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26/11-like attack in Kenya, Indians among 39 killed

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@Not Sure...I've said it myself,to many people here are concerned about the little things but today there was a bomb attack against a church in Pakistan and if you'll check that thread you'll see that most if not all muslim pakistani posters are enraged for what hapenned to the pakistani christian victims today at the hands of terorists.
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Ok so you intercepted calls from Karachi to Kenya?, ha ha ha oh mate you sare can write a bHollywood script.

We condemn all acts of violence against Muslims and none Muslims, what would you like us to issue certificates condemning it?.

I am talking about Mumbai incident. We don't except you to issue certificates, just stop supporting these terrorist and providing safe dens.
Lol and you talk about twisting words. Don't you live in a country where 60% of the population is muslim? Anyway I really don't car what you know or think about islam. As long as i know what islam is I'm good. You can believe whatever you want about islam.

That bold part, that's what I did in my previous post.

But when I did the same, this is what you said:

Now I see the islamohater you are. I was ignoring your posts for a reason. Don't quote me anymore, you are a waste of time.

Please do not waver like that. The frequency is too high to go unnoticed, and the amplitude is simply shameful.
Condolences to the families of killed and wounded.
Americans have created all these al-Qaeda, and now pulling the strings spreading terror and chaos throughout the space inhabited by Muslims. Abhorrent policy, anti-human and satanic.
Buddy I am a Muslim and proud to be one and I not only condemn any attacks on civilians but also want the attackers to face the full might of punishment and justice. Dont tar everyone by the same brush in your comments and don't think you know what each and every Muslim among 1.5 billion+ says or thinks.

No one should have a right to criticize each others religion period and if you do that it doesn't make you any different from those you hate.

See, again, it does not matter whether you are proud or not. Matter of pride comes from achievement against odds and not from inheritance. But of course you are free to think the way you want to, and I am glad you exercise your freedom. I wish to exercise mine too.

However, I have not checked your posts in this thread, so I will ask you and expect you to answer me honestly. That is the sole crux I wish to discuss and find the correct conclusion.

What did your first post in this thread contain - condemnation of the act of terrorism in the name of Islam, or just a rebuke to some petty contentions put forth by some Indian? What did your first post in this very thread contain?

I really do not know the answer, nor do I wish to check it myself. But if you did start in this thread with condemnation, then I apologize. My posts are not directed at you. However, if your very first post in this thread is anything other than the condemnation, then well, what can I say more?
Al-Shabab (assuming they are liable) shouldn't be killing Kenyans and Kenya shouldn't have sent soldiers to Somalia to fight them. Everybody RIP (including the e-warriors here).
Those fine news sites telling us that Muslim thugs of Somalia, butchered non muslims in Kenyan mall after letting go the Kenyan Muslims out of mall and still claiming that they attacked because of Kenyan involvement in peacekeeping in Somalia. Do those Muslims they sent out are not Kenyans?? Do you have somthing else to prove a different story???

Instead of college educated, you behave like a Madrassa educated.

You are retarded if you accept the admission of involvement by Al shabaab through twitter than you have to accept the motive they provided as well. You don't want to because it doesn't sit well with your own opinion.

i dont know how this news got unnoticed disturbing images

NAIROBI (KENYA): Gunmen threw grenades and opened fire from AK-47s at an upscale mall in Kenya's capital on Saturday, killing at least 39 people and injuring over 150 in an attack targeting non-Muslims.

Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta in a televised address to the nation confirmed the toll and added Kenya had "overcome terrorist attacks before, and we will defeat them again." Kenyatta told the nation he had also "personally lost family members in the Westgate attack".

"Our security forces are in the process of neutralizing the attackers and securing the mall," he said, as security operations went on late into the night.

Somalia's al Qaida-linked Shebab group said its fighters were behind the attack.

"They want to cause fear and despondency in our country, but we will not be cowed," Kenyatta said, adding: "Terrorism is a philosophy of cowards."

"I ask God to give you comfort. My government will provide the support needed in the days to come," he said.

People continued to trickle out from hiding places within the Westgate mall, which is frequented by expatriates and rich Kenyans in Nairobi's affluent Westlands neighbourhood.

"We are treating this as a terrorist attack," said police chief Benson Kibue, adding that around 10 attackers were involved. Kenya's interior ministry said, "It is a possibility that it is an attack by terrorists, so we are treating the matter very seriously."

Somali rebel group al-Shabab had vowed to carry out a large-scale attack in Nairobi in retaliation to Kenya sending troops into Somalia to fight the Islamic insurgents. Police had identified the Westgate mall, of Israeli ownership, as a likely terror target in the city.

