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3,000 Years of Slavery in India

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indians still have ghairat (you know the meaning?) and did not convert to islam.
you are sunni thats all.

He is a Shia and has been declared wajib ul qatl by some Pakistanis.

And they have already killed 20000 of his ilk.

They are running by overloaded boats that have a 85% chance of capsizing.

And they are taking the chance.

The alternative is 100% risk. ;)
It should, as was the rape of millions of Arabs by Mongols. Even men and boys.

It was a savage ideology and savage pathetic people. And their progeny are still unfortunately following the same ideology.

Yet Arabs kicked down the Mongol empire and the Mongol empire split into pieces and became Muslims...

But even a more unfortunate event is when Babur reached Delhi... Let me elaborate on triangle hindu slave trade in Hindustan..
He is a Shia and has been declared wajib ul qatl by some Pakistanis.

And they have already killed 20000 of his ilk.

They are running by overloaded boats that have a 85% chance of capsizing.

And they are taking the chance.

The alternative is 100% risk. ;)

lol..ok.. shia ye tune kya kiya, tere kaum ko maar diya.. meow meow meow.
so dark is bad and white is better? so you are inferior to europeans. what about chinese. is yellow better than brown?

Caste system will not work here sonny.
Keep that in your slums.

Browns people ruled white Spain and white Europe.
Belong where?
In Hindustan?
Check location.

In Hindustan. The one that saved your sorry beaten refugee a***.

You just shifted your location. You still remain a refugee in the subcontinent. And will be a refugee to the next stop, if the overloaded boat makes it.

And that will never change. And you know that. ;)
Yet Arabs kicked down the Mongol empire and the Mongol empire split into pieces and became Muslims...

But even a more unfortunate event is when Babur reached Delhi... Let me elaborate on triangle hindu slave trade in Hindustan..

who else can explain it better than you, since you are their family.
Yet Arabs kicked down the Mongol empire and the Mongol empire split into pieces and became Muslims...

But even a more unfortunate event is when Babur reached Delhi... Let me elaborate on triangle hindu slave trade in Hindustan..

But why would a beaten refugee Arab obsess about people who just saved him and his primitive ilk?

Why not just be grateful and run back to his desert? ;)
who else can explain it better than you, since you are their family.

Hindus from Lahore reached Delhi, Hindu slaves from Delhi reached Hyderbadi.

Are you by any chance living near Hyderabad or Delhi? ;)
Caste system will not work here sonny.
Keep that in your slums.

Browns people ruled white Spain and white Europe.

caste is not skin colour. but you still not answered the question.. are you saying that europeans are superior to you because you are darker than them?
Have some mercy on CA people look at them , they are white you are dark black , they are tall most of them are small, their manners everything is thousand time better than you,their features are elegant yours are ELEPHANTS.....:omghaha:

Indian hindus originated from their even more darker brothers on the southern sides and thats that...Dont bring CA decent people into your dirty mess...

I see,your racial stereotypes fascinating.Looking at your level of your bigotry indoctrination must have done at very young age.Can't help you now.Besides,Only racists like you care about color,We look at the DNA,Much of the India today are populated from Central Asian migrants From Kashmir to Kanya Kumari.Rest of the 5% came directly from Africa and SE Asia.
Caste system will not work here sonny.
Keep that in your slums.

Browns people ruled white Spain and white Europe.

And the last sand n****r was kicked back. ;)
But why would a beaten refugee Arab obsess about people who just saved him and his primitive ilk?

Why not just be grateful and run back to his desert? ;)

Why are Indians lining up to go to that same desert?
Why leave shining India?
Why are Indians lining up to go to that same desert?
Why leave shining India?

To the primitive barbaric desert.

Because the nomads are good for nothing as they have always been. ;)
And the last sand n****r was kicked back. ;)

Whites use sand nr for all brown people..
Including Indians.

Identity crisis for Indians!!
Why should one sect of religion have to have a reserved place in society?
Does Indian population still have caste system mindset?
Otherwise, there would be no need for reserved seats for Dalits.
Even in Goverment houses they have reserved seats.
This just shows both the govt and the society of India are racists.

Do away with it, I advise.
Otherwise, it tarnishes your saying of "I'm secular".

No i feel reservation needs to be removed after like 40 - 50 years coz i feel that it would bring the entire society to balance in economic terms.

To be honest all under performing sections of the society should have reservation because its like giving them an equal opportunity to compete.

I am what i am today only because of my parents hard work and the exposure to the world which they provided but most ppl are not that fortunate so reservations are good as it provides a level playing field.

Reservation after 50 years should be only based on INCOME so that people with low income get a equal chance to survive and lead a happy life.

And being secular has nothing to do with reservation. In India the reservation is based on religion because people of lower classes were neglected over time. But now thing have changed greatly after gaining freedom. Though there is a lot more to be done what we have achieved is only the beginning.
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