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26/11: Headley will not help us nail Pakistan


Apr 28, 2011
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David Coleman Headley, the half-gora terror scout credited with personally scoping out targets in Mumbai for what was finally the 26/11 attack in 2008, now wants immunity to sing.

Joining a Mumbai court live on a video link from his Chicago prison for his first-ever testimony in the 26/11 case, Headley has offered up a clever wager: pardon, in exchange for a total confession. Approver Headley wants us in India to think that he will be the juggernaut that will nail Pakistan, arms flailing, to a wall.

First things first: In 2013, Headley already provided pretty detailed and damning testimony about the Inter Services Intelligence's (ISI) role in the 26/11 attack during the trial of co-conspirator Tahawwur Hussain Rana. The testimony he provided at the time superbly fitted in with India's own painstaking stack of dossiers on Pakistan's unambigious sponsorship - involvement is such a gentle word - of an invasive, commando-style terror attack that killed 168 people, including foreign nationals on Indian soil.

It's useful to look at what Headley can possible tell us that we don't already know.

Chiefly, he could help nail the enemy within - Indians here in the country who aided and abetted the terror mission, from the scouting effort to the actual attack. Valuable. Part of a painstaking current effort that includes individuals like Abu Jundal and potential several others under statutory protection of Pakistan and other terror-friendly nations in the Middle East.

Sure, Headley was no Ajmal Kasab. But we did capture Kasab alive. And he did provide some of the most direct evidence of the hand of the Pakistani state.

We have got stunningly clear audio intercepts of the entire 26/11 attack on tape, all of it a powerful indicator and proof of the meticulous involvement of Pakistan's ISI and other statutory agencies. Let's not even talk about the dozen dossiers India has sent Pakistan's way in the hilarious hope that a terror-sponsoring state will have a pang of conscience.

It's not going to happen. Not for a country so deeply invested in the instrumentality of terror.

Cynicism is cheap. Especially, when it comes to elusive justice for a terror attack that shocked the world, and set a template for several future attacks, including Paris most recently. But let's remember it's been seven years. And nobody in Pakistan has paid for 26/11.

Listen to approver Headley, by all means, and use his words to build an even bigger case against Pakistan. But it's time we stopped having any big expectations from Pakistan that they will punish the guilty. They never have and never will.

26/11: Headley will not help us nail Pakistan
I'm sure everyone is going to have a rational, peaceful conversation, and be polite to each other.
David Headley Names Pak's ISI, Hafiz Saeed In Court: 5 Big Points
Cheat Sheet | NDTV | Updated: February 08, 2016 11:52 IST

Terrorist David Headley is testifying before Mumbai court via videoconference

MUMBAI: Terrorist David Coleman Headley, testifying through videoconferencing from an undisclosed location in the US, has confirmed that the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba planned the 26/11 Mumbai attacks. Here are five big points from his deposition so far.

  1. David Headley has named the Pakistani intelligence ISI and Hafiz Saeed, the mastermind of the 26/11 attack.
  2. He says he came in contact with the ISI in 2006, after he was arrested near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border with a drug peddler.
  3. He says he was motivated to work for Lashkar after hearing a speech by Saeed.
  4. He says two earlier attempts to attack Mumbai failed, in September and October 2008.
  5. Headley says he took orders directly from Lashkar e Taiba's Sajid Mir, who wanted him to set up business in India and gave him instructions to make general videos of Mumbai.

David Headley Says Two Earlier 26/11-Type Attempts Failed: 10 Facts
Cheat Sheet | Reported by Tejas Mehta, Edited by Neha Mahajan | Updated: February 08, 2016 11:53 IST

David Coleman Headley, the Lashkar e Taiba terrorist, is serving a 35-year jail sentence in the US for his role in the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai.

