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28 illegal Bangladeshi immigrants arrested in Mumbai raid

No you did not. You left the discussion when I pointed to you that the muslim party leader in Assam told that recent clash between bodo and bengalis was mainly to move the Bengali muslim out of bodoland as they are the ultimate hurdle to declare a separate independent state of bodoland which they are unable to do as their number is now only 20% of bodo land.
It was also pointed out in Assam overall population growth is less then national average and you also found that the area where the clash took place overall population declined there instead increasing what bodo's and radical hindus tries to propagate.

There is not any physical proof of illegal migration in Assam from Bangladesh. No statistics or anything support that. It was pointed out even by the Indians that the 3 very small sub districts where the increase of muslim occurred mainly due to inter migration of the muslim as after 1990s attack they started a process to live in groups to tackle any attack and due to buying of land which any poor illegal Bangladeshi is not likely to do. Assam is already a poor state and condition of the bordering state is much worse then other part of the state which makes no sense for anyone to migrate illegally.

Sorry. You are trying to argue with me here. :disagree: Go back and look at the discussions mate - I said I will wait for the demographics publishing in various districts. Again I have not left the media to do the conclusions for me and prefer rather crunching my nos - do you think I will allow a leader(a politician or whoever it is) to draw the conclusions for me?

Here is the statisticis again to recap - 17% growth Indian national average, 11% Assam growth average, states of Assam bordering Bangladesh - some of them are above national average including a state with 30% - your claim it is internal migration - Does not cut ice here - I agree the districts where clashed happened has less than national average. But the bordering states? Unless the demographics are published one would not know(they published it in 2001 but not now)
Sorry. You are trying to argue with me here. :disagree: Go back and look at the discussions mate - I said I will wait for the demographics publishing in various districts. Again I have not left the media to do the conclusions for me and prefer rather crunching my nos - do you think I will allow a leader(a politician or whoever it is) to draw the conclusions for me?

Here is the statisticis again to recap - 17% growth Indian national average, 11% Assam growth average, states of Assam bordering Bangladesh - some of them are above national average including a state with 30% - your claim it is internal migration - Does not cut ice here - I agree the districts where clashed happened has less than national average. But the bordering states? Unless the demographics are published one would not know(they published it in 2001 but not now)

It has been pointed quite clearly in 3 small sub districts population increase of muslims were higher but overall it is below average and the 3 sub districts I forgot the name have a very small population. For example one has 30000 population in total. So only 3000 inter state migration will create 10% rise of total population and only for muslims it would be much higher. Hope you have got my point. It has already been mentioned population growth rate is much lower in Assam so there is no room for illegal migration from Bangladesh as that would put the growth of Assam even far lower but it is not necessarily the case.

Not only that it has been pointed out clearly that the districts which is bordering Bangladesh and have seen abnormal high growth are mostly hindu majority states not musil majority. Muslim population is very little in those districts.


It would be pertinent to point out right that this high population growth rate in Assam has declined since 1971 and has remained lower than that of India (Table 1), categorically refuting assumptions of continuing illegal immigration from Bangladesh. Through the Assam Accord of 1985, only those who have entered Assam later than 25 March 1971 are considered illegal immigrants. Isn’t this indication enough then, that the much of the influx occurred before 1971 and as such cannot be considered illegal immigration?


If we just look at the decadal growth rates of population in two other districts of Assam, Dhemaji and Karbi Anglong, we will see that their growth rates in comparison have been more than twice that of Assam and substantially higher than even the ‘Muslim’ majority ‘border’ district of Dhubri (Table 1). Yet, the Muslim population in Dhemaji and Karbi Anglong is minuscule. The Hindu population in these two districts is 95.94% and 82.39% Hindu respectively; Scheduled Tribes constitute 47.29% and 55.69% of their population respectively. Muslims constitute merely 1.84% and 2.22% respectively of their total populations, in spite of having consistent high decadal growth rates – Dhemaji touching 103.42% between 1961-71 and Karbi Anglong having a similar high of 79.21% between 1951-61. This should be testimony enough that there could be reasons apart from illegal immigration or having a Muslim population behind a high decadal growth rate of population.

The above categorically reveals that selective citing of census data claiming ‘abnormally high’ decadal growth rate of population cannot be conclusive evidence of illegal immigration from Bangladesh. Furthermore, against Assam having just three districts bordering Bangladesh, Meghalaya has five, which have shown higher decadal growth rates of population than the districts of Assam yet have an insignificant Muslim population negating any suspicion that they could have been swamped by illegal Bangladeshis. This also negates the presumption that merely bordering Bangladesh would make a district vulnerable to illegal immigration.
It has been pointed quite clearly in 3 small sub districts population increase of muslims were higher but overall it is below average and the 3 sub districts I forgot the name have a very small population. For example one has 30000 population in total. So only 3000 inter state migration will create 10% rise of total population and only for muslims it would be much higher. Hope you have got my point. It has already been mentioned population growth rate is much lower in Assam so there is no room for illegal migration from Bangladesh as that would put the growth of Assam even far lower but it is not necessarily the case.

Not only that it has been pointed out clearly that the districts which is bordering Bangladesh and have seen abnormal high growth are mostly hindu majority states not musil majority. Muslim population is very little in those districts.

Mate - I know you are trying to reason with me here and I really appreciate it. Lets touchbase on this once we have the demographics published which I believe should happen. Until then, for records sake - lets agree to disagree. :)
Mate - I know you are trying to reason with me here and I really appreciate it. Lets touchbase on this once we have the demographics published which I believe should happen. Until then, for records sake - lets agree to disagree. :)

Go to the link there details of demography change by decades have already mentioned including the 3 bordering states of Bangladesh. There Hindus are the majority and number of muslims are very less.

The Myth of the Bangladeshi and Violence in Assam: Nilim Dutta « Kafila

If no census data is available how the radical hindus got the data number of muslims are increasing!! Anyway the above link discussed about demography of the bordering states. It is already there and that is why they discussed it.
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