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3 Sikh terror suspects held: KL

Hahaha...What an answer " if anyone wants secession from india he is a terrorist period" Ultimate logic of stamping someone, i have a around 2 years experience on this forum. This kind of statements(Farts) comes out as an end result if they can't defend their argument and they also realize they are building upon imagination , instead of reality...LOL

Hindi/Punjabi dispute or Nirankari nonsense or water disputes or anything under the sun, you don't challenge integrity of India and if you pick up gun against the state for whatever reason that may be what you get is a bullet in your backside and it goes for Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and all, is that too hard to understand?
guys just stop fighting

another idiot created north vs south now this thread :\
^^Agree. India is a democracy and in a democracy there is no place for violence.
i dont need to justify anything to anyone.....if you are an indian the ultimate thing that matters is the national sovereignity and territorial integrity.....not your religion or caste.....if you are uncomfortable with that get out of india irespective of you being a sikh,hindu,muslim,christian or whatever.......if you take gun against the indian state you will be hunted down,......there is no need for any more justification...thats the very basis of a country...

and what is that two year experience in this forum....you can very well be my son's age in real life...

aND to second part of son's age in real life...lol such a mature post..
Off course you can be 6 feet 5 inch long Mr universe with 6 packs and super macho body, sitting behind the confines of your computer.

---------- Post added at 04:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 AM ----------

Okay GOI slaughtered Sikhs so Sikhs slaughtered Hindus now going by your logic Hindus should have gone slaughtering Sikhs in all part of India, when there was terrorism in Punjab and more that 5000 Hindus were killed by Sikh fanatics, right? Is this what you want to say?

Also you never answered, AK-47s and anti-tank, anti-aircraft artery in the Holiest Shrine, what do you expect the army to do?

When you took the so called last choice you should have been aware of the consciousnesses, what did you expect?

Again re- read the post's Yawn...Your all question's/assumption have been clearly answered, re-read or help yourself. EVEN WHAT YOU saying as " NEVER ANSWERED" HAS BEEN ANSWERED
whom are your bs ing mate...read this,....

not a single sikh was harmed in any other part of india even though they would have been easy targets for the hindus who were in absolute majority...because the hindus never saw it a hindu vs sikh issue that the khalistanis/congress tried to make it one......even after the grave provocation the sikhs were treated as fellow indians in all other parts of the country except in delhi where the congress went on a rampage.....anyway no use arguing.;some people are too brainwahsed to see the reality..he must be one of those khalistanis stamping on the indian flags on aug 15th..leave him....

eXCEPT DELHI??? Are you kidding me?? Do i need to mention events in Bhopal ,kanpur, lucknow, kolkata and many other parts..

Damn i am struck between internet warriors , who are like just in eager to type before ANY research..

I rest my case, until you guys go and read what i asked to, stop assumptions and theories.
eXCEPT DELHI??? Are you kidding me?? Do i need to mention events in Bhopal ,kanpur, lucknow, kolkata and many other parts..

Damn i am struck between internet warriors , who are like just in eager to type before ANY research..

I rest my case, until you guys go and read what i asked to, stop assumptions and theories.

LOL you like to answer selectively or don't answer a thing and then ask other to go do the research, let's do this again slowly

- Yes there where political blunders by 'CONGRESS'
- Yes many innocent Sikhs had to suffer
- But many Hindus also suffered because of Sikh fanatics (and if you believe it was revenge and they deserved it then probably the door swings both ways)
- Nation is supreme, nobody can challenge the integrity of the country with violence and those who do deserve a bullet in their arse they may be Hindus (Naxalites), Muslims (Kashmir), Christians (North East) or Sikhs
- Bhindrewala and co. stockpiled crazy amount of ammunition in Golden temple and where able to ward of Indian army armed to teeth with tanks etc for 2 days and managed to kill 86 Indian soldiers heck they even have to shell the compound and you say they just lived there, what a joke?
The whole 1984 riots was created by congress...damn congress.....

So SIkhs should not vote for congress n pull them down from center and seek justice from the next govt....and punish the congress culprits

Not only democracy..but even more fundamental...teh territorial integrity of the country which is the backbone....and yes they are old theories only...but still in practise in india...

aND to second part of son's age in real life...lol such a mature post..
Off course you can be 6 feet 5 inch long Mr universe with 6 packs and super macho body, sitting behind the confines of your computer.

lol read your own post first...it was not me but you who brought in the two year experience i this forum first...as if that counts.....

---------- Post added at 02:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 PM ----------

eXCEPT DELHI??? Are you kidding me?? Do i need to mention events in Bhopal ,kanpur, lucknow, kolkata and many other parts..

Damn i am struck between internet warriors , who are like just in eager to type before ANY research.

I rest my case, until you guys go and read what i asked to, stop assumptions and theories.

why dont you put in your research and back it up with credible sources before yapping some khalistani propaganda...?.
Not only democracy..but even more fundamental...teh territorial integrity of the country which is the backbone....and yes they are old theories only...but still in practise in india...

lol read your own post first...it was not me but you who brought in the two year experience i this forum first...as if that counts.....

---------- Post added at 02:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 PM ----------

why dont you put in your research and back it up with credible sources before yapping some khalistani propaganda...?.

Its no khalistani propoganda, neither i need back up, because i asked you go first anandpur resolution, Asian games stupidity and similar FANATATIC WORKS BY CONGRESS workers before 84, but like a kid your EGO came in and you never read... Still you have same iota level of knowledge on issue and writing all on blind patriotic sentiments.

