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30 Filipino police commandos killed in clash with rebels

So do you think that those militants do not have the support of Peaceful' Muslim civilians?

While I am aware of Muslim civilians supporting the militant terrorist, there are also those who do not support them. The only way to deal with them is eliminate those who are armed and detain those who are not though the latter is only possible if the said armed militants are eliminated.

The success of detaining unarmed civilians that support or has ties with militant is 50-50 as some may commit suicide.
The only way to deal with them is using special forces but when the fight is taken to a city, like the Zamboanga siege, conventional units are sent though both are have rules of engagement. Terrorists exploit this by taking a few people and even an entire city as hostages. Which is why we needed vehicles like BTR-T and BMP-T as the former has better armor protection and the latter is much more suitable for fire support as in my opinion, 76mm guns do more collateral damage than 30mm autocannons.

ARMM became a failure because of Misuari's misguided policies.

Agreed. And as for Misuari, he needs to be taken out. He's outlived his usefulness..
Agreed. And as for Misuari, he needs to be taken out. He's outlived his usefulness..

The question now is whether he is still in the Philippines or outside the Philippines.

We gave him a chance to lead ARMM but he failed spectacularly and still continues his insurgency. His aims is not autonomy but secession.

Unfortunately, there might be moles in PH government which could tip Misuari if a hit job is placed on him.
The question now is whether he is still in the Philippines or outside the Philippines.

We gave him a chance to lead ARMM but he failed spectacularly and still continues his insurgency. His aims is not autonomy but secession.

Unfortunately, there might be moles in PH government which could tip Misuari if a hit job is placed on him.

I would actually like to see Japan Ground Self Defense Force help the Philippine Army quash these insurgents ... in the future. As for Misuari, no doubt, and many in Japanese defense world know of the threat these terrorists pose for the Philippine stability and , well, you know how Japan is vested in Philippines. Anything that poses a threat to Philippine development and Japanese interests there --- is a threat to Japan itself.
They just push them underground they don't actually end it.
I am NOT specifically talking about killing innocents i meant by harsh decision is stricter laws,Air strikes and attack on ideology along with counter terrorism ops.

You are wrong LTTE ,sikh insurgency,Chechnya and Kashmir are largely successful due to the harsh measures only.

I would actually like to see Japan Ground Self Defense Force help the Philippine Army quash these insurgents ... in the future. As for Misuari, no doubt, and many in Japanese defense world know of the threat these terrorists pose for the Philippine stability and , well, you know how Japan is vested in Philippines. Anything that poses a threat to Philippine development and Japanese interests there --- is a threat to Japan itself.
I think JSDF has some experience in anti terror ops which it gained in Afghanistan ,it would be Good for both countries and for that region as a whole.
I think JSDF has some experience in anti terror ops which it gained in Afghanistan ,it would be Good for both countries and for that region as a whole.

I can see that Japan can help the Philippines by deploying our Global Hawks to Mindanao. I think we can help the Philippine Army this way. We can provide them with the eyes, the Philippine Army can do 'action'. :)

Japan Spec Ops could of course help out when asked....
I can see that Japan can help the Philippines by deploying our Global Hawks to Mindanao. I think we can help the Philippine Army this way. We can provide them with the eyes, the Philippine Army can do 'action'. :)

Japan Spec Ops could of course help out when asked....
oh sorry i forgot the global hawks.
oh sorry i forgot the global hawks.


I am NOT specifically talking about killing innocents i meant by harsh decision is stricter laws,Air strikes and attack on ideology along with counter terrorism ops.

You are wrong LTTE ,sikh insurgency,Chechnya and Kashmir are largely successful due to the harsh measures only.

Sure, that's maybe why some of them are still active and wreaking havoc.
Arrival at Villamor Airbase
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Relatives and Families wait for the arrival of their dead love ones

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One of the Two SAF with Tausug decent and has to be buried within 24 hrs

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So Sad..!! R I P .............

Noy held back on order to reinforce SAF — source

In his obsession to obtain the peace agreement with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) as a political trophy, President Aquino deliberately ignored the pleas from the Philippine National Police-Special Action Force (PNP-SAF) for additional reinforcement to rescue trapped operatives from their dire position. This was bared to The Tribune by a source within the PNP saying not only was Aquino informed beforehand of the SAF operation against Malay-sian Zulkifli bin Hir, alias “Mar-wan,” believed to be a key leader of the al-Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islam-iyah, and his alleged Filipino henchman, Abdul Basit Usman, but that he was actually on top of the operation itself.
“The President was actually monitoring the operation. Everything was being reported to him in real time,” said the source.
According to the source, Aquino was in Zamboanga that time, waiting in the wings for the outcome of the operation, ready to jump anytime to Maguindanao should the two suspected terrorists be captured.
“But when the operation went out of control as the MILF and the BIFF Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters) joined forces in attacking the SAF, the President refused to send any reinforcement even as the SAF were already crying for help from heir beleaguered position,” the source said.
Aquino, the source said, cannot deny the fact that he was aware all the time of the SAF operation.

Noy held back on order to reinforce SAF — source

I"m proud that I did not vote for Pnoy. He's a bad president who abandons his own men.

dmnn..!! the one who pushed his own men to death trap should not be a leader...
to all the retards talking about islamists militants... moros and others have been fighting for independence since decades and the struggle is nationalist in nature and not "islamist"...
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