MUMBAI: Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist David Coleman Headley today named Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence or ISI while deposing before a Mumbai court on the 26/11 terror attacks. He said two attempts to attack Mumbai failed before a third succeeded in November 2008.
Here are the latest developments
  1. David Headley, 55, began testifying this morning in a Mumbai court via video link from an undisclosed location in the US. The US national, who is serving a 35-year jail sentence in that country, told the court that he had a "general idea" about the 26/11 plan.
  2. Headley has said this morning that Pakistan-based terror group Lashkar planned the 26/11 attack, naming Lashkar founder Hafiz Saeed, whose speech, he said, inspired him. He has also detailed the Lashkar's terror activities.
  3. He mentioned his connections with the ISI while recounting his arrest in Pakistan in 2006 for drug peddling. Headley said he was introduced to a Major Iqbal of the ISI who gave him "support and assistance."
  4. He has also talked about "my colleagues in the Lashkar," and in particular a handler called Sajid Mir, who he said was his main point of contact in the terror group. Sajid Mir is allegedly protected by the ISI.
  5. The prosecution wants to question David Headley, a US national, on the alleged involvement of officers of Pakistan's army and ISI in the Mumbai attacks. He has earlier said three senior Pakistani officials had played a key role in the attack.
  6. This morning, Headley calmly corrected public prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam when the latter asked him if he had visited India seven times before the deadly 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks that killed 166 people. "No, eight times," Headley said.
  7. Often translating his testimony in Hindi, Headley said he came to Mumbai seven times and to Delhi once before the 26/11 attacks, mostly from Pakistan and once from Dubai. He visited India once after the attacks from Lahore.
  8. David Headley had visited Mumbai to recce targets for the terror strike. He told court today that Sajid Mir had told him to shoot videos in Mumbai. He also said Sajid Mir instructed him to change his name from Dawood Gilani to David Coleman Headley.
  9. David Headley's testimony is also expected to detail the role of terror mastermind Hafiz Saeed, who roams free in Pakistan, and terrorist Abu Jundal who is facing trial in India and was identified by the lone 26/11 terrorist captured alive, Ajmal Kasab, as his handler.
  10. In December last year, Headley was pardoned by the Mumbai court after he turned approver or a prosecution witness. He has accepted the court's conditions that include disclosure of the "full and true facts" leading to the 26/11 attacks and his role in it.
David Headley Names Pak's ISI, Hafiz Saeed In Court: 5 Big Points
Cheat Sheet | NDTV | Updated: February 08, 2016 11:52 IST

Terrorist David Headley is testifying before Mumbai court via videoconference

MUMBAI: Terrorist David Coleman Headley, testifying through videoconferencing from an undisclosed location in the US, has confirmed that the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba planned the 26/11 Mumbai attacks. Here are five big points from his deposition so far.

  1. David Headley has named the Pakistani intelligence ISI and Hafiz Saeed, the mastermind of the 26/11 attack.
  2. He says he came in contact with the ISI in 2006, after he was arrested near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border with a drug peddler.
  3. He says he was motivated to work for Lashkar after hearing a speech by Saeed.
  4. He says two earlier attempts to attack Mumbai failed, in September and October 2008.
  5. Headley says he took orders directly from Lashkar e Taiba's Sajid Mir, who wanted him to set up business in India and gave him instructions to make general videos of Mumbai.

David Headley Says Two Earlier 26/11-Type Attempts Failed: 10 Facts
Cheat Sheet | Reported by Tejas Mehta, Edited by Neha Mahajan | Updated: February 08, 2016 11:53 IST

David Coleman Headley, the Lashkar e Taiba terrorist, is serving a 35-year jail sentence in the US for his role in the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai.

