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2nd Test: Australia v Pakistan at Headingley, Jul 21-25, 2010

Aamir claims 2 in 2 after lunch :rofl

Australia 73/8
Two wickets maiden by Mohammad Aamir
It was almost a hat-trick though
another wicket on
gud wrk by kamran Akmal
good to know that aisha jee,

maine abhi nahi dekha........ hmmm 9 down samagh lon phir main :p
Ooh , What a Amazing Team Pakistani is .. Can you believe it .. Aussies are 86/9.

Pakistan can do any thing .. InshaALLAH
well amazing bowling refreshes the jodi of wasim and waqr well we have to make those 80 runs can't say pakistan batting over come those runs very hard im sure they cant but hope they will how many times did we hope them to make wasy runs every time they get short of runs when target is small
Australia 88/10

All out!!!!!!!!!

second lowest total ever against Pakistan
Aamir -3 wickets
Asif -3 wickets
Umar Amin-1 wicket
Wow!! sensational performance by our bowlers..... :yahoo:

magnificent-superb-brilliant bowling.... :tup:


thats Pakistan team, you can also expect Australia batting again once again before stumps :lol:

20 wickets in one day........... i guess possible

Just hope and pray that we can carry forward our good performance otherwise i am not hoping anything good from our batting line up
thats Pakistan team, you can also expect Australia batting again once again before stumps :lol:

20 wickets in one day........... i guess possible

Just hope and pray that we can carry forward our good performance otherwise i am not hoping anything good from our batting line up

thts y now m not intrstd in cricket anymore
we can hope anythng frm our team
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