side by side with Israel in killing Muslims while claiming we are the leaders of Muslims really.If there is Muslim being killed Arabs are behind it and that is the truth you can take it to bank.
Arabs are the worst negotiator in the world. Serves them right!







I look forward on this Mosa, Saudi's certainly have all the Money and Resources. We will have to see.

Money alone won't do any good if you have corruption and anti state elements.

Fortunately, Saudis are patriot and corruption is to negligible effect.
It's a good deal ... off course for Saudi Arabia and US, but also for the entire region.

Saudi Arabia is a pillar of stability in the entire middle-east region.

A strong Saudi Arabia is good for everybody. This deal strengthens Saudi Arabia.
when Iran threatened to close the Strait all of you clapped like idiots when it is an act of war against us not against America.

In defence of the Iranians, they made that threat after being threatened with the imposition of crippling sanctions on their own crude exports.

You can't really blame the Iranians here - their claims are just a response to the threat of sanctions.
In defence of the Iranians, they made that threat after being threatened with the imposition of crippling sanctions on their own crude exports.

You can't really blame the Iranians here - their claims are just a response to the threat of sanctions.

Okay then but they will suffer consequences. If you think we will sit around idolly while our trade route is crippled then think again. Our Air Force alone can blow the Iranian navy to kingdom come. He'll if you ask me this whole deal is just an over kill.

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