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26/11: Abu Jundal names same Pak army officers as Headley did

^^ and apparantly indians are very good at getting false confessions-
We know how was arrested and tried. How you preset the proof matters a lot. What happened in Pakistan was a joke, the case was presented in such a way the losing it was certain.

I said it somewhere else and will say it again. I challenge you. Present your own proofs to indian courts and see how you A$$ get whopped by your own judiciary. Proofs were so pathetic even amateur lawyer can easily bail out the accused.
If he tells the truth favoring our side then its what indians forced him to say, if he tells the truth in your side then India is caught red handed and no case against Pakistan.

Anything presented to you won't be admitted by you. Its a stalemate situation.

it is a stalemate- until you people doesn't understand the simple solution to it- which is common sense- and common logic-

Allow Pakistani commision to interrogate them aswell- if you have nothing to hide- let it be-
One sided investigations will never be credible in a conflict involving two parties-
Common sense-

And the world believes what the Pakistani commission says. Much truth has been said by your Army and Politicians on Kargil. Now this commission for Abu Jundal to get the truth. Of all the countries, Pakistan's credibility is to be relied upon now just like you told the truth to Americans about one pious man under your Army's nose in Abottabad.LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

wtf the world and amrika has to do with it?-
you are not world- talk about india only-
height of stupidity-
Swearing is sign of frustration. Are you? And mate, its a world affairs forum. let the world see what you have to offer.

Quit being over smart, this maybe the world affairs section but post stuff that is relevant to the topic.
Swearing is sign of frustration. Are you? And mate, its a world affairs forum. let the world see what you have to offer.

and you went offtopic by bringing the world in when you ran out of excuses-

The only reason its in world affairs is because it does not belong to indian defence section- big difference-
Abu Hamza silent on ISI role in Mumbai attacks

The arrest of the mastermind behind the Mumbai attacks, Zabiuddin Ansari alias Abu Hamza alias Abu Jundal, has sparked tensions between India’s Intelligence Bureau (IB) and Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) over the question of who coordinates his arrest.

The electrician who went on to become one of the most wanted terrorists in India was arrested at the Indira Gandhi International Airport – according to senior officials, the entire operation to track down Hamza was coordinated by the IB. Officials also say that Hamza arrived on a commercial flight and not on a special flight arranged by RAW.

Meanwhile, the IB has gotten to work on extracting as much information from the terrorist as possible on his role in the Laskhar-e-Taiba (LeT) network and the alleged involvement of Pakistani state actors in the 2008 Mumbai attacks, in which 166 people were killed.

Investigators have elaborated that though Hamza has admitted that he had a role in the Mumbai attacks and acknowledged that he was constantly talking to terrorists during the attack, he has not volunteered information about the involvement of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

“We have matched his voice sample from the recorded conversation during the Mumbai attack. Although he is talking about his role in giving Hindi lessons to terrorists and also identifying places in Mumbai, he is not ready to give information about the involvement of ISI in the attack,” said a senior officer. Investigators are also finding it difficult to get information on LeT sleeper cells present in India.

Senior officials elaborated that Ansari was a hardened terrorist whose main job was to identify and indoctrinate recruits.

Ansari also told investigators that he was initially given the code name Abu Hamza and it was later changed to Abu Jundal in 2008, because his LeT handlers didn’t want him to be identified during the investigations into the Mumbai attacks.

During the course of interrogation, Hamza also identified the people whose voice was recorded by intelligence agencies during the attack. Hamza told the investigators that around 8-10 people were present in a safe house in Karachi, which acted like a control room during the attack.

The wanted terrorist has also confessed that not all the ‘handlers’ were present at the control room at the same time.

Investigators believe that the terrorist mastermind joined the banned Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) at the behest of a school senior after the 2002 riots in Gujarat. After completing the initial process of indoctrination, Hamza was sent to Kashmir for training in small arms.

Intelligence agencies had first found Hamza to be involved in suspicious activities during the investigation into an attack on the Indian Institute of Science (IISC) in 2005. Even though Hamza managed to avoid getting arrested, his name came up again when Mumbai police recovered weapons from Aurangabad in 2006.

Senior officials said that Ansari has also confessed to helping LeT recruits plant seven bombs in Mumbai in July 2007, which was the first major coordination between LeT and the Indian Mujahideen (IM).

Even though Ansari was wanted by several police organisations, he has managed to enter India twice between 2006 and 2007 through Bangladesh and Nepal.

Ajmal Kasab, also accused in the Mumbai attacks, had identified Hamza’s voice earlier in recorded conversations for investigators. Kasab told the investigators that Hamza was closely involved in the training. Hamza also taught Hindi to the 10 Pakistani nationals involved in the Mumbai attacks. The two Hindi classes took place just days before the attack. Hamza is a resident of Beed, in Maharashtra state.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 3rd, 2012.
I said it somewhere else and will say it again. I challenge you. Present your own proofs to indian courts and see how you A$$ get whopped by your own judiciary. Proofs were so pathetic even amateur lawyer can easily bail out the accused.

Sure send him to India and we will take care of him.
And the world believes what the Pakistani commission says.