MUMBAI: Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist David Coleman Headley today named Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence or ISI while deposing before a Mumbai court on the 26/11 terror attacks. He said two attempts to attack Mumbai failed before a third succeeded in November 2008.
Here are the latest developments
  1. David Headley, 55, began testifying this morning in a Mumbai court via video link from an undisclosed location in the US. The US national, who is serving a 35-year jail sentence in that country, told the court that he had a "general idea" about the 26/11 plan.
  2. Headley has said this morning that Pakistan-based terror group Lashkar planned the 26/11 attack, naming Lashkar founder Hafiz Saeed, whose speech, he said, inspired him. He has also detailed the Lashkar's terror activities.
  3. He mentioned his connections with the ISI while recounting his arrest in Pakistan in 2006 for drug peddling. Headley said he was introduced to a Major Iqbal of the ISI who gave him "support and assistance."
  4. He has also talked about "my colleagues in the Lashkar," and in particular a handler called Sajid Mir, who he said was his main point of contact in the terror group. Sajid Mir is allegedly protected by the ISI.
  5. The prosecution wants to question David Headley, a US national, on the alleged involvement of officers of Pakistan's army and ISI in the Mumbai attacks. He has earlier said three senior Pakistani officials had played a key role in the attack.
  6. This morning, Headley calmly corrected public prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam when the latter asked him if he had visited India seven times before the deadly 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks that killed 166 people. "No, eight times," Headley said.
  7. Often translating his testimony in Hindi, Headley said he came to Mumbai seven times and to Delhi once before the 26/11 attacks, mostly from Pakistan and once from Dubai. He visited India once after the attacks from Lahore.
  8. David Headley had visited Mumbai to recce targets for the terror strike. He told court today that Sajid Mir had told him to shoot videos in Mumbai. He also said Sajid Mir instructed him to change his name from Dawood Gilani to David Coleman Headley.
  9. David Headley's testimony is also expected to detail the role of terror mastermind Hafiz Saeed, who roams free in Pakistan, and terrorist Abu Jundal who is facing trial in India and was identified by the lone 26/11 terrorist captured alive, Ajmal Kasab, as his handler.
  10. In December last year, Headley was pardoned by the Mumbai court after he turned approver or a prosecution witness. He has accepted the court's conditions that include disclosure of the "full and true facts" leading to the 26/11 attacks and his role in it.
Add few more
11. he was DEA agent...
12. working for CIA...
13. A smuggler
14. Planted in drama after the attacks to put pressure on Pakistan to do more against Taliban..
15. he is enjoying good time and will never be handed over to India
16. india forgave David Headley means never ever tried in Indian courts.
17. proved he is CIA agent and India knows this.

case closed.
Add few more
11. he was DEA agent...
12. working for CIA...
13. A smuggler
14. Planted in drama after the attacks to put pressure on Pakistan to do more against Taliban..
15. he is enjoying good time and will never be handed over to India
16. india forgave David Headley means never ever tried in Indian courts.
17. proved he is CIA agent and India knows this.

case closed.

Ohh he is a criminal to the core, but the one who sells out his compatriots when facing charges , thats how he became a Drug Enforcement Agency's Snitch..to get FBI to drop drug peddling charges against him.
He has been proven guilty for his involvement in Mumbai attacks by US court of law in which 6 American also does., which landed him 35yrs of jail term.

Perhaps you should have conidered this, before recruiting him for your terrorist activities.

And he just sold Pakistan's ISI out...has given a sworn statement about Pakistani role in Mumbai attack both Chicago as well as Mumbai court.
Ohh he is a criminal to the core, but the one who sells out his compatriots when facing charges , thats how he became a Drug Enforcement Agency's Snitch..to get FBI to drop drug peddling charges against him.
He has been proven guilty for his involvement in Mumbai attacks by US court of law in which 6 American also does., which landed him 35yrs of jail term.

Perhaps you should have conidered this, before recruiting him for your terrorist activities.

