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2nd week continuously pakistani foreign reserves increased


Or we might find out Gwadar city was put on collateral.

Gwadar isnt generating any revenues for GOP anyways. So even if it has been put up as a collateral, it is no great loss.


SBP is not even giving ForEx to legitimate importers who then are resorting to Black market.

In a way would this not convert the 80% unaccounted money that Hakikat bhai (@Hakikat ve Hikmet) keeps talking about into hard currency?

I think the underground economy he is referring to is mostly domestic small-scale production and consumption of goods and services on cash basis making it invisible to government statistics keepers. Think small restaurants, cottage industries, private transports, merchants and professionals who underreport income to avoid taxes etc., Black market Forex is likely remittances from expatriates and some transfer by exporters using nonbanking means. All that Black market forex does is siphon off funds from banking channels which then look very weak since they can't pay for essential imports. Black market Forex then can be used to import nonessentials and also act as a conduit for Capital flight. Presence of a full-blown ForEx black market essentially means SBP and the finance ministry have lost control of monetary policy.

counting reserves in private banks

So if Pak were to utilise that forex, that would be amounting to confiscating private moneys, right?

Change your style. Use quote feature. Your style looks like instead of quoting you are making that statement yourself.
Import restrictions will lead to economic stagnation in the medium term. This import restriction will cost Pakistan a bigger problem which will be out of control. No FDI, no legal remittances, no new bonds, no industry, no jobs, no growth. Pakistan won't cross $400 billion GDP nominal in this decade if this policy goes on. India will be $7-8 trillion economy at the end of this decade and the difference will keep growing.
Indian governments complete their terms though and never fought American wars. Pak can’t be compared to any peaceful country.
Pakistani Government Should Make Those Decisions Which Are In Favour Of Current Pakistani Situation.Political Stability Is Necessary To Improve The Current Economic Situation Now Its Is A Responsibility Of Every Pakistani Citizen To Save Pakistan From External And Internal Political Affairs Which Are Not In Favour Of Pakistan...!!
@pikkuboss wrote: Import restrictions will lead to economic stagnation in the medium term.

Import restrictions will be a short-term measure. Even IMF doesn't endorse import restriction. Once Pak convinces IMF that they are serious about economic reforms IMF will start releasing funds which will be followed by funds from other friendly countries. Then as economic activity kickstarts, normal growth will resume. But yes, there will be 2 years or so of very anemic growth. Even India had a similar trajectory in 1991-93.

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