They came to the U.S. not for democracy, but for better life. Nobody is denying that the U.S. is more developed than China, well since U.S. has been enjoying peaceful development since its civil war when China has been in chaos ever since the Opium War.
If they came to the U.S. for democracy, they would go to Haiti, since I am sure the U.S. has much stricter immigration policies than Haiti. To be honest, I came to the U.S. as a student about 15 years ago when 1 dollar still worth 8 Yuan. I had no idea about democracy. I just thought "mistakenly" that the U.S. is a land of free money, lol.
Of course, I condemn military crackdown on civilian protesters. I believe those communist leaders had no experience how to deal with civil disobedience. Those communist leaders made me laugh when they themselves incited citizens to topple the nationalist government. To conclude, never trust anybody that tells you what to do.
Well I should have ignored your post since your post reeks of stench of "patriotic Americans." I probably pay more tax than you do, and who is more qualified as "patriotic American?" You because you were born here, because your great great parents came to the U.S. earlier than I did, or because you are white? I am confused. If badmouthing disqualifies someone as "unpatriotic,:" well, you should start with congressmen and women.