And he just sold Pakistan's ISI out...has given a sworn statement about Pakistani role in Mumbai attack both Chicago as well as Mumbai court.
idiocy what i believe you are suffering from, He is CIA agent and prove me he is in jail or not enjoying good life.
And he just sold Pakistan's ISI out...has given a sworn statement about Pakistani role in Mumbai attack both Chicago as well as Mumbai court.
Given the fact that citizens of western countries were also killed in the attack. They can technically file a case in their country against ISI and other perpetrators of the attack, right ?
Given the fact that citizens of western countries were also killed in the attack. They can technically file a case in their country against ISI and other perpetrators of the attack, right ?

It was filed in US, even Pakistan's ISI chief Suja Pasha was summoned by US court, but he claimed diplomatic immunity.
idiocy what i believe you are suffering from, He is CIA agent and prove me he is in jail or not enjoying good life.

I thing you are confusing US legal system with your own Kangaroo justice system, which for years and years wasn't able to prosecute a single terrorist, untill now. Or where a small group of rag tag rebels can cause prison break and break out hundreds of their comrades.

You read things on wikipedia and start alleging absurd notions
You are alleging he is not prison, but enjoying his life..you should tell us where.

In jail memoir, Headley recalls 26/11, LeT training, polygamy
Headley said that he made contact with terror group by chance, joined full time after 9/11 attack.

In one of the passages in the memoir, Headley writes about his first encounter with LeT militants. “On one of my trips, October 2000, I made my first contact with LeT, quite by accident. I attended their annual convention… I was very impressed with their dedication to the cause of the liberation of Kashmir from Indian occupation,” Headley writes.

Recalling the Mumbai terror attack, he writes, “The plan was to capture an Indian fishing vessel, which constantly strayed into Pakistani waters, and commandeer it all the way to Mumbai. The hope was that the Indian Coast Guard would not notice an Indian vessel. The boys would carry a GPS device which would guide them directly to the landing site I had selected earlier,” he writes.

Headley also writes in detail about his decision to join Lashkar “full time” following the 9/11 attacks, and says that by 2002, the group asked him to take “the Daura Aamma, the basic military training course offered by LeT”.

In 2005, Lashkar asked him to change his name from Dawood Gilani to a “Christian sounding name” so that he could travel easily between the US, India and Pakistan and make it difficult for intelligence agencies to track his activities.

“My immediate superior Sajid Mir… informed me I would be going to India… since I looked nothing like a Pakistani in appearance and spoke fluent Hindi and Urdu it would give me a distinct advantage in India,” he said.

Describing the training he got at Lashkar camps, Headley writes, “We hid most of the day in caves and under trees, while we were given instructions on various lessons.” He says most of the “practical aspects” of the lessons were carried out at night.

In the memoir, he recalls the time in 1999 when, after serving his sentence for drug trafficking, he had “decided to turn over a new leaf”. “To make amends for my unrighteous ways, I worked for the Drug Enforcement Agency,” he writes.

He writes that he started leaning more about his religion “as part of my change”. Another change Headley made was to break away from his Canadian girlfriend, whom he had been planning to marry.

He agreed to an arranged marriage in Pakistan and he kept visiting the country “four times a year, without the knowledge of the DEA or my Probation Officer” to see his new wife.

On his decision to marry a second time, Headley says that “polygamy was aggressively encouraged” by Lashkar and “they were really happy to see me take this step”.

“I was definitely ‘one of the guys’ now,” he writes.

On his plans to attack the Danish newspaper, he says “al-Qaeda number four” Ilyas Kashmiri told him that Osama bin Laden wanted to “conclude this matter quickly”.

Headley was arrested in October 2009 at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport on his way back to Pakistan.

- See more at: In jail memoir, Headley recalls 26/11, LeT training, polygamy | The Indian Express
It was filed in US, even Pakistan's ISI chief Suja Pasha was summoned by US court, but he claimed diplomatic immunity.
Well diplomatic immunity can only claimed if you are in that country as a diplomat. Perpetrators and instigators should be put on interpol alert. Indian should follow what US did for Lockerbie bombing against libya where an agent was an accused.

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