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30% of Poles living in Germany are social parasites, 14% of Dutch


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
Sozialsystem : Zahl der Kindergeldanträge aus Ausland unterschätzt - Nachrichten Politik - Deutschland - DIE WELT

The following table shows how many people of the following EU nationalities without having a german nationality apply for child benefits for children who dont live in germany itself. The state has to waste money on people who dont live in germany


-polish, czech, slovakian, hungarian, dutch, belgian, romanian, latvian, lithuenian, cyprian

from link
For the applicant, it is worth it. "Sometimes comes as a small car together," says an employee in Bautzen. In the top of the family budget is up to 25,000 Euro child benefit to strike a blow paid. No wonder that angry applicant ever personally audition and complain, where your money remains.

Income rises by almost 40 per cent

Especially on Mondays was the case when the buses from Poland to Germany to work, drive, and Fridays, when you come back. "The highway leads directly to Bautzen past," says one associate. If an applicant for 1000 euros a month works and has two children - then increases his "reward" thanks to the child allowance at a stroke by nearly 40 percent. Sometimes even 100 or 200 applications at the same time, submitted by a single tax office, or a Lohnsteuerhilfeverein.

The staff in Bautzen afford bureaucratic hard work. You need to foreign documents, tax returns, employer, marital status and Ausbildungsbescheinigungen check. Evidence and information must abroad procured and translated. Often the applicants are only a few weeks or months of Polish companies to Germany "sent", they work for different employers, sometimes they come two or three times, four - or six times a year to Germany.

Bilingual applications are ready

Furthermore, the Polish child with the German child will be charged. But even so it is worth. While in Germany 184 euros for the first two children to be paid, 190 Euro for the third and 215 euros for each additional child, are in Poland, between ten and twelve Euro, according to the number and age of children. It also varies the Verrechnungssumme with the exchange rate.

The Federal employment Agency is service-oriented: The applications for child support, there are bilingual (German-Polish and German-Czech. The applicant was also a port of call set up in without an appointment, can get advice. "Everyone in Germany is hardworking and here, pay taxes, and they shall child benefit wars", says an employee. The Federal Agency hopes in negotiations with the Ministry of Finance more money and personnel to enforce the Antragsstau can resolve.

yup Poland and Czech Republic are role models for Russia and all of Eastern Europe

How can they claim money when they dont live in Germany? You dont need to show proof of residence or something??

the following EU nationalities without having a german nationality apply for child benefits for children who dont live in germany itself.

How can they claim money when they dont live in Germany? You dont need to show proof of residence or something??


also germany has to do it so poland doesnt collapse. I mentioned in a thread earlier how germany has more capital flight than russia. Its not that much that leaves the country its 600 million € for these foreign children, but its still a huge sume.
Well now...there goes "the romanians are coming only to claim benefits" theory.Somebody call The Daily Mail and bring them up to speed with the news.
Poles are hardworking and honest nation.
When they come to W.Europe to work they are parasites.
But when Poles defend Europe for centuries they was a pride of Europe.
It's probably still a fraction of what Western countries are looting in Africa, the Middle East and other regions in the world.
How can they claim money when they dont live in Germany? You dont need to show proof of residence or something??:unsure:

Their parents must be living, working and paying their taxes in Germany therefore they are elilgible to draw child-care allowance even if their children are not living with them in Germany. This is the law of the land and these EU citizens are not doing anything illegal.

{{{EU-Bürger haben automatisch einen Anspruch auf Kindergeld, wenn sie einen Wohnsitz oder ihren gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt in Deutschland haben. Sie bekommen auch dann die Leistung, wenn ihre Kinder nicht in Deutschland leben, sondern ihren Wohnsitz in einen anderen EU-Mitgliedstaat haben.

Google translation.
EU citizens have an automatic entitlement to child benefit if they have a residence or habitual abode in Germany. They have the right for the benefits even if their children do not live in Germany but have their residence in another EU Member State.
GroKo will Sozialgesetze verschärfen: Zuwanderer erschleichen sich in Deutschland Kindergeld - Arbeitsmarkt - FOCUS Online - Nachrichten}}}
Well now...there goes "the romanians are coming only to claim benefits" theory.Somebody call The Daily Mail and bring them up to speed with the news.
and why is it`? because youre orthodox christians which the west is hostile and racist to
Their parents must be living, working and paying their taxes in Germany therefore they are elilgible to draw child-care allowance even if their children are not living with them in Germany. This is the law of the land and these EU citizens are not doing anything illegal.

{{{EU-Bürger haben automatisch einen Anspruch auf Kindergeld, wenn sie einen Wohnsitz oder ihren gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt in Deutschland haben. Sie bekommen auch dann die Leistung, wenn ihre Kinder nicht in Deutschland leben, sondern ihren Wohnsitz in einen anderen EU-Mitgliedstaat haben.

Google translation.
EU citizens have an automatic entitlement to child benefit if they have a residence or habitual abode in Germany. They have the right for the benefits even if their children do not live in Germany but have their residence in another EU Member State.
GroKo will Sozialgesetze verschärfen: Zuwanderer erschleichen sich in Deutschland Kindergeld - Arbeitsmarkt - FOCUS Online - Nachrichten}}}

Go to Germany, have one legal part time job along with other underground cash jobs, then claim child care benefit as well as welfare because they're making poverty wages legally.

The construction industry is notorious for this because it is so hard to track...European construction industry is filled with cash based workers from Eastern Europe, just like the US construction industry has Mexicans.

Here in Canada we supposedly should not have this problem because we only border one country (the US) but lately we have Filipinos and Indians abusing the temporary foreign work program to do the same thing, although half the blame goes to our inept government.
Paying for children living elsewhere is nonsense.

As for the rest, under EU rules they have every right to claim child benefit i.e. they live and pay taxes there. Although the level of tax paid is another question entirely.

Having been to Poland, the folks are great there.
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