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3 grooms who contracted second marriage without permission end up in prison

The permission system is made up just like unhappy people are forced to remain in marriages longer then they should

There is no issue if the Husband is treating all 3-4 wives justly or just divorce them so they can marry someone else

Also from a religious point of view women are free to marry anyone else after divorce
it was quite common even for widows to be married to someone in case their husbands passed away

Anyone is not happy the Door / exit is that way

In modern times our country is heavily influenced by outside expectations so our own values are diluted in order to satisfy external expectations

The western world is quite ok with Mistresses, and unwed wives (unofficial wives) who live outside the circle of marriages for Tycoons and Rich people

The main idea behind 3-4 wives was to end the culture of Mistresses and bastard child in pagan society
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Society has put more pressure on Man so maintaining 3-4 wives is close to impossible for a working-class man

For Ultra-rich or celebrities this is not an issue

Plus having a population of 200+ million people in country does not permit you to have 3-4 wives per man it would explode the population

Having authority to marry 3-4 times means you do have to look after your wife and your children from her, and she is not left to be poor as was the case when women used to be divorced in past society

Society as we know it has changed now even women work in the workforce and this will only increase so the natural incline is if two adults are working and not poor if they wish they can just divorce

  • I don't have anyone in my family who has married more then 1 lady
Pakistani Islamic law
Pakistani law you can't get married without the permission of first wife
Most of the people I think are in favor of this law about 50 percent of Pakistani population to pakka favor main hai
Nor does it permit you to marry another wife in secret and keep her hidden in another city. Hypocrisy is on both sides. Btw if a marriage between two people is not openly announced in the community, it is considered null and void as per Islamic law. That's why in the days of the first generation of Muslims, when two people got married, they would go around the city to announce their marriage to each other so that people would not think that they are having an extramarital relationship.
Well honestly, Islamic Rules of marriage DOES NOT require PERMISSION from any wife. So the Hypocrisy is evident here. Either you call yourselves Muslims or you do not. There is NO Middle way.
There is no issue if the Husband is treating all 3-4 wives justly or just divorce them so they can marry someone else
Real problem I think is how wives treat each other
Sotan is used in the meaning of dushman
Not currently no. But I've studied Islamic Fiqh, specifically hanafi, Maliki and Shafi and what I had stated is backed up by the rulings of Ulema of those 3 fiqhs, that's the proper Islamic way of dealing with it. I guess you though I was talking about Western civil law, nope those legal procedures come from Islamic law if anyone here who pretends to be a Aalim ever studied Islamic Fiqh, then they would know that. But of course in Pakistan we don't actually follow proper Islamic Fiqh, because we prefer the Victorian era common law that is still being practiced In our country. But then cry when we can't marry another woman without fulfilling all the legal requirements Islam asks of us, that's when we become "Muslim"
I didn't ask because I wanted to know about your Islamic education. I wanted to know whether you know the environment in Pakistan. Asking for dowry is illegal, but still people ask.. and the way they ask, no one can catch them. When I said husband will ask for dowry, it will not be that he will ask in front of everyone. He can simply ask in the name of "help" or gift towards his existing business. No law can stop him. He can't just force them.. which he won't.

Anyway, he can divorce his first wife, without any reason whatsoever and the amount of support and the period of coverage as per Islamic fiqh is very less to please the first wife and the people who advised her to go to court to put her husband behind bars.

When I say that the husband will do this, I have an example in front of me of a family who went through all this. The first wife (now divorced and never married again) is so sorry to initiate the legal proceedings against her husband. In her case, the husband informed her after marrying, but he was maintaining both of them quite well. After a few months, just out of jealousy, first wife initiated the legal proceedings against the husband.
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This judgement and law are in contradiction to Quran and hadith. Why are the halwa molvi silent?
Nor does it permit you to marry another wife in secret and keep her hidden in another city.
When you use the word "permit" I believe you don't mean to say "it is Haraam" which is not correct.

See, in Islam, one is only required to have two witnesses from both sides and a wali from bride side. Then he can give a valima "in another city". Does Islam requires the husband to also obtain permission from the first wife? If you can provide any support from Quran and Hadith, I will be thankful.

Family court cases get real ugly in Pakistan
Yeah, I feel for both Husbands and wives in these cases.. but this is what it is.. Advisers on both sides are the real problem. In our country, things are not settled between Husbands and wives.. They are announced to every Tom, Dick and Harry who give useless advice and destroy the marriages.
They are announced to every Tom, Dick and Harry who give useless advice and destroy the marriages.
First marriage to ussi din toot gai thi jis din unhon na second marriage ki thi
Ab to bas zinda lash hai
Standard Nikkah Nama should have the 'permission for additional wives' as a standard clause.

If the girl's side wants to write a new clause nullifying this standard clause, it should be done at the time of Nikkah so that both husband and wife sign up explicitly and in full awareness to no new wives full stop or no new wives without permission.
To be honest this law is against Islam and that Committee thing also …..
There are better way to protect first wife and children instead of send husband and father to jail .. Nikah Namma can be one great legal document if one want to use it .. But in Pakistan we enjoy destroying Islam . What a pity ….
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