I mentioned 2 years on forum as it falls under "Proven Place" i thought you would get it, but alias maybe your kid is better :P
LOL you like to answer selectively or don't answer a thing and then ask other to go do the research, let's do this again slowly

- Yes there where political blunders by 'CONGRESS'
- Yes many innocent Sikhs had to suffer
- But many Hindus also suffered because of Sikh fanatics (and if you believe it was revenge and they deserved it then probably the door swings both ways)
- Nation is supreme, nobody can challenge the integrity of the country with violence and those who do deserve a bullet in their arse they may be Hindus (Naxalites), Muslims (Kashmir), Christians (North East) or Sikhs
- Bhindrewala and co. stockpiled crazy amount of ammunition in Golden temple and where able to ward of Indian army armed to teeth with tanks etc for 2 days and managed to kill 86 Indian soldiers heck they even have to shell the compound and you say they just lived there, what a joke?

WOW sikhs became fanatics now when they tried to hit back ..lol

Why aren't naxalities called Hindu Fanatics..

Still to understand why they stockpiled weapons you need to read what i asked for to Khazhugu in above post, read what where their demands, what they asked for, why they asked, HOW MUCH THEY TRIED WITHOUT ANY ARMS FOR THAT, but NAAAAAAAA your ego won't let you to be a learned one.

See again you are showing your knowledge level with this " where able to ward of Indian army armed to teeth with tanks etc for 2 days"

LOL, i could simply put it on your face that the fight started on 3rd day and , but am resisting to act for spoon feeding
Its no khalistani propoganda, neither i need back up, because i asked you go first anandpur resolution, Asian games stupidity and similar FANATATIC WORKS BY CONGRESS workers before 84, but like a kid your EGO came in and you never read... Still you have same iota level of knowledge on issue and writing all on blind patriotic sentiments.

exactly....its work by congress,,,not india..get that inside your head...and as i said the khalistani fanatics were no better than the congress mobs...both became tow sides of the same coin.....

and yes even before 84 the khalistanis led by bhindranwale were no better...they were still going around kidnapping, doing political killings etc....they were not kids sucking on their lollipops....

I mentioned 2 years on forum as it falls under "Proven Place" i thought you would get it, but alias maybe your kid is better :P

big deal !

---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 PM ----------

WOW sikhs became fanatics now when they tried to hit back ..lol

Why aren't naxalities called Hindu Fanatics..

Still to understand why they stockpiled weapons you need to read what i asked for to Khazhugu in above post, read what where their demands, what they asked for, why they asked, HOW MUCH THEY TRIED WITHOUT ANY ARMS FOR THAT, but NAAAAAAAA your ego won't let you to be a learned one.

See again you are showing your knowledge level with this " where able to ward of Indian army armed to teeth with tanks etc for 2 days"

LOL, i could simply put it on your face that the fight started on 3rd day and , but am resisting to act for spoon feeding

shows your knowledge of the entire affair...?

they are not called hindu fanatics because they are NOT fighting for hinduism.....but the khalistanis ( i would not say sikhs because in india the khalistani fanatics are a absolute minority..) were fighting for an utopia of the land of the pure killing all who opposed them....

---------- Post added at 11:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 PM ----------

@killer agent...

tehre is no use in arguing anymore.....i believe the congress dogs like tytler and kumar need to be hanged for the crimes they committed...but i would also say the khalistanis were no better during that time...if they again plot against india they will be disposed of as any terrorist will be....your weird justifications dont cut any ice with any indian....be happy where you are....
your point being...? if anyone wants secession from india he is a terrorist period..i dont care what the hell he offers as justification.....

Oh my my .............wat they are teaching kids these days in school???

Search "karnail singh Isaru"

---------- Post added at 12:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 AM ----------

The whole 1984 riots was created by congress...damn congress.....

So SIkhs should not vote for congress n pull them down from center and seek justice from the next govt....and punish the congress culprits

Yawn ......ur BJP came and gone.......................so was the CPM
@ Killer bhai..........you might be needing some whisky for talking with super internet warriors here.
They will never come to think why sikhs turned into khalistanis............
They probably wanted sikhs to stay quiet in the corner ..........and had just let the govt. do they work under Godess Indira
THIS WAS MY POST ""Before any indian comes here and says GOVT. populated SH!T about operation bluestar and act as Blind patriot.. Let me tell you the the reality (Am from Amritsar only)

Its copy paste from another thread though

1 They were not hiding or holed up.. They lived there.
2 How were they terrorist?? they didn't killed innocent peoples before or any blasts or any kind of killing.
Thing is if they were bad people they would have never got the support of such a big numbers world over..Don't become a mouth of mumbo jumbo newspaper. Look at inner defaults in indian system or governance towards minorities...

Damn.. 7000 sikhs were killed in DELHI, without even a SINGLE fault of these people...and till NOW not even SINGLE person HAS been SENT to jail for this...but if you kill one DEER, you would be in JAIL for 6 months...Sad state indeed.""""

LOL with innocent soul who called these people as terrorists and common Govt. agencies and Congress workers related with abti sikh riots as Mango people.

Did you read my post clearly or you was in hurry of a reply?
You are justifying the attack in 1984(Operation blue star) on the bases of events after 84...lol
Its like me saying to you that we are going to attack you now, because we think your community will attack us after we do riots against your community in future ...Damnnn Everything BAD started after 1984 and 1984 by Indra. and FYI Bhinderwala was once accused of murder(by game played by Indra), went for trials . But because of insufficent evidence he was released..When she couldn't curb him under jurisdiction she used power..Sad

Give a better excuse next time.

Going by that logic, Congress only attacked innocent Sikhs in Delhi AFTER their leader (Indira) was assassinated. Are you telling me that is justified?

Hindu fanatics in Godhra only attacked Muslims after 60 or so Hindus were burnt alive. Justified?

Sikh terrorists killed innocent people in Punjab, just like Congress goons killed innocent people in Delhi. The key term here is innocent. Killing innocent people can never be justified.
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