The world can take a hike, the commission needs to question Kassab for the Hafiz Saeed trial in Pakistan.

Much truth has been said by your Army and Politicians on Kargil.

If you have anything this decade, it'll be appreciated.

Now this commission for Abu Jundal to get the truth. Of all the countries, Pakistan's credibility is to be relied upon now just like you told the truth to Americans about one pious man under your Army's nose in Abottabad.LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

Well in that case the perpetrators of 26/11 will never be brought to justice and will have quite the story to tell there grandchildren. Hardly our loss.
MUMBAI: The statements of American jihadi David Headley and alleged 26/11 handler Zabihuddin Ansari, alias Abu Jundal, match in one key respect: they have both named the same three Pakistani officials as being involved in the planning and execution of the 26/11 attacks. Sources in the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS), which is keeping tabs on the developments in Delhi, where Jundal is being interrogated, said Jundal has named Major Iqbal, Major Sameer Ali and Colonel Shah of the Pakistani army.

Jundal is believed to have told interrogators that Major Iqbal provided Rs 25 lakh for the boat that was initially purchased for the 2008 attacks. However, the terrorists' first attempt to reach Mumbai by sea was thwarted due to bad weather. "Prior to November 2008, the ISI had sailed a weapons-laden boat towards Mumbai, but the boat rammed into rocks and the attack was postponed," said an officer in Mumbai on condition of anonymity.

Mumbai officers are being kept abreast of developments in Delhi by central investigating agencies. The revelation continues to put pressure on Pakistan, which has been denying any role in the attacks.

Pakistani-American Headley named the same three Pakistani army officials, according to a National Investigation Agency report on his statement. Headley had said that these three Pakistani army officials were among the architects of the 26/11 attacks. Investigators will reportedly compare the statements of Jundal and Headley.

Headley also told the American FBI that Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafeez Saeed was in the loop at each and every stage of the planning and execution of the attacks. Jundal has told investigators that Abu Kaahfa, Abu Al Qama, Muzzamil ,Sajid Majeed, Abu Anas and Abu Hamza were present in the control room from where instructions were given to the 26/11 terrorists.

Jundal, who was in the Lashkar-e-Taiba's (LeT) 26/11 control room, was deported last month from Saudi Arabia. He was a Simi member before he joined the outlawed terror outfit Indian Mujaheedin (IM), which is accused of perpetrating blasts throughout the country. Jundal is also accused in the 2006 Aurangabad arms haul. Jundal allegedly played a key role in bringing the LeT and IM together for their common cause: spreading terror in the name of jihad in India.

The LeT has secretly orchestrated and financed several blasts in the country since 2000, including the 2003 twin blasts and 2006 serial train blasts. Security agencies learnt about the LeT-IM link only after the Mumbai Crime Branch busted an IM module with members that had perpetrated blasts since 2005.

Jundal's name also cropped up in the 2010 Pune German Bakery blast, which left 17 dead and 65 wounded. The police discovered that Jundal sent Rs 6 lakh through hawala channels for the blast.

26/11: Abu Jundal names same Pak army officers as Headley did - The Times of India

Sometimes i wonder that all these terror activities were performed on the name of islam, what has islam gained from it eventually?? Maybe hate, mistrust, tag of not being a progressive society.

All the evidence is available with US and we have now added evidence, provided by Abu Jindal. However, Pak may still continue its denial journey, stating that they need evidence. This saga continues.
Meanwhile, people at large should understand that one cannot propagate any good thing including good about any religion via terror acts. Terrorism and jihadi-ism will only lead to a situation where people at large will loose respect for any religion, which indulges in terrorism.

:rofl: Times of INDIA! and major samar ali & Major Iqbal might have some rank or regiment number surely right??? because we can have millions of Iqbals and Ali's!!

but i love the BOAT RAMMING STORY! it is true JAMES CAMERON TITANIC type story
Quit being an idiot. What difference does it make if your commission report is read by India or the World. Point is how credible will it be?

You Idiot, it's a PAKISTANI commission for a trial in PAKISTAN. I don't give a flying fu** for what the world thinks and the world doesn't give a flying fu** for what happens to Hafiz Saeed. It's your problem, if you don't let the commission question Kassab (which you seem hell bent on doing) then it's your problem. I don't give a damn and neither does the rest of the world.
lol! you find your army officers so dumb that they disclose their no, rank and regt to the terrorist who are going to operate on your enemy's land.

If you had an IQ you would have understood that only you are capable of such stupidity and this entire story is a farce.
lol! you find your army officers so dumb that they disclose their no, rank and regt to the terrorist who are going to operate on your enemy's land.

lol yes they must be dumb that they give their names & then send men that get caught! and give away names at a drop of a hat :lol: this is what you expect us to believe!
lol yes they must be dumb that they give their names & then send men that get caught! and give away names at a drop of a hat this is what you expect us to believe!

India has great Singers ;

But the ones even more exceptional, are our singing tutors .....if u know what i mean.
Not very suprising given that a ex head of the ISI is now best friends with difa e pakistan the very people who led prayers for Bin Ladin. All 3 people caught ie Headley, Kasab and now Jundal have said the same thing is that a coincidence?

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