Elijah Kamau, who was at the mall at the time of the midday attack, said, "The gunmen told Muslims to stand up and leave. They were safe, and non-Muslims would be targeted". Jay Patel, who sought cover on an upper floor in the mall when shooting began, said that when he looked out of a window onto the upper parking deck of the mall he saw the gunmen with a group of people. As the attackers were talking, some of the people stood up and left and the others were shot.

The gunmen carried AK-47s and wore vests with hand grenades on them, said Manish Turohit, 18, who hid in a parking garage for two hours. "They just came in and threw a grenade. We were running and they opened fire. They were shouting and firing," he said after being marched out of the mall in line with about 15 people who held their hands in the air.

Rob Vandijk, who works at the Dutch embassy, said he was eating at a restaurant inside the mall when attackers lobbed hand grenades inside the building. He said gunfire then burst out and people screamed as they dropped to the ground.

Off duty Sgt Major Frank Mugungu said he saw four male attackers and one female, and that he could clearly identify one of the gunmen as a Somali. It appears the attack began at the outdoor seating area of Artcaffe at the front of the mall, witnesses said.

Patrick Kuria, an employee at Artcaffe, said, "We started by hearing gunshots downstairs and outside. Later we heard them come inside. We took cover. Then we saw two gunmen wearing black turbans. I saw them shoot."

Soon enough, police helicopters circled above the mall as armed police shouted "get out! get out!" and scores of shoppers fled the building. Smoke poured out of one entrance and witnesses said they heard grenade blasts. Some people were shot at the entrance to the mall after volleys of gunfire moved outside and a standoff with police began. Ambulances continued to stream in and out of the mall area, ferrying the wounded who gradually emerged from hiding inside the mall.

People clutched their small children, and some cried. At one point in the day mall guards used shopping carts to wheel out wounded children. A local hospital was overwhelmed with the number of wounded being brought in hours after the attack, so they had to divert them to a second facility.
26/11-like attack in Kenya, Indians among 39 killed - The Times of India
Horror in Kenya: non-Muslims targeted in terror attack in exclusive shopping centre - Independent.ie<< this link also hav a video
Kenya terror attack: 39 dead, hundreds injured - The Scotsman

RIP to the dead.
@WebMaster @Aeronaut @asim Aqil @Oscar @Elmo

Can you please correct the title? Some people wanna run their drama ads again n again, disrespecting the innocent dead victims of Kenyan attack.
hey whats wrong with the title huh!...its the same title from link given below the newz....
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Al-Shabab (assuming they are liable) shouldn't be killing Kenyans and Kenya shouldn't have sent soldiers to Somalia to fight them. Everybody RIP (including the e-warriors here).

Wrong,and this kind of attitude is sickening.The kenyans did everything right,they didn't send troops there to kill muslims,they were there under a UN and African Union mandate at the request of the legitimate somali goverment to fight baboon al shabab rebels.
All these incidents are simply alienating the muslims all over the world from rest of the population.
This sums pretty much up what I think of relion &#8211; any religion:

Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things.

But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
See, again, it does not matter whether you are proud or not. Matter of pride comes from achievement against odds and not from inheritance. But of course you are free to think the way you want to, and I am glad you exercise your freedom. I wish to exercise mine too.

However, I have not checked your posts in this thread, so I will ask you and expect you to answer me honestly. That is the sole crux I wish to discuss and find the correct conclusion.

What did your first post in this thread contain - condemnation of the act of terrorism in the name of Islam, or just a rebuke to some petty contentions put forth by some Indian? What did your first post in this very thread contain?

I really do not know the answer, nor do I wish to check it myself. But if you did start in this thread with condemnation, then I apologize. My posts are not directed at you. However, if your very first post in this thread is anything other than the condemnation, then well, what can I say more?

Nothing justifies the killing of innocents, what a terrible tragedy this is. RIP to all the victims and may all those who perpetuated this evil act get the justice they deserve.

I know you are not personally directing your posts at me and I also believe one thing you and I both would agree on is that we would condemn any violence against innocent people no matter in what name/cause they are perpetuated.

And while I am happy you are good at exercising your freedom of expression but please don't do it to insult other religion's. I would never insult your religion (or even your belief in atheism if that's what you believe in) and I would not want you to insult my religion. Thats all I would ask of you and from other posters.
Read it a few days ago -

Religion is like a p***s. It's fine to have one and it's fine to be proud of it, but please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around
Identify these terrorists, hunt down their families and kill them just like they killed the innocent people in the mall.....also don't forget to ask them their religion and to recite verses before shooting them.

Fu,cking khat chewing animals don't deserve to live anymore.
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