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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

You are too senior to know the ramifications of what just happened. IAF planes entered Pakistan, did the deed and went home. This is the headlines the world over, not face-saving escapes by Pakistan. For the first time, a nuclear armed country has done this to another nuclear armed country. India has always said Pakistan is a banana republic. Today it proved it.


And that is what is the whole truth---.

Whatever the Paf does after this incidence---it will not recover from their blunder of not taking out the IAF so close to the border---.
We are close to a full scale war anyway. Best defense is offence. The quicker we strike your forces in kashmir the better.
Just to infrom you, after striking early morning, iaf and defence is in full flow. So good luck.
Perhaps you are suggesting , PAF should , perform a knee jerk reaction minor incident and throw in fleet of 200 planes into India loaded with bombs and then follow it up with 140 Cruise missiles on Srinagar Airport

And if that is not manly enough may be we can send 35-70, 500km range missiles into Indian hot spots

Be it as it may, something serious has happened. I am not a military strategist to know what PAF can and should do. All I am saying is that PAF’s bluff was called. At this rate, people who doubted India’s initial surgical strikes few months back, now have to rethink about their stances given the ridiculous lies and face saving tweets by Pakistani military officials
I am feeling confused and somewhat embarrassed at the moment due to all the tall claims I always made of our readiness and ability to respond to exactly this kind of situation. And until I get some actions in support of my claims I will remain the same unfortunately. So go along and sing your song until my time comes and it will ISA.
These claims were made in 1971 too which was last major escalations and we all know what happened. But India is waiting. Currently we have crossed and dropped something (chalo kush ho jao agar tumhari hi man li jaye ki dummy bomb tha) but we dropped something. This exposed Pakistans empty air defences again.
These claims were made in 1971 too which was last major escalations and we all know what happened. But India is waiting. Currently we have crossed and dropped something (chalo kush ho jao agar tumhari hi man li jaye ki dummy bomb tha) but we dropped something. This exposed Pakistans empty air defences again.
Use google translate to understand what I said in that post.
At this stage, what DG ISPR says has no credibility

how come? im at ground zero in muzaffrabad city . im hearing jets flying over my house. where are you at?

i think it happening just as DGISPR said it. it makes alot of sense. althought we dont have full info yet. i do think payload was laumched from with in indian side of LOC

im just glad no collateral damage has happened so far.
this balakot is near loc,near muzzafarabad,not in gilgit baltistan.this is not that balakot.anyway a hit is a hit.
They claim off hitting chakothi that is like 1km from the friendship in AJK one off the biggest touristy spot in AJK if a bomb were to land in chakothi I think it would have been on the internet by now bullshit off the highest order

And that is what is the whole truth---.

Whatever the Paf does after this incidence---it will not recover from their blunder of not taking out the IAF so close to the border---.

Khan saab we will only reply if there is Real attack. They tried to sneak in deep but ran after we scrambled jets towards them. Why its so hard for u to understand. This wasn't an attack if was one, than a failed operation.

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