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3 Indian Soliders Killed and 4 Injured in an Ambush near Indo-Myanmar Border

Does PDF has thread focusing on North East of India?
The idea would be to keep India busy on multiple fronts while internally its own population becomes divided and they are busy building temples

...except that we've stunningly failed to achieve this --- despite India's many fault lines and huge geographic area.
...except that we've stunningly failed to achieve this --- despite India's many fault lines and huge geographic area.

Hindu nationalism is a hell of a drug. And the Indian government controlling the media doesn't help.
Hindu nationalism is a hell of a drug. And the Indian government controlling the media doesn't help.

Hundreds of millions of Muslims living under the Hindutva ideology's threat --- yet we can't get a few thousand together for a proper resistance movement.

On the other hand, we have TTP and many other snakes causing problems.
Hundreds of millions of Muslims living under the Hindutva ideology's threat --- yet we can't get a few thousand together for a proper resistance movement.

On the other hand, we have TTP and many other snakes causing problems.

Indians have greater access and control over the internet. In NW Pakistan during TTP days the internet access wasnt widespread. Also India has more money to sponsor these insurgencies. And their borders are far more favourabale
Indians have greater access and control over the internet. In NW Pakistan during TTP days the internet access wasnt widespread. Also India has more money to sponsor these insurgencies. And their borders are far more favourabale

Let me assure you that the primary cause of our failures is the lack of will, ingenuity and balls at the top. Our intel has enough slush funds to sponsor insurgencies when conditions are already ripe for them!

I do agree with you overall, though...
Fake news. Indians say their soldiers are the best and the most experienced in the world.
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