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300,000 plus @ PTI Lahore Jalsa - Live Forum Coverage

Wow, Just Wow

We need him, we need him now!
Assalam alaikum

i didnot see imran during his playing days accept in the 92 world cup, i used to hear about him in newspapers only

when he lost the first 3 games a reporter asked him kind of u lost and there is no chance for u now, he replied i got a good team my team need one click and we will win it ( or we will reach final it has been long don't remember exactly ). from that day i have admired him bcoz of his confidence, honesty and trust on his teammates.
he showed he is bold by choosing minar- e- pakistan for his gathering

we know he is honest he is confident if he chooses the best condidates and will win the next elections
he showed he is has is bold

That was the biggest crowd since 1985, according to one journalist who was present there , there were almost 300000-350000 people present and according to other estimates there were around 500000. Really a big hit by Imran khan and what was more interesting that it was not the crowd comprising of individuals or party workers ,rather families , youth mostly educated people....

Is it the beginning of a new era ....i hope so
Imran welcomes all....says it took 15 years to wake up Lahorees

You can't be sure about whether Lahorees are really awaken up or is it just a sleep walk ....but one thing is for sure that people are pissed off by all these governing parties may it be PML (N) ,PPP or Lottas MQM and PML (Q), they are really striving for a change
imran khan will not win a single seat except perhaps his home town in mianwali, that i can bet millions on it!!

maybe imran khan will foresee it coming and bycott next elections too

this jalsa is just entertaining not motivating, as somebady has said more that a music concert than a political gathering, the lahoris who support imran are probably those lahori faction which knows nothing abt politics
imran khan will not win a single seat except his home town in mianwali, that i can bet millions on it!!

maybe imran khan will foresee it coming and bycott next elections too

Rest assure that there are not going to be any elections.... You will soon see either a civil dis-obedience moment or a take over...and i can bet you on that ....forget about elections
i will vote him
but that is bad that PTI is taking PML (N) as the top of the list opponent
i think that PML N is least bad of all political parties
and they do work good in Lahore
it will divide their vote bank and PML Q might take the edge
PTI should do these kind of jalsa in peshawar and karachi and in some area of south punjab
imran khan will not win a single seat except perhaps his home town in mianwali, that i can bet millions on it!!

maybe imran khan will foresee it coming and bycott next elections too

this jalsa is just entertaining not motivating, as somebady has said more that a music concert than a political gathering

Why? Even Zardaris PPP will get some seats let alone Imran Khan.
Express Tribune reporting over 150,000 attendance, per 'conservative estimates'.

Pretty large rally by Pakistani standards, especially for a 'political startup'.

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